And look at this glorious rumpus room...with over a MILLION views...somewhere Lumberg is flogging a small furry animal in celebration!
Diamond Dave posted this earlier today...The two BADDEST MUTHA FUCKERS EVAH!!!
The Sheep Pen
This is a sticky topic.
Yep, VHLinks is still up, and posting vintage images of EVH plugging his amps into a Buck Rogers R2-D2 contraption to make Brown Sound.
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I actually was going to ask if the Links still exist. I really wasn't sure.Leave a comment:
Is this the thread where you get to make fun of Sammy Hagar fans?Leave a comment:
Ahhh, the office if just the way I left it! Who stole all my empties?
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Thought I would check in...nice to see a few posts from LegendsLeave a comment:
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