You said a lot there. You are right the FLDS ways were given up by the LDS in exchange for Statehood. They do have a history of "negotiation” As I said before, organization in itself is not inherently evil. Mormonism as a culture has some incredible, beneficial, and noble qualities. You, me or anybody do not "go after the whole group" It is the corrupt lawbreakers that are corrupt and lawbreakers. Moreover, the same as the FLDS, they have to make the decision to use the tools God has provided. Those tools are the justice system, as flawed as it is. There are major flaws and huge obstacles to over come, but there is no obstacle in existence that with God's will that remains an obstacle (5:30).
Mormons and Muslims have very much in common by way of values. The Mormon issue of the “Cain stain,” well, that is a big issue, but, God willing, we will understand, why the path was set to falter long before the “Cain stain.” We were not given the knowledge of the “markings” of the first peoples. The mark of Cain could be any one of the variations of human beings. Nevertheless, we know Cain’s soul; he is of the lost and chooses to embrace Cardinal Sins. (Cain's) soul prompted him to kill his own brother. In doing so, he became of those who lose.
Accept we are all at the mercy of another and another is at our mercy. Moreover, we are not simply in a 2-D environment. The combinations of all our actions from family to global create the whole of us. Your experience is part of the experience.
The two party system does create an environment of black or white, yes or no, this way or that way. Separation from such rigid mentality takes an ability to judge, to be judge and to accept minutely. An acceptance that many different aspects create the world, our world. The two party system is a way to divide, but can be a yin yang if given the means by the parts.
You said a lot there. You are right the FLDS ways were given up by the LDS in exchange for Statehood. They do have a history of "negotiation” As I said before, organization in itself is not inherently evil. Mormonism as a culture has some incredible, beneficial, and noble qualities. You, me or anybody do not "go after the whole group" It is the corrupt lawbreakers that are corrupt and lawbreakers. Moreover, the same as the FLDS, they have to make the decision to use the tools God has provided. Those tools are the justice system, as flawed as it is. There are major flaws and huge obstacles to over come, but there is no obstacle in existence that with God's will that remains an obstacle (5:30).
Mormons and Muslims have very much in common by way of values. The Mormon issue of the “Cain stain,” well, that is a big issue, but, God willing, we will understand, why the path was set to falter long before the “Cain stain.” We were not given the knowledge of the “markings” of the first peoples. The mark of Cain could be any one of the variations of human beings. Nevertheless, we know Cain’s soul; he is of the lost and chooses to embrace Cardinal Sins. (Cain's) soul prompted him to kill his own brother. In doing so, he became of those who lose.
Accept we are all at the mercy of another and another is at our mercy. Moreover, we are not simply in a 2-D environment. The combinations of all our actions from family to global create the whole of us. Your experience is part of the experience.
The two party system does create an environment of black or white, yes or no, this way or that way. Separation from such rigid mentality takes an ability to judge, to be judge and to accept minutely. An acceptance that many different aspects create the world, our world. The two party system is a way to divide, but can be a yin yang if given the means by the parts.