Bin Laden....The Carlisle Group

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  • Angel
    • Jan 2004
    • 7481

    Originally posted by scorpioboy33
    the thing that gets me is that the media doesn't grab this info and run with it?
    The CBC did in October 2003. You have to check out the English station once in awhile Scorp!

    "Ya know what they say about angels... An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, usually humanoid in form, found in various religions and mythologies. Plus Roth fan boards..."- ZahZoo April 2013


    • Keeyth
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • Apr 2004
      • 3010

      Originally posted by academic punk
      The question why they wouldn't want to keep the peace?

      Two reasons: lots of money to be made through defense contracts and oil ties. The Carlyle group (on which HW Bush is a board member, along with members of the bin Laden family) made nearly 300 million dollars after going public, and plus the oil ties with the House of Saud, as well as your Halliburtons and what have you.

      The other is that they are taking the long view here. They really beleive that in the future this will be the best tactic for the country, and by extenstion, the world. "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" train of thought. The problem with this thinking is that it requires a directness of thought and approach, which some would say tunnel/narrow vision. Variables come into the mix. X factors will always arise.

      one of those factors is that maybe the rest of the world isn't interested in this country's model of government. Some find it to be the most imperialistic country that has ever existed, while others believe it to be the most democratic.

      I have a downstairs neighbor. What he calls his ceiling is what I call my floor.

      Well put.

      There is always more money in war ( the raping and pilaging of a country + the contracts to rebuild it) and this administration is all about the money. Unfortunatley, it's all about their personal money, rather than money for the welfare of this country.
      Knowing and believing are two very different things.

      It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


      • Keeyth
        Crazy Ass Mofo
        • Apr 2004
        • 3010

        Originally posted by Big Train
        Through kickbacks and construction contracts alone, Halliburton could make just as much if not much more, building mosques or something.

        Yeah RIGHT! Are you kidding? #1 there would be an end in sight to building the mosques. With this war crap, they can make the contracts keep coming indefinitely.

        What you are saying makes no sense, in the same sense as the Halliburton argument didn't to me. Why risk so much of yourself personally, when they are other MUCH easier ways to make the same dough?

        Risk? What risk??!?? These guys think they are untouchable, and after all they've gotten away with so far, I can see why. It's unbelieveable that we spent an entire year looking down Clintons pants, and yet no one investigates the blatant criminal activity of this administration and it's chimpresident! F**king Unbelievable!

        The damage the Sauds and other royals are enduring for all this politically and financially, that I would have to believe they are 3-4 times worse at business than GW on his worst day.

        Huh?? Financial damage?? Gas is about to hit $3.00 a gallon over here pal. Who is that damaging??? Us. You and me.
        Oh, and check the facts on business practices and being a businessman. Look at his record of business, and understand why we call him a chimp.
        It is a crime in itself that we let someone who has run so many companies into the ground in his past actually be in the position of running this country. GW's worst day is always tomorrow.

        Last edited by Keeyth; 07-13-2005, 04:24 PM.
        Knowing and believing are two very different things.

        It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


        • ashstralia
          • Feb 2004
          • 6566

          Originally posted by FORD
          Osama may be a madman, but he's a religious madman, and I don't see personal revenge against one family as his motivation to attack an entire country.
          i think it's more about attacking an ideology than a particular country.

          he just chose a spectacular way to make a statement.


          • Keeyth
            Crazy Ass Mofo
            • Apr 2004
            • 3010

            If he's even responsible at all...
            Knowing and believing are two very different things.

            It is the difference between the knowledge we accrue... ...and the knowledge we apply.


            • Big Train
              Full Member Status

              • Apr 2004
              • 4013

              Originally posted by academic punk
              Ah, but Saudi Arabia has remained untouched throughout this whole thing.

              Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria (soooooon), yes. But not the Sauds. they've been making more money than ever, in fact. Or haven't you noticed gas prices?
              I'm in LA, I've certainly noticied (and find the irony in that I see oil pumps all around me yet my gas is more expensive than most the country).

              The Sauds are untouched for the moment, but the alingment with us is ultimately far more dangerous for them. A coup, an overthrow by extremists who want their heads is surely 1000 times more likely after all of this. They are not untouchable.


              • academic punk
                Full Member Status

                • Dec 2004
                • 4437

                Originally posted by Big Train

                The Sauds are untouched for the moment, but the alingment with us is ultimately far more dangerous for them. A coup, an overthrow by extremists who want their heads is surely 1000 times more likely after all of this. They are not untouchable.
                A coup? An overthrow by extremists?
                Who want their heads?

                Are we talking about the Sauds or the reckless behavior of this country's administration?


                • Big Train
                  Full Member Status

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4013

                  The Sauds...militant extremists (OBL has already talked about this and Syria can't be far behind) want the Saud Royals blood.

                  This whole thing is bad for business on all fronts for them. If they are so in bed with the BCE and the BCE is so evil and greedy, logic dictates that the Sauds grease the BCE to ease up all this and let business get back to normal. Oil can stay relatively high, but if all this insanity continues it will be unsustainable, driving the market over the edge for alt. energy sources. Which is REALLY bad for business.

