The Sheep Pen

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49394

    Originally posted by Blacklisted
    no wonder you are 34, single and getting drunk by yourself on a Monday night.
    Actually I'm not drunk. But why don't you pretend you have a girl that talks to you, much less a girlfriend ass pirate.


    • Blacklisted
      • Sep 2004
      • 665

      I did not say it was equal... However you are too stupid to actually follow your own American dollar.

      Post 9/11 with American currency slipping and with the poor Bush administration the dollar is not growing.

      The Canadian economy increased in this same time period. The dollar went from being around 60 cents to around 75.

      A very significant increase.


      • Blacklisted
        • Sep 2004
        • 665


        look at nickdfresh and rikk make love!!!

        You know Matt White is jerking off while he is taking the picture.


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49394

          By the way, I find your lame-ass boring life in front of you as an incompetent probation officer to be:


          • Rikk
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 16518

            * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

            I'd like to take a moment to announce that Nickdfresh has been added to our Sheep Pen Admin staff, joining Bill Lumbergh, Bueno Bob, Matt White and myself.

            Welcome aboard Nick!

            ED, GRETA, CARL, MERLE and all the sheep also send their congratulations.

            BTW, Nick, you were neck-in-neck for a while with BLACKLISTED there. I mean, THAT GUY is funny. He's got style.

            Dontcha think?:p
            Roth Army Militia

            Originally posted by WARF
            Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


            • Matt White
              • Jun 2004
              • 20569

              Once again Sallyblacklisted, your just the most recent in a long line of haters. The PEN isn't subject to your whims.

              Hagar SHEEP get kicked around here. If you were a ROTH fan, you'd get the joke. Obliviously, your to thick to see any humor here. Your problem, not ours.

              No Newbie gets the business unless they say outrageously negative things about DAVID LEE ROTH. PERIOD.

              I still wanna here your theory on how the Mods have the place "fooled"???

              Speak up sonny, your 15 minutes of fame are almost up.


              • Blacklisted
                • Sep 2004
                • 665

                This is Rikk and Nickdfresh.



                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49394

                  Hey why don't you continue to make more of an ass out of yourself with more lamb's aren't sheep comments fucktard?


                  • Blacklisted
                    • Sep 2004
                    • 665

                    Hahahahaaha this thread is:


                    • Blacklisted
                      • Sep 2004
                      • 665

                      This is Matt White getting ready to break into the realm of homosexuality.


                      • Nickdfresh
                        SUPER MODERATOR

                        • Oct 2004
                        • 49394

                        Originally posted by Rikk
                        * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

                        I'd like to take a moment to announce that Nickdfresh has been added to our Sheep Pen Admin staff, joining Bill Lumbergh, Bueno Bob, Matt White and myself.

                        Welcome aboard Nick!

                        ED, GRETA, CARL, MERLE and all the sheep also send their congratulations.

                        BTW, Nick, you were neck-in-neck for a while with BLACKLISTED there. I mean, THAT GUY is funny. He's got style.

                        Dontcha think?:p
                        Thank you, Thank you. Ladies and gentleman, I am very honored to have received this promotion!

                        Let me take an internet bow and then continue to squash the inferior mental defective known as Blacklisted, or should it be Pinklisted for all his hard work at posting gay pic's.


                        • Blacklisted
                          • Sep 2004
                          • 665

                          Originally posted by Rikk
                          * * * * * SHEEP PEN ANNOUNCEMENT * * * * *

                          I'd like to take a moment to announce that Nickdfresh has been added to our Sheep Pen Admin staff, joining Bill Lumbergh, Bueno Bob, Matt White and myself.

                          Welcome aboard Nick!

                          ED, GRETA, CARL, MERLE and all the sheep also send their congratulations.

                          BTW, Nick, you were neck-in-neck for a while with BLACKLISTED there. I mean, THAT GUY is funny. He's got style.

                          Dontcha think?:p
                          With this promotion Rikk and Nickdfresh finally kissed and made up.


                          • Blacklisted
                            • Sep 2004
                            • 665

                            Once again this thread is


                            • Blacklisted
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 665

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              Thank you, Thank you. Ladies and gentleman, I am very honored to have received this promotion!

                              Let me take an internet bow and then continue to squash the inferior mental defective known as Blacklisted, or should it be Pinklisted for all his hard work at posting gay pic's.
                              THEY FINALLY KISSED AND MADE UP!!!!! The lovers are back together!!!!


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49394

                                Keep posting those gay pic's queer boy. You must really be jealous!

