Rolling Stone 50 Greatest Hair Metal Albums of All Time
See?? More proof of over moderation and heavy handed, even jack booted administration!!
Our war isn't over, Sesh. No, far from it. People ask me why I'm at war with you. My answer is the same as it has always been...
American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.
My band opened for a latter-day Saigon Kick...and for shit's sake... They lived three blocks away from the venue, yet showed up about two hours late in a beat to all shit camper van, partying and wasted as all hell, then came onstage (small as it was, we are talking postage stamp, folks...) playing Zep/ Sab covers with a drummer using a kit pieced together from two or five kits and a trip to Home Depot for duct tape, wire and hope.
They refused to allow my opening band to fly a banner above our drums. That they were sure of.
(Oh, as they arrived from around the corner, they collectively smelt like a wet, smelly dog who had been bathing the poo of other animals...)
Former semi rock stars...WOW.
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”― Stephen HawkingComment
And then I went on a rant because it reminded me of every single comment I've read about every single fucking list.
I usually go on rants.
But seriously, who the fuck cares? Someone made a list - either they don't know about something & they didn't put it there or they don't like something & they didn't put it there.
You go ahead & put up a PERFECT list. Spend years researching, study graphs, tendencies, popularity in the past, in the present, possible trending in the future, etc.
The first comment will be "why isn't X on this list?"Comment
Nah man. It was just that you did make the comment "why isn't X on this list"? That's how it starts & I've seen how it ends many times. It's a slippery slope.
And then I went on a rant because it reminded me of every single comment I've read about every single fucking list.
I usually go on rants.
But seriously, who the fuck cares? Someone made a list - either they don't know about something & they didn't put it there or they don't like something & they didn't put it there.
You go ahead & put up a PERFECT list. Spend years researching, study graphs, tendencies, popularity in the past, in the present, possible trending in the future, etc.
The first comment will be "why isn't X on this list?"Stay Frosty, muthas!Comment
My band opened for a latter-day Saigon Kick...and for shit's sake... They lived three blocks away from the venue, yet showed up about two hours late in a beat to all shit camper van, partying and wasted as all hell, then came onstage (small as it was, we are talking postage stamp, folks...) playing Zep/ Sab covers with a drummer using a kit pieced together from two or five kits and a trip to Home Depot for duct tape, wire and hope.
They refused to allow my opening band to fly a banner above our drums. That they were sure of.
(Oh, as they arrived from around the corner, they collectively smelt like a wet, smelly dog who had been bathing the poo of other animals...)
Former semi rock stars...WOW.Comment
I hung out backstage with Great White once in the mid 80s before they put out Once Bitten. They played a gig at a rec center in my home town. I was there because my bosses band was the opening act. The only band member who acted like a rock star was Jack Russell. They were pretty well known at the time in So Cal but they really gained popularity after they released Once Bitten.Beware of DogComment
Drivel? Drivel??? You gots to open your ears man, let your inner Winger out!! 17 was an awesome song!
And yes, I know Kristy will read what I just said, shake her head, say Donnie Dammit a few times and then remind me how it's a bad song. But I like it.American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.
If this ain't deserving of first place I don't know what is. You got your hair, you got your geetar slingers, you got your bad ass drummer, then you got Kip being...well...actually I don't know what. Jazzercise instructor? Ballerina? Well those things made the chicks' ginies tingle so whatever.
And I think Kip played even less bass in that video than Wolfie did on the whole 2007 Reunion Tour.
Last edited by DONNIEP; 10-16-2015, 05:28 PM.American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.