28 Pages and the House of Saud

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49395

    28 Pages and the House of Saud

    Smerconish: U.S. can handle truth on possible Saudi ties to 9/11
    Thursday, February 12, 2015

    Michael Smerconish

    Zacarias Moussaoui has upped the ante on the White House to release 28 top-secret pages from a congressional report pertinent to a possible Saudi role in the events of 9/11.

    Moussaoui is serving a life sentence for his involvement in the planning of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He has recently inserted himself into litigation in which 9/11 victims allege that the Saudi government funded Islamist charities that provided financial and logistical support to al-Qaeda.

    Moussaoui’s account of being a liaison between Osama bin Laden and members of the Saudi royal family was told to Sean Carter, a Philadelphia lawyer, over the course of two days of questioning in October at the federal supermax prison in Florence, Colo., and has only now been cleared for public release by the U.S. government.

    Carter has been defending against a Saudi motion to dismiss his case, facing the unenviable burden of producing evidence of a Saudi link to al-Qaeda without the benefit of taking discovery. Moussaoui’s testimony was unforeseen. The man who once took flight lessons in Oklahoma and Minnesota in preparation for a terror strike contacted the federal judge presiding over the case and offered to provide information.

    According to Carter, much of what Moussaoui told him was new information about his role with al-Qaeda, not even revealed during his own trial.

    “He testified that he had this role in creating a digital database of al-Qaeda’s donors, and he says that he personally entered the names of a number of senior Saudi officials and members of the royal family,” Carter said.

    “He explained to us that it was his understanding that they were making donations to bin Laden in order to maintain their legitimacy in the eyes of the Saudi Ulema, who are the Wahhabi religious clerics,” Carter said. “The Saudi state itself is the product of a pact between the House of Saud and the Wahhabi Ulema and the continuing legitimacy of that government resides very much on maintaining that bargain.”

    Inside the walls of supermax, Moussaoui first took an oath to Allah — “May Allah curse the liar” — before providing Carter with sworn testimony. He claimed that Sheikh Sa’id, the chief financial officer of al-Qaeda, asked him to undertake a project of tracking Saudi contributions to the jihad effort, a request that came from bin Laden.

    “Sheikh Osama wanted to keep a record who give money ... who is to be listened to or who continue to — to the jihad,” Moussaoui told Carter.

    Moussaoui named many members of the Saudi royal family as having been supportive, a funding source he described as “crucial.” He also claimed to have served as a courier for written communications between bin Laden and the House of Saud.

    The Saudis vehemently deny Moussaoui’s assertions, claiming that he is mentally imbalanced and that the 9/11 Commission was dismissive of such claims. That report “found no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually funded al-Qaeda.”

    Not so fast, say two 9/11 Commission members — former Navy Secretary John Lehman and former U.S. Sen. Bob Kerrey. Both say the 9/11 Commission did not exonerate Saudi Arabia.

    And, former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham, past chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, told me he is convinced there was a connection between some of the 9/11 terrorists and Saudi Arabia. Graham maintains that the 9/11 Commission did not “pursue some of the leads that we had left them with.”

    What might resolve the discrepancy is the release of those 28 pages.

    According to Carter, that matter rests with the director of national intelligence for an interagency declassification review.

    “We think the 28 pages are really the tip of the iceberg,” he added.

    So why would Moussaoui want to help 9/11 plaintiffs?

    “I think the reality is he’s sitting in prison for the rest of his life and the Saudi royals are not, and I think he has a desire to demonstrate and clear the record about everyone who was involved,” Carter said.

    Mr. President, release the 28 pages. We can handle the truth.

    Michael Smerconish is host of “Smerconish” on CNN. @bostonherald.com.
    • Mar 2004
    • 13373

    No surprise here. The Saudis actively fund not only terrorist organizations outside of their country, but the madrassas in their country who teach hatred to children by the truckload. They kinda have to. If they don't, they'll be deposed so fast they won't have time to pack up their Rolexes and stacks of cash that would choke a fleet of camels. Why the US doesn't cut ties and let them fall is beyond me.

    9/11 was a conspiracy. Even a moron can look at the list of most of the hijackers home countries and see that they were Saudi and that the money - a relatively small amount - all probably came from the Saudis. Of course, too many people waste time saying "It was all George Bush!!!" Yeah, those people are actively diverting attention from the real perpetrators. And wasn't that the goal of the Saudis? Pay money, send morons to America who want to die in a blaze of glory, and then Americans blame the sitting president? And it worked. Only it didn't work. Because it was all George Bush's fault. Or it was his daddy's plan. Or his grandpappy's plan that finally was carried to fruition by a brain dead moron. But he had enough sense to finish things out, right?

    Sometimes bad people do really bad things.
    American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


      • Mar 2004
      • 13373

      And for the record - I know the Bush's are ballz deep in the Saudis. That's no conspiracy either. I just don't think the Prez actively or passively had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. But there's no doubt he was getting those fuckers out of the country lickety split afterwards.
      American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


      • kwame k
        • Feb 2008
        • 11302

        Other than completely ignoring a fucking security brief that had the heading, terrorists will fly planes into buildings! Other than that, he was right on top of terrorism in America! We pretty much proved the Saudi link years ago in this forum!
        Originally posted by vandeleur
        E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :D


        • FORD

          • Jan 2004
          • 59369

          The Saud family, the Bin Ladens and the BCE all go way back together, to the 60s at least.
          Eat Us And Smile

          Cenk For America 2024!!

          Justice Democrats

          "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


          • ELVIS
            • Dec 2003
            • 44120

            Yeah, whatever...


            • kwame k
              • Feb 2008
              • 11302

              Crisis actors false flag, alert!
              Originally posted by vandeleur
              E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :D


              • FORD
                ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                • Jan 2004
                • 59369

                Originally posted by ELVIS
                Yeah, whatever...
                Have you seen Jeb's alleged "foreign policy" team??

                Same BCE bullshit, different day.
                Eat Us And Smile

                Cenk For America 2024!!

                Justice Democrats

                "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                • ELVIS
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 44120

                  More like same Zionist bullshit, different day...


                  • Nickdfresh
                    SUPER MODERATOR

                    • Oct 2004
                    • 49395

                    Originally posted by ELVIS
                    More like same Zionist bullshit, different day...
                    So who do you hate more? Jews or Muslims?


                    • FORD
                      ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                      • Jan 2004
                      • 59369

                      ELVIS has a poster of Sammy Davis Jr on his wall, so he can summon all of his hatred for blacks and Jews (and possibly gays) at the same time.
                      Eat Us And Smile

                      Cenk For America 2024!!

                      Justice Democrats

                      "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                      • ELVIS
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 44120

                        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                        So who do you hate more? Jews or Muslims?


                        • ELVIS
                          • Dec 2003
                          • 44120

                          Originally posted by FORD
                          ELVIS has a poster of Sammy Davis Jr on his wall, so he can summon all of his hatred for blacks and Jews (and possibly gays) at the same time.
                          Did it work when you tried it ??


                          • FORD
                            ROTH ARMY MODERATOR

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 59369

                            I don't have any hatred for blacks, Jews or gays. Though I did used to have a picture of Chimpy on my wall that I used as a dart board.
                            Eat Us And Smile

                            Cenk For America 2024!!

                            Justice Democrats

                            "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


                            • ELVIS
                              • Dec 2003
                              • 44120

                              So, you hate whites ??

