The Sheep Pen

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  • Rikk
    • Jan 2004
    • 16518

    The Sheep Pen


    This has been a long time coming. For 20 years now, the world has been inundated by a pesky little specie of mosquito called the Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan. This annoying insect has helped a certain alcoholic dutchman suck the blood out of a once great band. The DLR Army exists to give fans a place to express the element of this legendary band they pledge their allegiance to: the one and only Diamond David Lee Roth. It is not the reality of Sammy Hagar fronting Van Halen again that has created the need for the project we are now proposing to the is the abundance of pathetic, whiny, moronic and obviously bored Sham fans that feel the need to enter this forum and do nothing but start fights with anyone who doesn't agree that THREE LOCK BOX is a prime piece of rock 'n' roll.

    Now I have nothing against Sammy Hagar fans...we're all human..... Okay, I take that back. I don't understand how someone could admire the work of one Samuel Hagar. It blows my mind. But, hey...there are some fans of both eras at this site that are actually okay people and they just have different (and rather strange) tastes. Maybe we want to change their minds, maybe we don't understand how some of these people could place MAN ON A MISSION on the same list MEAN STREET is on...but hey...some of these folks are still nice people. They're still sheep, but they're not all bad.

    But then there is the other kind of Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan...the ugly, grammatically-challenged, under-achieving idiot who gets so bitter at the poor ticket sales, the food voucher stories, the unbelievable amount of fat Hagar has accumulated on his body and the public's general disapproval of this reunion that this sort of fan must come onto a site he/she thinks is "pathetic" and spend hours a day flooding our beloved forums with attacks and proclamations that OU812 is a far superior album to FAIR WARNING. It is not so much that such arguments worry any of us...we know how hilarious said arguments are. But the truth is, if someone is going to continue being a fucking idiot just looking for attention, we should give him/her the embarressment he/she deserves. And that is what the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN is for.

    The SHEEP PEN is a hopefully long-living thread that will contain all the latest and greatest information that you, the RothArmy Forum Member, will need to know when communicating with forum may want to know the "Idiot's History" to pick out our most annoying and offensive Hagar-ites. There will be a collection containing all NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS, as well as a collection of BRILLIANTLY STUPID QUOTES by our favorite Hagar-loving folk. Also, if a Van Hagar fan has done something truly offensive to you, this is a good place to call him out and tell the forum how you feel. Or, if you discover that one of these idiots is a scumbag in real life (such as when Lou discovered that Van Herpes is a bad trader), you should post this here (and in a new thread if you like).

    At the same time, it is imperative that the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN remains a lean information machine. We have encouragement to place this important thread here, and it is imperative that we only post the greatest (dumbest) quotes and give only the worst of our offenders a place in the Hall of Shame. It may be necessary to bump the thread up once in a while... But we shouldn't be adding several people a day to the list. Only the biggest sheep can sit in the pen. And we certainly shouldn't be putting people on this list just because they like Sammy Hagar. This should still be a place that encourages freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. The Pen should only be reserved for our repeat offenders...our "Town Idiots"s, if you will. And the quotes should also be pretty special...a quote like "David Lee Roth sucks" is not something worthy of posting at the Pen. But something along the lines of Bastard-Hater's brilliant statement "I'm a better flamer than you" is definitely worth posting. Also, funny quotes by some of our greatest talents, like MEZRO, are also worthy of posting.

    The PEN is a place for all to post, but only when something is really worthy of posting. No long threads about nothing...this is a place for instant reference. We'll see how it works. It will also be a great place to immediately call out our local morons...

    As it stands now, I have put together this idea with the giant efforts of two other Rotharmy members (one a Mod): MAX and GUWAPO. The three of us think this is a good idea, and we want the place to remain alive and kicking.

    So, to start things off, I will now begin the list of MAIN OFFENDERS with their NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS. We can maybe make an expanded version of this list once more names have been added. Of course, I may have missed a few, so any other names should be added as they are remembered:

    Dysfunction - TOWN IDIOT
    (this poor guy lived in a trailer which has since fallen off a ravine)

    Kid Vegas - KID LAUDERDALE
    (a true moron)

    EVH Fan - VD FAN
    ( posts as evhfan2)

    (please take special note of this individual...not only is he a horrible
    poster but he's also a bad trader...he has ripped several individuals
    off and then blamed the fact that he doesn't have a burner!)

    Sniper - DIAPER
    (not very interesting...just a retard)

    A.J. - GayJay
    (this individual is also scum at the Links...he's a complete liar who
    has fabricated information at his own web site...a real piece of shit
    interested in nothing but getting attention for himself)

    rockvanhalen66 - LEARNING TO WRITE
    (truly the worst writer I have ever seen...and probably the dumbest
    of the bunch)

    Now, there are more, and their names will be posted in the next couple of days. There are other huge offenders for which proper names have not been decided upon yet. And, of course, anyone can propose any of these new names...the Army needs you.

    All I have to say is: Fellow Army Members, it's time to take out the trash and humiliate our local sheep population. These people are pathetic, and we must call them out. We're a more aggressive, more honest (and also more fair) bunch than those at the Links.

    As my friend Guwapo says, "To the pen, fucker!" So, open the gates. Let the games begin!
    Last edited by Rikk; 07-29-2004, 05:04 PM.
    Roth Army Militia

    Originally posted by WARF
    Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.
  • hagar4pres

    Re: The Sheep Pen

    Originally posted by Rikk

    This has been a long time coming. For 20 years now, the world has been inundated by a pesky little specie of mosquito called the Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan. This annoying insect has helped a certain alcoholic dutchman suck the blood out of a once great band. The DLR Army exists to give fans a place to express the element of this legendary band they pledge their allegiance to: the one and only Diamond David Lee Roth. It is not the reality of Sammy Hagar fronting Van Halen again that has created the need for the project we are now proposing to the is the abundance of pathetic, whiny, moronic and obviously bored Sham fans that feel the need to enter this forum and do nothing but start fights with anyone who doesn't agree that THREE LOCK BOX is a prime piece of rock 'n' roll.

    Now I have nothing against Sammy Hagar fans...we're all human..... Okay, I take that back. I don't understand how someone could admire the work of one Samuel Hagar. It blows my mind. But, hey...there are some fans of both eras at this site that are actually okay people and they just have different (and rather strange) tastes. Maybe we want to change their minds, maybe we don't understand how some of these people could place MAN ON A MISSION on the same list MEAN STREET is on...but hey...some of these folks are still nice people. They're still sheep, but they're not all bad.

    But then there is the other kind of Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan...the ugly, grammatically-challenged, under-achieving idiot who gets so bitter at the poor ticket sales, the food voucher stories, the unbelievable amount of fat Hagar has accumulated on his body and the public's general disapproval of this reunion that this sort of fan must come onto a site he/she thinks is "pathetic" and spend hours a day flooding our beloved forums with attacks and proclamations that OU812 is a far superior album to FAIR WARNING. It is not so much that such arguments worry any of us...we know how hilarious said arguments are. But the truth is, if someone is going to continue being a fucking idiot just looking for attention, we should give him/her the embarressment he/she deserves. And that is what the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN is for.

    The SHEEP PEN is a hopefully long-living thread that will contain all the latest and greatest information that you, the RothArmy Forum Member, will need to know when communicating with forum may want to know the "Idiot's History" to pick out our most annoying and offensive Hagar-ites. There will be a collection containing all NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS, as well as a collection of BRILLIANTLY STUPID QUOTES by our favorite Hagar-loving folk. Also, if a Van Hagar fan has done something truly offensive to you, this is a good place to call him out and tell the forum how you feel. Or, if you discover that one of these idiots is a scumbag in real life (such as when Lou discovered that Van Herpes is a bad trader), you should post this here (and in a new thread if you like).

    At the same time, it is imperative that the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN remains a lean information machine. We have encouragement to place this important thread here, and it is imperative that we only post the greatest (dumbest) quotes and give only the worst of our offenders a place in the Hall of Shame. It may be necessary to bump the thread up once in a while... But we shouldn't be adding several people a day to the list. Only the biggest sheep can sit in the pen. And we certainly shouldn't be putting people on this list just because they like Sammy Hagar. This should still be a place that encourages freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. The Pen should only be reserved for our repeat offenders...our "Town Idiots"s, if you will. And the quotes should also be pretty special...a quote like "David Lee Roth sucks" is not something worthy of posting at the Pen. But something along the lines of Bastard-Hater's brilliant statement "I'm a better flamer than you" is definitely worth posting. Also, funny quotes by some of our greatest talents, like MEZRO, are also worthy of posting.

    The PEN is a place for all to post, but only when something is really worthy of posting. No long threads about nothing...this is a place for instant reference. We'll see how it works. It will also be a great place to immediately call out our local morons...

    As it stands now, I have put together this idea with the giant efforts of two other Rotharmy members (one a Mod): MAX and GUWAPO. The three of us think this is a good idea, and we want the place to remain alive and kicking.

    So, to start things off, I will now begin the list of MAIN OFFENDERS with their NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS. We can maybe make an expanded version of this list once more names have been added. Of course, I may have missed a few, so any other names should be added as they are remembered:

    Dysfunction - TOWN IDIOT
    (this poor guy lived in a trailer which has since fallen off a ravine)

    Kid Vegas - KID LAUDERDALE
    (a true moron)

    EVH Fan - VD FAN
    ( posts as evhfan2)

    (please take special note of this individual...not only is he a horrible
    poster but he's also a bad trader...he has ripped several individuals
    off and then blamed the fact that he doesn't have a burner!)

    Sniper - DIAPER
    (not very interesting...just a retard)

    A.J. - GayJay
    (this individual is also scum at the Links...he's a complete liar who
    has fabricated information at his own web site...a real piece of shit
    interested in nothing but getting attention for himself)

    rockvanhalen66 - LEARNING TO WRITE
    (truly the worst writer I have ever seen...and probably the dumbest
    of the bunch)

    Now, there are more, and their names will be posted in the next couple of days. There are other huge offenders for which proper names have not been decided upon yet. And, of course, anyone can propose any of these new names...the Army needs you.

    All I have to say is: Fellow Army Members, it's time to take out the trash and humiliate our local sheep population. These people are pathetic, and we must call them out. We're a more aggressive, more honest (and also more fair) bunch than those at the Links.

    As my friend Guwapo says, "To the pen, fucker!" So, open the gates. Let the games begin!
    so how bouts we add rikki to the list


    (this person is hates hagar. but if you check up on him he loves gary and dave. also a guy named axl rose. but that for later.) so congrats rikki for being inducted into the sheep pen. oh by the way put the sheep down.


    • hagar4pres

      Re: The Sheep Pen

      Originally posted by Rikk

      This has been a long time coming. For 20 years now, the world has been inundated by a pesky little specie of mosquito called the Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan. This annoying insect has helped a certain alcoholic dutchman suck the blood out of a once great band. The DLR Army exists to give fans a place to express the element of this legendary band they pledge their allegiance to: the one and only Diamond David Lee Roth. It is not the reality of Sammy Hagar fronting Van Halen again that has created the need for the project we are now proposing to the is the abundance of pathetic, whiny, moronic and obviously bored Sham fans that feel the need to enter this forum and do nothing but start fights with anyone who doesn't agree that THREE LOCK BOX is a prime piece of rock 'n' roll.

      Now I have nothing against Sammy Hagar fans...we're all human..... Okay, I take that back. I don't understand how someone could admire the work of one Samuel Hagar. It blows my mind. But, hey...there are some fans of both eras at this site that are actually okay people and they just have different (and rather strange) tastes. Maybe we want to change their minds, maybe we don't understand how some of these people could place MAN ON A MISSION on the same list MEAN STREET is on...but hey...some of these folks are still nice people. They're still sheep, but they're not all bad.

      But then there is the other kind of Sammy Hagar Van Halen fan...the ugly, grammatically-challenged, under-achieving idiot who gets so bitter at the poor ticket sales, the food voucher stories, the unbelievable amount of fat Hagar has accumulated on his body and the public's general disapproval of this reunion that this sort of fan must come onto a site he/she thinks is "pathetic" and spend hours a day flooding our beloved forums with attacks and proclamations that OU812 is a far superior album to FAIR WARNING. It is not so much that such arguments worry any of us...we know how hilarious said arguments are. But the truth is, if someone is going to continue being a fucking idiot just looking for attention, we should give him/her the embarressment he/she deserves. And that is what the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN is for.

      The SHEEP PEN is a hopefully long-living thread that will contain all the latest and greatest information that you, the RothArmy Forum Member, will need to know when communicating with forum may want to know the "Idiot's History" to pick out our most annoying and offensive Hagar-ites. There will be a collection containing all NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS, as well as a collection of BRILLIANTLY STUPID QUOTES by our favorite Hagar-loving folk. Also, if a Van Hagar fan has done something truly offensive to you, this is a good place to call him out and tell the forum how you feel. Or, if you discover that one of these idiots is a scumbag in real life (such as when Lou discovered that Van Herpes is a bad trader), you should post this here (and in a new thread if you like).

      At the same time, it is imperative that the ROTHARMY SHEEP PEN remains a lean information machine. We have encouragement to place this important thread here, and it is imperative that we only post the greatest (dumbest) quotes and give only the worst of our offenders a place in the Hall of Shame. It may be necessary to bump the thread up once in a while... But we shouldn't be adding several people a day to the list. Only the biggest sheep can sit in the pen. And we certainly shouldn't be putting people on this list just because they like Sammy Hagar. This should still be a place that encourages freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. The Pen should only be reserved for our repeat offenders...our "Town Idiots"s, if you will. And the quotes should also be pretty special...a quote like "David Lee Roth sucks" is not something worthy of posting at the Pen. But something along the lines of Bastard-Hater's brilliant statement "I'm a better flamer than you" is definitely worth posting. Also, funny quotes by some of our greatest talents, like MEZRO, are also worthy of posting.

      The PEN is a place for all to post, but only when something is really worthy of posting. No long threads about nothing...this is a place for instant reference. We'll see how it works. It will also be a great place to immediately call out our local morons...

      As it stands now, I have put together this idea with the giant efforts of two other Rotharmy members (one a Mod): MAX and GUWAPO. The three of us think this is a good idea, and we want the place to remain alive and kicking.

      So, to start things off, I will now begin the list of MAIN OFFENDERS with their NICKNAME TRANSLATIONS. We can maybe make an expanded version of this list once more names have been added. Of course, I may have missed a few, so any other names should be added as they are remembered:

      Dysfunction - TOWN IDIOT
      (this poor guy lived in a trailer which has since fallen off a ravine)

      Kid Vegas - KID LAUDERDALE
      (a true moron)

      EVH Fan - VD FAN
      ( posts as evhfan2)

      L.S.D. - VAN HERPES
      (please take special note of this individual...not only is he a horrible
      poster but he's also a bad trader...he has ripped several individuals
      off and then blamed the fact that he doesn't have a burner!)

      Sniper - DIAPER
      (not very interesting...just a retard)

      A.J. - GayJay
      (this individual is also scum at the Links...he's a complete liar who
      has fabricated information at his own web site...a real piece of shit
      interested in nothing but getting attention for himself)

      rockvanhalen66 - LEARNING TO WRITE
      (truly the worst writer I have ever seen...and probably the dumbest
      of the bunch)

      Now, there are more, and their names will be posted in the next couple of days. There are other huge offenders for which proper names have not been decided upon yet. And, of course, anyone can propose any of these new names...the Army needs you.

      All I have to say is: Fellow Army Members, it's time to take out the trash and humiliate our local sheep population. These people are pathetic, and we must call them out. We're a more aggressive, more honest (and also more fair) bunch than those at the Links.

      As my friend Guwapo says, "To the pen, fucker!" So, open the gates. Let the games begin!
      so how bouts we add rikki to the list


      (this person hates hagar. but if you check up on him he loves gary and dave. also a guy named axl rose. but that for later.) so congrats rikki for being inducted into the sheep pen. oh by the way put the sheep down.


      • guwapo_rocker

        So nice he had to post it twice.

        Keep it up, there's plenty of room in the pen.


        • EmpyreLounge44
          Foot Soldier
          • Jun 2004
          • 724

          what am i guwapo, "giz sponge?" do i go to the penn as well?
          Last edited by EmpyreLounge44; 07-29-2004, 05:25 PM.


          • hagar4pres

            this pen thing is going to be real good. how many people can the 3 idiots piss off with this lets see.


            • Rikk
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 16518

              LOL...I think you miss the point, Hagar4Pres. This Pen is for prime idiots. We don't care if we piss them off because odds are they've pissed off enough people with their shit. Furthermore, if you read the initial post, it's not all Sammy Hagar fans that are invited to sit in the Pen.

              Now, if you want to chat without starting shit, PM me.

              Even you haven't been invited yet because you're not quite the jackass the ones on the list are...
              Roth Army Militia

              Originally posted by WARF
              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


              • Rikk
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 16518

                Originally posted by EmpyreLounge44
                what am i guwapo, "giz sponge?" do i go to the penn as well?
                I didn't want you in the Pen, Empyre. I got no issues with you at all.
                Roth Army Militia

                Originally posted by WARF
                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                • hagar4pres

                  Originally posted by Rikk
                  LOL...I think you miss the point, Hagar4Pres. This Pen is for prime idiots. We don't care if we piss them off because odds are they've pissed off enough people with their shit. Furthermore, if you read the initial post, it's not all Sammy Hagar fans that are invited to sit in the Pen.

                  Now, if you want to chat without starting shit, PM me.

                  Even you haven't been invited yet because you're not quite the jackass the ones on the list are...
                  and my point is made. by saying this. u have proved to me your a a fuckin jackass. rikki man what the hell.


                  • EmpyreLounge44
                    Foot Soldier
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 724

                    thanks rikk. i dont mind being in the pen if i got to be. i try not to say too much stupid shit, but i know its inevitable the longer i live in boston. i just wanna talk about the music and how much my favorite band has fucked themselves


                    • guwapo_rocker

                      Originally posted by EmpyreLounge44
                      what am i guwapo, "giz sponge?" do i go to the penn as well?
                      Sorry Giz, but you do NOT qualify for the PEN.

                      You will have to try much harder to reach the level of the

                      others. Your occasional intelligent and witty posts are

                      seriously hindering your induction into the pen.


                      • EmpyreLounge44
                        Foot Soldier
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 724

                        mother fucker, im really going to have to try harder. im such a damn stupid stupid stupid.

                        give me the weekend to practice. i have a party ball of old milwaukee back at the trailers park on ice (the party ball not my trailer, thats on blocks...duh) ready to get me going. I'm gonna throw me on a nice wife beater, fluff the mullet nice and big, forget how to read or rite, throw on my acid wash jeans real tight so it looks like im smugglin some grapes, and listen to I Can't drive 55 over and over again until i really believe it, and like i said the trailers on blocks so i really cant drive 55.

                        oh yeah prince is a better guitar player than Eddie.

                        think that will get me in the penn


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          Originally posted by EmpyreLounge44
                          mother fucker, im really going to have to try harder. im such a damn stupid stupid stupid.

                          give me the weekend to practice. i have a party ball of old milwaukee back at the trailers park on ice (the party ball not my trailer, thats on blocks...duh) ready to get me going. I'm gonna throw me on a nice wife beater, fluff the mullet nice and big, forget how to read or rite, throw on my acid wash jeans real tight so it looks like im smugglin some grapes, and listen to I Can't drive 55 over and over again until i really believe it, and like i said the trailers on blocks so i really cant drive 55.

                          oh yeah prince is a better guitar player than Eddie.

                          think that will get me in the penn
                          Damn, boy!! I can see through that. See, you don't actually live in a trailer park or you'd know TOWN IDIOT and you'd be rushing to his defense.

                          No, Empyre, I'm afraid you're going to have to accept that you're not good (bad) enough for the SHEEP PEN.

                          Empyre, however, is an example of what I was talking about earlier...the Hagar-era fan that is cool. It happens, you know.

                          Oh, the trailer/55 line killed me!
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • EmpyreLounge44
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 724

                            is it bad that sometimes i really do think prince is better on guitar though?


                            • guwapo_rocker

                              Originally posted by EmpyreLounge44
                              mother fucker, im really going to have to try harder. im such a damn stupid stupid stupid.

                              give me the weekend to practice. i have a party ball of old milwaukee back at the trailers park on ice (the party ball not my trailer, thats on blocks...duh) ready to get me going. I'm gonna throw me on a nice wife beater, fluff the mullet nice and big, forget how to read or rite, throw on my acid wash jeans real tight so it looks like im smugglin some grapes, and listen to I Can't drive 55 over and over again until i really believe it, and like i said the trailers on blocks so i really cant drive 55.

                              oh yeah prince is a better guitar player than Eddie.

                              think that will get me in the penn


                              That's a vote from me Empry!!

                              Keep it up mofo and your chances of getting in the pen are

                              Fucking Nill!!!

                              By the way, I saw Prince last night, second sold out night

                              in a row here in Toronto and he rocked.

                              Anyone who has a chance, see this (Prince) tour!!

                              Incredible band too!!

                              By the way, RIGHT NOW, Prince IS a better guitarist than EDV!

                              Fuck, I'm still laughing, made my day bro!!

