You see this asshole right here?
That's Steven Wilson, a failed musician but retains some sort of currency as an audio remastering "genius." His most successful work comes from remastering/mixing the entire fucking back catalog of Jethro Tull. I've heard Stand Up and Songs From The Jewish Wood and I must say from an audio standpoint that are exceptional even though Tull sucks your dogs balls out of your mouth from when you cretins first sucked them off you god damn dog. Sickos.
Anyway, guess who ask Stevie here to "remix" their horrendous shit?
That's right! A JEW another JEW and what could be a Jew.
This shit needs to stop.
Story here:
That's Steven Wilson, a failed musician but retains some sort of currency as an audio remastering "genius." His most successful work comes from remastering/mixing the entire fucking back catalog of Jethro Tull. I've heard Stand Up and Songs From The Jewish Wood and I must say from an audio standpoint that are exceptional even though Tull sucks your dogs balls out of your mouth from when you cretins first sucked them off you god damn dog. Sickos.
Anyway, guess who ask Stevie here to "remix" their horrendous shit?
That's right! A JEW another JEW and what could be a Jew.
This shit needs to stop.
Story here: