Nukes In America?

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  • Cathedral
    • Jan 2004
    • 6621

    30%, that's a little comforting i reckon.
    But 70% is still a pretty alarming number for a suitcase that weighs 110 pounds and is much smaller than an average shipment of coke.

    All i know is that i have this knot in my stomach that makes me think that another attack is closer than we think.

    It's not like our Government will be much help, especially if they all run for bunkers paid for by our hard earned tax dollars.


    • Warham
      • Mar 2004
      • 14589

      Originally posted by FORD
      How can you call that a "liberal" scenario, when it's the BCE, through their succession of Republican Presidencies over the last 50 years who have built up this ridiculous war machine which NEEDS a war to perpetuate itself, and more recently have completely sold out this country, first to the corporations, then to the Saudis and the Chinese.

      Liberals didn't do any of that. So who's OK with compromising this country?
      Didn't the Chinese gives funds to Clinton's campaign back in '96?


      • scam failin
        • Nov 2004
        • 56

        interesting the "al-qaida" group is going to set off seven nuclear bombs in seven major us cities.i guess the g8 leaders all feel they were successful in staging the london bombings which also had seven bombs that went off at the same time in seven different places and are preparing the american public to expect similar strikes (albeit nuclear) when the illuminati gives the signal. why did the planes that flew into the towers on sept 11 and the bombs that hit london on 7/7/ 2005 be at a time when there were a minimal amount of people at work?????????? only an organization with a christian theme at it's helm could be invovled in this.............NOT FREAKING MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! "CHRISTIANS" TODAY WOULD NEVER DIE FOR THAT CAUSE(SEPT 11)OR FOR ANY CAUSE.......... LIKE REAL CHRISTIANS IN JESUS'S TIME DIED WILLFULLY FOR THEIR FAITH.AND DEEP DEEP DOWN THIS BUSH HEADED ORGANIZATION HAVE AN EXTREMELY SMALL DEGREE OF GUILT OR REMORSE FOR BEING APART OF THIS.MUSLIMS WOULD FULLY FEEL THEY ARE 100% RIGHTEOUS FOR THEIR CAUSE,AND NOT GIVE ANY WHATSOEVER GRACE OR WARNINGS OF WHAT WAS TO COME. like phil says...........get food get water get outta town! TIME TO WAKE THE F**K UP.
        Last edited by scam failin; 07-14-2005, 08:01 AM.


        • thome
          • Mar 2005
          • 6678

          Originally posted by Cathedral
          When is everyone going to wake up and see that our government doesn't give a damn about us?

          Not one damn politician gives a fuck about anything but their own advancement into prominant positions.
          They're just too fucking stupid to see that if they keep fucking around there won't be an America left for any of our kids.

          Oh, and the article says that this preparation has been going on for 10 years, but according to the Muslim folk i happen to have in my family they have been gearing up for at least 30 years to destroy us.

          These cowards aren't stupid anymore, we educated them all so they could come back and kill us.

          It all boils down to our own greed providing them the tools to accomplish that goal.

          I can see it now, after the US is nothing but a radiation pool there will be a sign over every mosgue on earth that reads "Mission Accomplished"....................
          I see these senators of ours on the floor preachin their gospel
          you know doing their twice a year required apearance at the
          congressional halls and they allways have a big 24by40 piece
          of white poster board behind them tohelp explain this speach
          And it LOOKS LIKE some damn Drunken fukin IDIOT took
          a magic marker and drew two Drunken lines on it just two.
          thats how stupid they think we are that shows how much they
          care the money goes in their pocket not to some paste up
          Co. draw a couple line go do their
          thing go back to the BAR fuk em.jag offs


          • thome
            ROTH ARMY ELITE
            • Mar 2005
            • 6678

            Originally posted by thome
            I see these senators of ours on the floor preachin their gospel
            you know doing their twice a year required apearance at the
            congressional halls and they allways have a big 24by40 piece
            of white poster board behind them tohelp explain this speach
            And it LOOKS LIKE some damn Drunken fukin IDIOT took
            a magic marker and drew two Drunken lines on it just two.
            thats how stupid they think we are that shows how much they
            care the money goes in their pocket not to some paste up
            Co. draw a couple line go do their
            thing go back to the BAR fuk em.jag offs
            OK They probably bill the tax payers 5 grand for that chart
            thats the jist of it.what im trying to say.


            • Nickdfresh
              SUPER MODERATOR

              • Oct 2004
              • 49394

              Originally posted by BigBadBrian
              I don't.

              I don't agree about the part of Salvadoran street gangs, but suitcase nukes are real threat. Trust me. That's all I'm saying.
              I've hear they are as good as useless now (no codes and shelf life not indefinite), but I don't really know.


              • Seshmeister
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Oct 2003
                • 35573

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                [size=3]In addition to detonating its own nuclear weapons already planted in the U.S., military sources also say there is evidence to suggest al-Qaida is paying former Russian special forces Spetznaz to assist the terrorist group in locating nuclear weapons formerly concealed inside the U.S. by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
                Proof that this guy is full of shit.

                The Russians smuggled nukes into the US during the Cold War and left them there?

                What a heap of crap.


                • knuckleboner
                  Crazy Ass Mofo
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 2927

                  Originally posted by Cathedral

                  I don't see how it is so difficult to smuggle things into this country with 2000 miles of border that goes virtually un-guarded either.
                  it's not that it's impossible to smuggle something the size of a small nuclear weapon into the U.S. that's obviously not that hard.

                  it's that it's very, very hard to smuggle something radioactive into the country. i'm kinda going off of 2nd hand knowledge, but i've had relatives that work in these fields.

                  they won't give any specifics. but i've heard directly from them that in just about every case, if you manage to smuggle a nuke into the country, you better detonate it within the day. because that's how long it'll take us to track it down.


                  • thome
                    ROTH ARMY ELITE
                    • Mar 2005
                    • 6678

                    The coast line is much easier to smuggle.
                    I say dont be fooled that sh#t is here and has been here for quite
                    a while in the 50s & 60s you could order sm amt to your university
                    for study its just who has the balls to do it. It will happen.Even if
                    an accident while being assembled or transported my guess.

