Born in Beeville and raised on a South Texas farm, Debra Medina is a wife and mother, a registered nurse, a businesswoman, a rancher and a fighter.
Debra has always drawn strength from the courage of her convictions. She first got involved in politics in the early 1990s, when she saw that local leaders were not honoring the pro-life principles that guide her beliefs. Now chairing the Republican Party of Wharton County, she took the Republican Party of Texas to court in 2008 over violations in how the state convention was run.
Standing up to Goliaths is pretty much what Debra does.
She homeschooled both her children long before homeschooling had the kind of support and visibility it has today. She graduated from San Antonio’s Baptist Memorial Hospital System School of Nursing in 1984, and later earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the evangelical Christian Le Tourneau University. In 2002, she founded her own business, Prudentia Inc., which specializes in improving medical billing procedures.
Through it all, Debra has waged and won battles that were not always popular – battles that often demanded uncompromising personal sacrifice. But this kind of strength is no surprise. After all, one of her ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. Another lost his life in the fall of 1842 in the Dawson Massacre near San Antonio, fighting to preserve Texas independence.
Today, Debra Medina continues this legacy. She stands solidly on the principles of limited government, a sound economy, individual liberty and the inviolable importance of family, community and faith.
