immigration and crime

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  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35342

    immigration and crime

    The mythical tie between immigration and crime

    Research by Stanford’s Ran Abramitzky and co-authors uncovers the most extensive evidence to date that immigrants are less likely to be imprisoned than U.S.-born individuals.
    July 21, 2023 | Krysten Crawford

    Opponents of immigration often argue that immigrants drive up crime rates. But newly released research from Stanford economist Ran Abramitzky and his co-authors finds that hasn’t been the case in America for the last 140 years.

    The study reveals that first-generation immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned than people born in the United States since 1880.

    Today, immigrants are 30 percent less likely to be incarcerated than are U.S.-born individuals who are white, the study finds. And when the analysis is expanded to include Black Americans — whose prison rates are higher than the general population — the likelihood of an immigrant being incarcerated is 60 percent lower than of people born in the United States.

    While other research has also debunked claims that immigration leads to more crime, this study of incarceration rates provides the broadest historical look at the relationship between immigration and crime across the country and over time, says author Abramitzky. Abramitzky is the Stanford Federal Credit Union Professor of Economics and senior associate dean of social sciences in the School of Humanities and Sciences, as well as a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR).

    The study is detailed in a working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Using U.S. Census Bureau data, it focuses on immigrants present in the Census regardless of their legal status and on men between the ages of 18 and 40.

    “From Henry Cabot Lodge in the late 19th century to Donald Trump, anti-immigration politicians have repeatedly tried to link immigrants to crime, but our research confirms that this is a myth and not based on fact,” says Abramitzky, whose 2022 book, Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success, examines the many misconceptions around immigration.


    An analysis of U.S. Census data by SIEPR Senior Fellow Ran Abramitzky and his collaborators shows immigrants have had similar or lower incarceration rates than white U.S.-born men for the last 140 years of American history.
    In their analysis of Census data from 1850 to 2020, Abramitzky and his co-authors find that, compared to U.S.-born individuals, immigrants as a group had higher incarceration rates before 1870 and similar rates between 1880 and 1950. Since 1960, however, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than have the U.S.-born.

    Research by Stanford’s Ran Abramitzky and co-authors uncovers the most extensive evidence to date that immigrants are less likely to be imprisoned than U.S.-born individuals.
  • ZahZoo

    • Jan 2004
    • 9032

    I've yet to encounter anyone who opposes legal immigration to the US... most people recognize and appreciate the diversity that legal immigration has brought to US culture and society.

    The problem today is not immigration overall... it's the massive numbers of illegal immigration flooding the country via illegitimate asylum claims and outright sneaking into the country via illegal means. It's big problem and it's also consuming massive amount of tax payer funded money and resources to support and process these folks.

    Who do you think pays to feed and house these millions of humans who can't legally work and earn money to support themselves..?

    While these people are waiting and the ones taking legitimate measures to get on the right side of the law to work... how many are either victims of criminal activity or breaking other laws to survive..? Incarceration rates don't tell the full story...
    "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


    • Kristy
      • Aug 2004
      • 16439

      Originally posted by ZahZoo
      The problem today is not immigration overall... it's the massive numbers of illegal immigration flooding the country via illegitimate asylum claims and outright sneaking into the country via illegal means. It's big problem and it's also consuming massive amount of tax payer funded money and resources to support and process these folks.
      By "folks" I assume you mean brown-skinned people am I right, Walmart Cheerios eating entitled white male? Well, anyway, most of these "folks" are desperately seeking asylum not because they want to be "freeloaders" on taxes you never paid or ever will pay but because these "shithole countries" they come from have been thoroughly fucked over by US hegemony and exploitation. For example, there is a local band here who called themselves The Ma?anas who come from Spain and Germany but their bass player, Neoma, hails from Ecuador - you know, one of those "shithole countries" that F A T white entitled people like you complain about although you've never been there.

      When I saw them play at the now defunct El Chapultepec there were other Ecuadorian refugees and immigrants in there who all had stores to tell of women being kidnapped, raped, beaten, trafficked and exploited. I'd say most of those fellow Ecuadorian women there that night had experienced such a fate and although this was a show to celebrate announce the end of El Chapultepec they were also "raising awareness" for other refugees. Then one ask why are so many people seeking asylum? Simply because a lot of F A T (MAGA) fucks have made a lot of money exploiting the resources of such countries to the point of utter poverty and despair. The "Global North" which we live in lives comfortable off off the devastation they implement in the "Global South" - do you see how that works? I guess you're too stupid that you don't . If you were a victim of American colonialism and imperialism you would too whore out your Arkansas fed F A T ugly family for food and seek shelter for them to have abetter life wouldn't you?

      Originally posted by ZahZoo
      Who do you think pays to feed and house these millions of humans who can't legally work and earn money to support themselves..?
      Gee, I don't know Fox News viewer but I can probably guess the same people who pay for Trump's Diet Coke's and spent millions on his golf games. Can't have health care in this country but as long as that F A T orange useless fuck can have him a golf game well, America is just "great again" isn't it you F A T ignorant Cheeiro?

      Originally posted by ZahZoo
      While these people are waiting and the ones taking legitimate measures to get on the right side of the law to work... how many are either victims of criminal activity or breaking other laws to survive..? Incarceration rates don't tell the full story...
      The right side of the law to work? So I guess fuck those employers who exploit them oh wait, that's capitalism, right? Who is going to do that unbearable back-breaking work? You? Are you going to do roofing, landscaping, work in landfills or worst of all stand in the hot sun for 14 hours a day picking vegetables out of the fucking ground? And all without a shred of heath insurance or sick leave? Get the fuck out of here. As for the "criminal activity" it is low with migrant workers but what's the use telling your F A T ignorant ass when all you do is scratch zits off your F A T ass watching Fox News? And don't tell you don't watch Fox News because of course you fucking do.

      You want criminals then go after these Euro-trash fucks who sponge here off of exploited work/student Visas; Chinese and RuZZians who come here by plane and boat and NEVER leave, those racist Kangaroo rooters who don't bother with car insurance or getting a license but drive freely all over L.A. and even here in Denvoid. How many god damn limeys are living here illegally in places like L.A.? Fucking lots and lots and they are more likely to commit crimes (and already have as I mentioned) than what you zit-infested F A T ignorant ass was ever led to believe. You think F A T T Y is going to round them up?

      Here. skip to the last half of this please, for how stupid you are and then politely go and fuck yourself:

      Last edited by Kristy; 07-26-2024, 10:37 AM.


      • ZahZoo

        • Jan 2004
        • 9032

        Folks = Humans = People... it's a nice term I use. Nope, they ain't all brown people. Last I read something like humans from 80+ countries from around the globe... all sizes, shapes and colors...

        To save you some wasted energy in you idiotic insult arsenal... I completed rehabilitation and am Cheerios free almost 3 years now. Also cut cable 3+ years ago and don't watch Fox News either... Please find some fresh shit to sling. Your game need an upgrade... moron.
        "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


        • Kristy
          • Aug 2004
          • 16439

          Oh, bullshit you don't watch Fox News.


          • Seshmeister

            • Oct 2003
            • 35342

            I wasn't even getting into the economics of it just pointing out that this stuff about thousands of rapists and murderers streaming over the border is a fairy story.

            Also is it not true that fewer people came over the southern border last month than in the last month of the Trump presidency? I haven't tried to double check that yet but I was surprised given all the hype in the media of things being completely out of control down there.
            Last edited by Seshmeister; 07-26-2024, 11:16 AM.


            • ZahZoo

              • Jan 2004
              • 9032

              If you consider 400k arriving compared to 500K... yeah, it's less but it's still a lot of humanity on the move!

              The high profile tragic crimes catch the headlines and stir a lot of emotion up... probably caused by less than 1% of the people coming here.

              I agree with the premise that only a tiny percentage of immigrants come here and commit crimes. Most are just good people looking for a better life and have no interest in committing crimes.

              From what I've read there's global mass migration at levels never seen before going on. It's straining things not only in the US but most of Europe too. I believe some controls need to help keep this orderly and not cause life outside of every shit-hole country to be degraded.
              Last edited by ZahZoo; 07-26-2024, 05:40 PM.
              "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


              • ZahZoo
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Jan 2004
                • 9032

                Originally posted by Kristy
                Oh, bullshit you don't watch Fox News.
                That's ok... hold on to your delusions tightly. They serve you well...
                "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


                • Kristy
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 16439

                  You're the delusional one here, Greg Gutfeld Butt Boy


                  • Seshmeister
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Oct 2003
                    • 35342

                    Originally posted by ZahZoo
                    From what I've read there's global mass migration at levels never seen before going on. It's straining things not only in the US but most of Europe too. I believe some controls need to help keep this orderly and not cause life outside of every shit-hole country to be degraded.
                    Everyone does.

                    Seems to me It would be a lot cheaper and easier to help them where they are. There is the misconception with some people that foreign aid is some pissing money away thing, it's not its money well spent even if you don't give a shit about helping people. The USA and the UK to a lesser extent used to have a massive amount of soft power through foreign aid but it's diminishing. Soft power is relatively cheap and no one gets killed. Add in climate change meaning these people are uprooted in Africa and South America.

                    The conservative isolationist shit fuck the environment childish thing doesn't work, it comes home to roost.


                    • ZahZoo
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Jan 2004
                      • 9032

                      You're right about soft power and foreign aid in helping people where their roots were planted. It appears even that has proven ineffective and the terrible leadership in those areas circumvented the aid to the point where the people who needed it the most never benefited. In many cases the aid still flows at high rates... people are still wanting to migrate.

                      I'm still not convinced that climate change is the catalyst that drives this though... Africa and parts of South America have always been fairly inhospitable to sustainable human life from a climate perspective. Modern technological advances allowed for human population growth that previously wasn't possible because of the climate before. Humans fuck and reproduce like rabbits with no predatory threats/control to keep the growth in check. Then they outgrow the available sustainable resources... That's more about population growth than climate change.
                      "If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”


                      • Seshmeister
                        ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                        • Oct 2003
                        • 35342

                        Originally posted by ZahZoo
                        . Humans fuck and reproduce like rabbits with no predatory threats/control to keep the growth in check. Then they outgrow the available sustainable resources... That's more about population growth than climate change.
                        They do until you get the females educated and empowered.


                        • twonabomber
                          formerly F A T
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 11229

                          I've mentioned that my home town has become a sanctuary city. Many have come here from Leon, Mexico.

                          No real change in crime in town. There was a shooting a few weeks ago, but the suspect and victim appear to have known each other. I've heard of low level Mexican gangs but they aren't running through neighborhoods tearing shit up or anything crazy.
                          Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                          • Nickdfresh
                            SUPER MODERATOR

                            • Oct 2004
                            • 49303

                            Originally posted by ZahZoo
                            I've yet to encounter anyone who opposes legal immigration to the US... most people recognize and appreciate the diversity that legal immigration has brought to US culture and society.....
                            I have! I used to live in a farming fucking shithole where illegal immigrants were piped in on buses you can still see around the farms there. You know why? Because they can fucking use and abuse them like cattle without paying things like minimum wage and social security and stuff.

                            Gee, why do so many "illegal immigrants" come here? Because we are addicted to their cheap labor and you are all full of fucking shit!


                            • Nickdfresh
                              SUPER MODERATOR

                              • Oct 2004
                              • 49303

                              Originally posted by ZahZoo
                              I agree with the premise that only a tiny percentage of immigrants come here and commit crimes. Most are just good people looking for a better life and have no interest in committing crimes.

                              Of course! In fact they are drawn here by white collar criminals like Donald Trump, to exploit cheap labor devoid of OSHA, Social Security, and taxes.
                              Report: Trump Happily Employing Undocumented Workers While ICE Rounds Them Up

                              The president is fine with an immigrant “invasion” when it’s benefitting him financially.

                              By Bess Levin
                              August 9, 2019
                              By NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images.

                              Demonizing immigrants played a key role in Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency, just as cracking down on “illegal” border crossings and whipping the base into a frenzy over a so-called migrant “invasion” has been a regular feature of his time in office and reelection efforts. But undocumented immigrants have also served another, lesser known but nevertheless vital function in the president’s life: providing cheap labor at his businesses. And not just, like, in years past, or in the first few months of his presidency, but as of—what’s that now?—today. Yes, it’s a tough job to foam at the mouth daily about people entering the country without going through the proper channels first, use it to justify separating families and sending people back to nations they’ve never known—all the while relying on them to keep your golf clubs running—but somebody’s got to do it!

                              The Washington Post reports that the Trump Organization currently employs a “roving crew of Latin American employees” to perform masonry and maintenance work at his winery and various golf clubs around the country. For almost two decades, the group has been comprised of workers who came into the US illegally—the penalty for which the president seemingly believes should be death—according to two former crew members. Another one, who still works for Trump, told reporters Joshua Partlow and David A. Fahrenthold that remains the case today. President Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” said Jorge Castro, an Ecuadorian immigrant without legal status who left the company last spring after nine years. “But at his properties, he still has them.” He added: “If you’re a good worker, papers don’t matter.”
                              Castro said he worked on seven Trump properties, most recently Trump’s golf club in Northern Virginia. He provided The Washington Post with several years of his pay stubs from Trump’s construction company, Mobile Payroll Construction LLC, as well as photos of him and his colleagues on Trump courses and text messages he exchanged with his boss, including one in January dispatching him to “Bedminster,” Trump’s New Jersey golf course.
                              Another immigrant who worked for the Trump construction crew, Edmundo Morocho, said he was told by a Trump supervisor to buy fake identity documents on a New York street corner. He said he once hid in the woods of a Trump golf course to avoid being seen by visiting labor union officials.

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                              Last January, Eric Trump, who took over the day-to-day business with his brother, Don Jr., said that the Trump Organization was “making a broad effort to identify any employee who has given false and fraudulent documents to unlawfully gain employment,” and that any such individuals would be fired immediately. He also claimed that the company was implementing E-Verify, a program that lets employers check the immigration status of new hires “as soon as possible,” though—and please, find something to brace yourself against lest the shock of what you’re about to hear knock you flat on your back—nothing “changed on the Trump construction crew, according to current and former employees.” Watch Now:

                              Presidential Historian Reviews Presidents in Film & TV, from 'Lincoln' to 'The Comey Rule'
                              It’s almost as though the president wants the political benefit of treating undocumented immigrants as subhuman menaces while simultaneously receiving the economic benefit of being able to hire people who he can pay less money and not provide health insurance, something his “they’re taking our jobs!” supporters would probably take issue with. (Trump “was saving a lot of money with us,” Castro, whose paychecks show that he made $19 an hour starting in 2016, and then $21 an hour in 2018, told the Post. According to a former carpenter on the crew, “the salary for that work,” which included long hours in the sun breaking rocks or digging trenches “was very low,” and he now earns twice as much doing similar work at a union job, where also receives benefits.) There’s also the uncomfortable matter of Trump’s business practice encouraging the very trend he supposedly believes is destroying the country:
                              While poverty and violence have pushed thousands to leave Latin America, U.S. businesses that employ undocumented workers are also a major driver of illegal immigration, experts say. By employing workers without legal status, the Trump Organization has an advantage over its competitors, particularly at a time when the economy is strong and the labor market tight, according to industry officials. Undocumented employees are less likely to risk changing jobs and less likely to complain if treated poorly.

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                              The White House did not respond to the Post’s request for comment. The Trump Organization did not respond to specific questions about the legal status of workers at Mobile Payroll Construction—the official company, solely owned by Trump, that started paying the crew as of 2015—, saying in a statement “since this issue was first brought to our attention, we have taken diligent steps, including the use of E-Verify at all of our properties and companies. Those efforts continue and where an employee is found to have provided fake or fraudulent documentation to unlawfully gain employment, that individual will be terminated. Fortunately, among the thousands of individuals employed by our organization, we have encountered very few instances where this has occurred.”

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                              Of course, no one would begrudge Trump for employing undocumented workers if he didn’t spend most of his waking hours railing against the scourge of illegal immigration or, y’know, rounding people up en masse for the crime of what apparently occurs daily at the Trump Organization:
                              U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents swept through seven work sites in six cities across Mississippi on Wednesday, arresting approximately 680 people the agency said were undocumented immigrants in what officials said is the largest single-state workplace enforcement action in U.S. history. The raids targeted agricultural processing plants, part of a year-long investigation into illegal employment of immigrants in the state, officials said.

