Annual Rock Hall Nominee Shit Show thread

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  • FORD

    • Jan 2004
    • 59362

    Eat Us And Smile

    Cenk For America 2024!!

    Justice Democrats

    "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


    • twonabomber
      formerly F A T

      • Jan 2004
      • 11289

      Originally posted by twonabomber
      I picked up Copeland's Police Deranged For Orchestra but haven't listened to it yet.

      Copeland has some good stuff on his YouTube, that drum program he did on the BBC was good.
      Saw on FB the other day that Copeland is going to be in Erie, PA with the Erie Philharmonic (I didn't know Erie had a philharmonic!) doing Police Deranged for Orchestra. We're going, tickets were only $40. So Andy Summers Monday night, and Copeland a week later.
      Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


      • Kristy
        • Aug 2004
        • 16621

        I had an opportunity to see Copeland right before the start of the pandemic BUT he was playing with that asshole from Phish.


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32938

          Did someone say fish?
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394

            Originally posted by twonabomber
            Saw on FB the other day that Copeland is going to be in Erie, PA with the Erie Philharmonic...
            Well fuck I would never have guessed that either, It's kind of like finding out your local drug gang has a youth theater wing....


            • silverfish
              Foot Soldier
              • Mar 2007
              • 581

              2024 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees Announced

              Mary J. Blige
              Mariah Carey
              Dave Matthews Band
              Eric B. & Rakim
              Peter Frampton
              Jane's Addiction
              Kool & the Gang
              Lenny Kravitz
              Sinead O'Connor
              Ozzy Osbourne
              A Tribe Called Quest

              Of those, Carey, Cher, Foreigner, Frampton, Kool & the Gang, Kravitz, Oasis, O'Connor, Osbourne
              and Sade are all first time nominees.

              More at:
              The 2024 nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were announced on Feb. 10, 2024.

              UCR writers discuss the newest Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees, announced in February 2024.
              Originally posted by sadaist
              I don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.


              • Warham
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Mar 2004
                • 14589

                The RRHOF has no shame.


                • twonabomber
                  formerly F A T
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Jan 2004
                  • 11289

                  That is probably the weakest group of nominees I have ever seen. It looks like a "catch up" class, everyone that they have passed over and a few that have expressed outrage over not being in.
                  Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                  • twonabomber
                    formerly F A T
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Jan 2004
                    • 11289

                    If Oasis and Foreigner get inducted, it'll be months of "will the Gallagher brothers reunite?" and "will Lou Gramm and Mick Jones play together?"

                    O'Connor is an obvious make-up nomination and now that she's dead they don't have to deal with her issues. And whoever inducts her will probably play a song that isn't even hers!

                    They kind of forecast Frampton's nomination, he played at the last induction ceremony.

                    And again, no Warren Zevon nomination. He did pretty good in the fan vote last year.
                    Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                    • Fairwrning
                      TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 11371

                      Foreigner and Frampton stand out to me...and that Qzzy guy...still no Thin Lizzy


                      • twonabomber
                        formerly F A T
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Jan 2004
                        • 11289

                        I just renewed my Rock Hall membership. I'm not saying I wouldn't have renewed if I saw this list of inductees first. I will just ignore the future Cher and Mariah Carey exhibits.
                        Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          A Complete Fucking Joke

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Mary J. Blige
                          So moronic, I don't even know how to describe my feelings at its ridiculousness. (Some idiots are bound to claim it's a racial thing, objecting to this...and it's NOT. This just is IN NO WAY rock and roll.)

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Mariah Carey
                          Mariah Carey is music for people who don't like music.

                          It's the antithesis to anything rock and roll.

                          At this point, she's basically a Christmas artist.

                          My bass player and one of my oldest friends listened to Mariah Carey. At one point, the rest of the band & I threatened to beat the shit out of him.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          I do NOT like Cher. She may be a fellow Armenian (I'm HALF-Armenian), but her music (and voice) just does nothing for me.

                          But I guess I can see her getting in. She's been influential to a lot of female singers, including rock ones.

                          Frankly, I think Sonny Bono should be in there before her...he was a talented, influential producer (maybe he IS in there...fuck'd if I know).

                          I GOT YOU BABE was, frankly, as influential a single as LIKE A ROLLING STONE.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Dave Matthews Band
                          Oh, shut the fuck up.

                          I do NOT get Dave Matthews. I hear his music and want to vomit.

                          I actually once refused to have sex with a girl when, as I was getting to know her, she told me she "follows" Dave Matthews Band.

                          We live in a sad world if Dave Matthews Band gets in...and Soundgarden, STP, Alice in Chains, Jane's Addiction (see below) don't...

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Eric B. & Rakim
                          MICROPHONE FIEND is an amazing song.

                          But I liked it better when RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE did it. (And they got in last year...not long before they announced their break-up...again.)

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          They well fucking deserve to be in there.

                          I think it's hilarious that Jann Wenner has been purposefully trying to keep them from getting in for decades. He gets thrown out of the Hall on his ass for being a racist, misogynistic asshole...and then suddenly one of his many "nemesis bands" get nominated.

                          This band had a ton of hits that are still technically in the "rock" vein. COLD AS ICE, BLUE MORNING BLUE DAY, HOT BLOODED, DOUBLE VISION...these are catchy rock singles that (better or worse) were huge influences on the "arena rock" genre that really hit in the 1980s. They SHOULD be in. (I've NEVER liked Journey...ever. I sort of think of FOREIGNER as the JOURNEY that I like.)

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Peter Frampton
                          He may not have invented the double-live-LP...but he perfected the idea.

                          KISS ALIVE! is an absolute classic...and I like KISS more than Frampton...but one could make the argument that FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE! is an ever better album than ALIVE!

                          I've had a ton of late-night drives with buddies, coming down from a mild pot trip, riding along to DO YOU FEEL LIKE WE DO. (And no, it's not just my generation talking...I was born the year this album came out.)

                          Frampton deserves to be in. He should have gotten in a long time ago. Maybe instead of Sheryl fucking Crow of fucking Missy Elliott...or LONG before that.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Jane's Addiction
                          It's a joke that they're not even in yet.

                          I bet they'll get passed over.

                          They may not be my favorite band from this "scene"...but they were one of the most influential.

                          Perry Farrell is one of the most influential figures in rock history. His festival is one of the last truly ROCK festivals still going.

                          They should have been in years ago.

                          I still like their ENTOURAGE song...the best part of that song (the middle-eight) got cut out of the main titles of the show.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Kool & the Gang
                          They were a natural progression of where the funk sound (key to much of rock's progression in the 1970s) was going.

                          If you just know that CELEBRATE shit, check out some of their earlier albums. There was some serious funk in there.

                          One of the most-sampled bands in history...and they were actually really good.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Lenny Kravitz
                          Here's a guy who does that whole "Play all the instruments, one-by-one, in the studio" thing...but does it way better than that fucking hack Wolfgang Bill Van Halen.

                          Kravitz has produced a lot of dreck on his albums. He definitely has produced a ton of filler on his records.

                          But he's also made some serious funk and rock and roll tracks.


                          I still hate that FLY AWAY song...and his AMERICAN WOMAN cover fucking sucks...

                          But he should have gotten in years ago.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          They should have gotten in so many years ago. (I bet BLUR isn't in either.)

                          Like them or not, they made a ton of actual rock songs that people love singing along live in large concert halls or fields or stadiums.


                          Yeah, they should be in.

                          And watching the brothers threaten to share a stage and the drama that could ensue could make this the first worthwhile broadcast of the ceremony in many years...

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Sinead O'Connor
                          I'm not a big fan (my wife is a nice Irish girl and likes her).

                          I think what she did on SNL was quite ballsy. The shit thrown her way...the Church really needed someone to shed some light on a disgusting cover-up.

                          She did have a great voice. (Doesn't this REALLY seem like one of those, "Oh, she's dead. We should acknowledge this...but we won't actually give her the award" thing-ys?)

                          Her version of NOTHING COMPARES 2 U was very good...but when the 1984 Prince studio version was finally released a few years ago, I remember thinking, "Yeah, nobody does Prince better than Prince." (How many great songs can one human being write...especially in the space of one year?)

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Ozzy Osbourne
                          I've always liked Black Sabbath more than Ozzy solo...

                          ...but I still love Ozzy solo (at least his great albums).

                          Frankly, this shouldn't be an induction of Ozzy as a solo artist. This should be an induction of the absolutely unbeatable Blizzard of Ozz band. Is Randy Rhoads even in the Hall of Shame?

                          BLIZZARD OF OZZ (the album) is one of the greatest albums ever anyone: SUICIDE SOLUTION, REVELATION (MOTHER EARTH), I DON'T KNOW...these are just great, great songs.

                          DIARY OF A MADMAN is also stunning (some people like it better than the debut). BELIEVER is one of my favorite metal songs ever recorded.

                          Those two albums alone...but BARK AT THE MOON, NO MORE TEARS, even OZZMOSIS...the TRIBUTE and OZZY LIVE concert LPs (both with Rhoads)...

                          ...he'll get passed over (of course)...

                          But he should have been in years ago.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          Her fucking music just goes right over my head.

                          I so don't fucking get it.

                          I think the best way they could execute child-killers or mass-shooters or serial killers would be to put them in a small room and blare SMOOTH OPERATOR at an ear-melting volume until the criminal's ears and brain melt.

                          Is Sade rock and roll?

                          If Sade is rock and roll, then if Sade were equivalent to Chuck Berry, Hall & Oates would be Napalm Death.

                          Originally posted by silverfish
                          A Tribe Called Quest
                          I like rap just fine. Run DMC, LL Cool J, N.W.A., Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre solo or as a producer, Eminem, Public Enemy (Chuck D valiantly proved that there is not a strong line in the sand between rap 'n' metal or rap 'n' rock and roll), KRS-One, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Ice-T, Beastie Boys (their run of LPs from PAUL'S BOUTIQUE to HELLO NASTY is truly perfect), Afrika Bambaataa...

                          But...A Tribe Called Quest?

                          Eh...I guess I don't know enough to make a real judgment call on this one.

                          BUT...that's my problem.

                          As a partially-Swedish person who loves the pop-side of rock music, I was defending ABBA getting in.

                          Hell, I think K.C. and the Sunshine Band should be in.

                          BUT...once they started admitting as a "Rock Hall" that they need to start branching out in terms of WHAT GENRES they want to included...THAT is when they made their "elite/cool club" agenda clearer than ever.

                          One could make a good case for them being right about inducting Madonna.

                          But...once they started inducting music that truly exists as the ANTITHESIS to rock music (e.g. Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston) and once they started inducting people just because these people have a lot of friends in the business who really are NOT groundbreaking and really are NOT very good (e.g. Sheryl Crow), they lost the LAST SLIVER of respectability they might have had left.

                          The whole fucking place is a joke.

                          STILL NO Thin Lizzy, Soundgarden (or ANY of Chris Cornell's different iterations), Stone Temple Pilots, Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Bad Company, The Smiths (I'm not a big fan but I cannot see how they justify this), Jethro Tull, MC5, Bad Company (or Free), Guess Who, Sonic Youth, etc.

                          It's a complete joke that T.Rex and the Doobie Brothers did not get in until 2020 (I'm not a huge Doobie Brothers fan, but they should have been in decades before that...and T.Rex should have been inducted their first year of eligibilty).

                          I hate awards shows anyway. And any institution that tells me that Mariey Carey is ground-breaking rock and roll but Iron Maiden or Lemmy are not can go fuck themselves a million times over...
                          Last edited by Rikk; 02-11-2024, 01:54 PM.
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • Warham
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 14589

                            This guy should have been inducted on the first ballot. Still hasn’t been nominated yet.


                            • Rikk
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 16518

                              Originally posted by Warham
                              This guy should have been inducted on the first ballot. Still hasn’t been nominated yet.

                              I'm not a HUGE fan by any measure...but I think it's a joke that Idol hasn't been nominated. He's a huge figure, was a massive star and has influenced a ton of people.
                              Roth Army Militia

                              Originally posted by WARF
                              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                              • Von Halen
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Dec 2003
                                • 7557

                                Originally posted by twonabomber
                                I just renewed my Rock Hall membership. I'm not saying I wouldn't have renewed if I saw this list of inductees first.
                                Shame on you for even having a membership!

