D-DAY Anniversy Tomorrow...

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Originally posted by Angel
    Shhhh.... don't tell the yanks what it means - we'll keep it our little secret, bro!

    OK, but just because you showed me your tits!

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  • Angel
    Originally posted by Jérôme Frenchise
    Cheers my cousin sista! Les Généreux... what a fine name... It surely means a lot.
    Shhhh.... don't tell the yanks what it means - we'll keep it our little secret, bro!

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Originally posted by Mishar_McLeud
    Thanks bud. This is the topic where all should stand along and pay a tribute to all the countries which fought together.
    Cheers to you too! This is a great thread. Memory has to live on.

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  • Mishar_McLeud
    Originally posted by Jérôme Frenchise
    Thank God eternally for our heroes, American, British, Canadian, Australian, Russian and Ukrainian Soldiers.

    Thanks bud. This is the topic where all should stand along and pay a tribute to all the countries which fought together.

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
    I posted this photo of the CANADIAN military cemetary for you ANGEL.
    These pictures you chose to post here are just poignant. One can only feel reverence for the Soldiers.
    Thank you.

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Originally posted by Angel
    My ancestors came to New France in the 1670's. I'll ALWAYS be proud of my french heritage. Not many Canucks have been here as long as the Genereux have, that's for sure!
    Cheers my cousin sista! Les Généreux... what a fine name... It surely means a lot.
    I don't know any fellow countryman/woman who doesn't dig Canada!

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  • Angel
    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
    I posted this photo of the CANADIAN military cemetary for you ANGEL.
    I know, hon... my comments were meant for 4moreyears.

    I consider you to be one of the good ones.

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  • Angel
    My ancestors came to New France in the 1670's. I'll ALWAYS be proud of my french heritage. Not many Canucks have been here as long as the Genereux have, that's for sure!

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  • Nickdfresh
    Originally posted by Angel
    Don't you mean Thank God for ALLIED SOLDIERS? You guys weren't alone...
    I posted this photo of the CANADIAN military cemetary for you ANGEL.

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Roger! :D It's in your blood!

    I agree with you about American-French relations that have deteriorated. Divergent views... But it looks as if it's getting better these days.
    Fortunately, there will always be wise people who can think above borders.

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  • Warham
    My great grandfather was from France, so I can't be harsh. :D

    I'll always hold France in high regard for their service to our fledgling country during the Revolutionary War, but I'm disappointed with our relations during the last ten or so years.

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  • Jérôme Frenchise
    Thank God eternally for our heroes, American, British, Canadian, Australian, Russian and Ukrainian Soldiers.

    And huge thanks to Nick, Mr Grimsdale, Warham and Angel for being so sensible.
    You pay great homage to your grandfathers in that way too. Considering all the French as cowards is unfair to the French, which is not that serious. The worst is, it's like an injury to the thousands and thousands of Allied soldiers who died there, and to those who survived as well. They knew why they came here, and they gave their lives for that, or lost an arm or a leg... or remained in a state of shock for the rest of their days. Saying the reason why they fulfilled such a feat is no good is but blasphemy.
    And it's easy for 4moreyears to judge a whole people from across the Atlantic, 61 years later... Has he ever been to France? Does he know about the military fiasco (because of the government who had declared it was no longer a priority...) that helped the nazis (sorry, can't put a capital letter) take hold of the country? About the overwhelming strength of the German army? Jean Moulin? History is meant for being read.
    That said, do the French still bear a grudge on the German? A minority of them do: those who don't think but have their minds fossilized with prejudice. Our peoples have made friends decades ago (H. Schmitt and V. Giscard d'Estaing worked together in the 70s, and so did their successors), we just moved ahead.

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  • Angel
    Originally posted by 4moreyears
    Fucking French Pussies. Thank god for American Soldiers.
    Don't you mean Thank God for ALLIED SOLDIERS? You guys weren't alone...

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  • Warham
    It's really too bad we don't have the kind of relationship with France that we should have.

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  • Nickdfresh
    Originally posted by BigBadBrian
    From this day to the ending of the world . . . we in it shall be remembered . . . we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.

    Operation Overlord, June 6, 1944.

    You know BIGBAD, I think I read in AMBROSE's book on D-DAY that there were a bunch of graphic photos from OMAHA BEACH that were lost after the battle. Pity...

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