**Official 2024 US Election Thread**

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  • Sgt Schultz


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  • Romeo Delight
    Originally posted by Romeo Delight
    I think the funniest part of the last 4 years is anyone thinking that Joe actually received 81 Million votes in 2020. Now that is some comedy...
    Actually, I thought of something funnier...

    The Dems thought bringing out the entire Diddy list to endorse Kamala was going to be the difference

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  • Von Halen
    Has anybody checked NickDickless’s apartment? He’s probably hanging in his closet like David Carradine, after auto-felating himself.

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  • DLR Bridge
    Originally posted by twonabomber
    What's that Obama quote? "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up?"

    Joe fucked her. Start the blame there.
    There’s a Slate article from 11/20/22 entitled “If Biden Runs Again, He Should Pick A New VP.”

    That woman was never, under any circumstances, the right fit. If Biden is at fault for anything, it’s that he picked her as a running mate. She was out before the Iowa caucuses in ‘20. Top tier candidate my ass.

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  • Romeo Delight
    I think the funniest part of the last 4 years is anyone thinking that Joe actually received 81 Million votes in 2020. Now that is some comedy...

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  • Romeo Delight
    Originally posted by Kristy

    Still, it's shocking how many believed MAGA lies about immigrants and voted for Trump to "keep them safe". I've talked with liberals who bought those lies . We underestimated how knee-jerk racist so many are. German voters believed that Hitler would "protect them", too.

    And fuck you, slave FORD your cunting leftist videos did nothing but antagonize independent voters. Von will double-back once he and his MAGA fucktards will now finally live in their dystopian dictatorship they always wanted.
    The only ones trying to control, muzzle and make you subservient to foreign entities is the party just thrown on it's ass. Honestly, check your news sources and think...

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  • Romeo Delight
    This was a win for America even for the Dems. They just don’t know how far this admin was in bed with foreign actors. They keep saying that is the way of the GOP but they have no way of disseminating actual facts. Say what you will about Trump but I have faith he is going to make good decisions on health with RFK and extricate the world from dumb conflicts and the corruption inherent in them. This is a better outcome for the US people and the world frankly.

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  • Romeo Delight
    I find it so amazing that even now, Democrats just don’t get it. They keep listening to the same lies over and over and are frankly delusional. Even Obama trotting outright lies in that recent event speech. Stuff long ago confirmed by Snopes as false. Thinking of the tired “both sides” bullshit. I seem to remember Rikk throwing that at me a while back. Tired lies. I saw this clip on CNN and I think it sums it up best how delusional the Dems were leading up to the election. https://x.com/catholicizm1/status/18...0hVmJwYyUCzbEQ

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  • twonabomber
    Originally posted by Kristy
    Ohio only allowed those with updated ID to vote.
    We did? Please elaborate.

    I did not get the "enhanced" ID when I last renewed.

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  • Von Halen
    Go to downtown Denver and then tell me more about the illegal immigrants. Oh, that’s right, you suburban fraud. You are afraid to go down there.

    Make America Great Again, Again!

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  • Kristy
    Trump has just turned America into a RuZZian satellite, enacting and securing Putin's dreams of world domination.

    We'll eventually know about many, but not all, of the voter suppression shenanigans before during , and after active voting. We know RuZZia sent dozens of bomb threats. Pennsylvania 's draconian laws discouraged voting. Ohio only allowed those with updated ID to vote. Georgia threw out or disallowed registrations, and allowed thousands of voter challenges based on perceived affiliation. Still, the usual suspects will gleefully seek to blame all voter suppression on Jill Stein- while they retire to enjoy their Trump tax cuts. I wonder about hacking and vote switching in electronic ballot states. It still seems mind – boggling that thousands could have voted for reproductive rights AND for Donald Trump.

    Still, it's shocking how many believed MAGA lies about immigrants and voted for Trump to "keep them safe". I've talked with liberals who bought those lies . We underestimated how knee-jerk racist so many are. German voters believed that Hitler would "protect them", too.

    And fuck you, slave FORD your cunting leftist videos did nothing but antagonize independent voters. Von will double-back once he and his MAGA fucktards will now finally live in their dystopian dictatorship they always wanted.

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  • Von Halen
    Where are all the LOSERS?? Ha ha ha!!

    Make America Great Again, Again!

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  • twonabomber
    What's that Obama quote? "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up?"

    Joe fucked her. Start the blame there.

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  • Von Halen
    Where’s Krusty the FRAUD and NickDickless?

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  • Seshmeister

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