Tacos can't get you as high as reefers....
One interesting thing. They noted the Feds may cut their subsidies for drug eradication.
If that happens, nothing will happen.
All the State of Washington has to do, is reallocate the state budget for marijuana eradication to the budget for fighting heroin, crack, meth, etc.
They noted there was no mention in the study of how much money would be saved by not having to prosecute pot offenders. Well, they would not have to arrest, process, etc. anyone for pot. That would free up tremendous amounts of time in the judicial system. Free up tremendous resources in Law Enforcement, as they could focus on other crimes. The former State pot-fighting funds would make up for the Federal shortfall, and the tax revenue would definitely make up for any shortfall.
I predict if it passes, and they are able to set up a system of growers, distributors, etc. and start getting tax revenue, within 5 years there are going to be a bunch of cash-starved (or just greedy) states who will see similar measures being introduced to legalize pot.
We already have 3 states in ONE election now trying to legalize it.
So we are on the way.....
One interesting thing. They noted the Feds may cut their subsidies for drug eradication.
If that happens, nothing will happen.
All the State of Washington has to do, is reallocate the state budget for marijuana eradication to the budget for fighting heroin, crack, meth, etc.
They noted there was no mention in the study of how much money would be saved by not having to prosecute pot offenders. Well, they would not have to arrest, process, etc. anyone for pot. That would free up tremendous amounts of time in the judicial system. Free up tremendous resources in Law Enforcement, as they could focus on other crimes. The former State pot-fighting funds would make up for the Federal shortfall, and the tax revenue would definitely make up for any shortfall.
I predict if it passes, and they are able to set up a system of growers, distributors, etc. and start getting tax revenue, within 5 years there are going to be a bunch of cash-starved (or just greedy) states who will see similar measures being introduced to legalize pot.
We already have 3 states in ONE election now trying to legalize it.
So we are on the way.....