Who checks out there local music scene

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  • twonabomber
    Here's the other video

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  • twonabomber
    My friend's kid is into this local band called Cloud Nothings. Well, the singer/songwriter is from Cleveland, but now lives with his girlfriend in Paris or something. Like that makes his art more credible.

    Couple summers ago we went to this little club to see them. They drew a good sized crowd. I'm not exactly sure what I saw or if I liked it. It may have been the first time I said "What the fuck did I just see?"

    Even better was one of the opening bands, Protomartyr, out of Detroit. The band is setting up, bunch of young kids, and there's this older (than the band) guy in slacks and a jacket standing around. I'm thinking "get Dad off the stage" and it turns out he's their singer. And they were fucking LOUD. I sat there pretty much WTF their whole set.

    Both these videos are from '14, we saw them in August of '13. First things that popped up on YouTube.

    Best part of the show: This club has a thrift shop downstairs, I found a vinyl promo copy of Crazy From The Heat for $5.

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    Originally posted by Guitar Shark
    They'res a good post right their.
    They're they're counselor...

    There they're's are they're problem...

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  • Guitar Shark
    They'res a good post right their.

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  • hambon4lif
    Who checks out there music scene

    Their's a band that usually plays at a club down the street from my house. There not that bad. They play all over town, but usually when the weekend comes around I catch a set or two when they play over they're....

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  • DLR Bridge
    I'm sure there are some decent local bands here these days in NJ, but unfortunately, no scene to speak of at the moment. One of the last best originals clubs, Maxwell's in Hoboken, closed it's doors a couple of years ago. That really sucked. Still had hopes of playing there some day. There are places like the Stone Pony and the Starland Ballroom that will bring in the known 80's and 90's bands that are hanging on by a thread, and maybe, just maybe, a local talent will have had the good fortune of securing an opening slot and play to damn near no one. Hence, sadly, not much of a scene. Cover bands are big. Yippee.

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  • Satan
    No, it's because he can't believe anybody falls for as much propaganda as you do. George told me that he used to listen to Alex Jones for a laugh on occasion when he was up there on Earth. But he never took the shit seriously.

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    Yeah, because I use this thing called humor...

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  • Satan
    George Carlin's down here too. ELVIS rants crack him up.

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    Bring 'em an ice cream, dumb ass...

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  • Guitar Shark
    If those three are in Hell, then I'm looking forward to going there.

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  • Satan
    Hey, I'm a Devil, not a comedy writer. Perhaps I should ask Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, and Sam Kinison to write me some material?

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    Do you really think that bullshit satan shtick is amusing ??

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  • Satan
    Originally posted by ELVIS
    And maybe you're full of shit, FROD...

    You're too afraid and too cheap to leave your lonely welfare apartment...
    I wouldn't know where FORD lives, but I'm in the 666th floor penthouse suite of Beelzebub Towers myself.

    What can I say... being CEO of Hell has its privileges

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