Bush to Nominate Alito for Supreme Court

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  • knuckleboner
    Originally posted by BigBadBrian
    More from the DNC’s anti-Italian American talkers: “Alito is often referred to as ‘Judge Scalito’ because of his adherence to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s right-wing judicial philosophy.”
    yeah...uh, i think this is more of a blending of the names scalia and alito.

    but, i will accept an i-told-you-so from you, after i told you that i was certain bush wouldn't nominate a heavily conservative judge...

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  • FORD
    Originally posted by LoungeMachine
    And those who oppposed Meirs were actually just anti-polyester suits with the little dangly thingys.....
    And don't forget "Anti Tammy Faye Bakker-Americans"

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  • LoungeMachine
    And those who oppposed Meirs were actually just anti-polyester suits with the little dangly thingys.....

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  • LoungeMachine
    Originally posted by BigBadBrian
    More from the DNC’s anti-Italian American talkers: .”


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  • BigBadBrian
    More from the DNC’s anti-Italian American talkers: “Alito is often referred to as ‘Judge Scalito’ because of his adherence to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s right-wing judicial philosophy.”

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  • BigBadBrian
    started a topic Bush to Nominate Alito for Supreme Court

    Bush to Nominate Alito for Supreme Court

    Bush to Nominate Alito for Supreme Court
    Monday, October 31, 2005

    WASHINGTON — President Bush, stung by the rejection of his first choice, will nominate Samuel Alito (search) to the Supreme Court, selecting a conservative federal judge to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, a moderate.

    The choice, confirmed by two senior Republican official, was likely to spark a political brawl. Unlike the nomination of Harriet Miers (search), which was derailed by Bush's conservative allies, Alito will face opposition from liberal Democrats.

    Bush planned to announce the nomination at 8 a.m. EST.

    The White House hopes the choice mends a rift in the Republican Party caused by his failed nomination of Miers, and puts his embattled presidency on a path to political recovery. Democrats already put the White House on notice that a conservative judge such as Alito would create problems.

    So consistently conservative, Alito has been dubbed "Scalito" or "Scalia-lite" by some lawyers because his judicial philosophy invites comparisons to conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (search). But while Scalia is outspoken and is known to badger lawyers, Alito is polite, reserved and even-tempered.

    Miers bowed out last Thursday after three weeks of bruising criticism from members of Bush's own party who argued that the Texas lawyer and loyal Bush confidant had thin credentials on constitutional law and no proven record as a judicial conservative.

    The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to preview Bush's remarks, said Alito was virtually certain to get the nod from the moment Miers backed out. The 55-year-old jurist was Bush's favorite choice of the judges in the last set of deliberations but he settled instead on someone outside what he calls the "judicial monastery," the officials said.

    Bush believes that Alito has not only the right experience and conservative ideology for the job, but he also has a temperament suited to building consensus on the court. A former prosecutor, Alito has experience off the bench that factored into Bush's thinking, the officials said.

    "Judge Alito has a strong judicial track record," said Republican consultant Greg Mueller who works closely with conservative activists. "He has more experience than many who have come to the court."

    While Alito is expected to win praise from Bush's allies on the right, Democrats have served notice that his nomination would spark a partisan brawl. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (search), D-Nevada, said Sunday that Alito's nomination would "create a lot of problems."

    Unlike Miers, who has never been a judge, Alito, a jurist from New Jersey, has been a strong conservative voice on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals since Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush, seated him there in 1990.

    With the embarrassing withdrawal of the Miers nomination last week, the rising death toll in Iraq and Friday's indictment of top vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby (search), Bush's approval ratings are at the lowest ebb of his presidency. Polls show Democrats and most independents don't approve of his job performance, leaving the conservative wing of his party the only thing keeping Bush afloat politically.

    Judicial conservatives praise Alito's 15 years on the Philadelphia-based court, a tenure that gives him more appellate experience than almost any previous Supreme Court nominee. They say his record shows a commitment to a strict interpretation of the Constitution, ensuring that the separation of powers and checks and balances are respected and enforced. They also contend that Alito has been a powerful voice for the First Amendment's guarantees of free speech and the free exercise of religion.

    Liberal groups, on the other hand, note Alito's moniker and say his nomination raises troubling concerns, especially when it comes to his record on civil rights and reproductive rights. Alito is a frequent dissenter on the 3rd Circuit, one of the most liberal federal appellate benches in the nation.

    In the early 1990s, Alito was the lone dissenter in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (search), a case in which the 3rd Circuit struck down a Pennsylvania law that included a provision requiring women seeking abortions to notify their spouses.

    "The Pennsylvania legislature could have rationally believed that some married women are initially inclined to obtain an abortion without their husbands' knowledge because of perceived problems — such as economic constraints, future plans or the husbands' previously expressed opposition — that may be obviated by discussion prior to the abortion," Alito wrote.

    The case ended up at the Supreme Court where the justices, in a 6-3 decision struck down the spousal notification provision of the law. The late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist (search) cited Alito's reasoning in his own dissent.

    Alito, an Italian-American who grew up in Trenton, N.J., has a resume filled with stepping stones to the high court. He was educated at Princeton University and earned a law degree from Yale University, the president's alma mater.

    The nomination of Alito could end the intense speculation over who would replace O'Connor, a decisive swing vote in a host of affirmative action, abortion, campaign finance, discrimination and death penalty cases.

    Bush first picked John Roberts (search) to replace O'Connor, but when Rehnquist died, the president quickly re-nominated Roberts to the top chair on the high court.

    After the Senate confirmed Roberts 78-22, Bush nominated Miers to replace O'Connor. She withdrew within a month.