Look at all the geriatric cunts here tonight!
[QUOTE=FORD;1920369]Have a Homo Christmas Jerksmear, you psychotic meth addled bastard.....
finally some respect for THE jerksmear....
some leftist respect back to you and the other socialists cocksuckers of the RA....
“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
Che GuevaraA NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. SnyderComment
Eat Us And Smile
Cenk For America 2024!!
Justice Democrats
"If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992Comment
fuck you. really. fuck you. i mean that. sincerely. fuck you.
your life got harder and harder. that's funny. even for you. and the geriatric cunts. are you really trying to say your politics threw your parkinsons disease dad over a cliff to favor meds for queers?
everyone here at the RA; which would be shytmaster and the buffalo professor truly extends their deepest misplaced sympathies.
the kenyan houseboy should have taxed better for you. a real TARD deserves his dad. that just sucks cock.
no one else here has ever had a relative with parkinsons disease die. and if we necons and bigots, and deniers, and haters could march for just one queer to bring your dad back to life from dying from parkinsons disease , which queer would it be?
which queer was was the one that made your dead parkinsons disease dad a real man? mick jagger?
TARD, we (RA) just want whats best for you. i know what you're thinking. all this life would have been easier if you had just been aborted.
there's still time to march, because:
time is on your side............A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. SnyderComment
I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on and on about. I don't speak Tweaker. But you seem to have some really unhealthy obsession with queers and sucking dick. You should see a therapist about that. Or at least a gay prostitute, which I'm sure is easy enough to find in south Florida.
And why the fuck are you talking about my father, you psycho?Eat Us And Smile
Cenk For America 2024!!
Justice Democrats
"If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992Comment
I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on and on about. I don't speak Tweaker. But you seem to have some really unhealthy obsession with queers and sucking dick. You should see a therapist about that. Or at least a gay prostitute, which I'm sure is easy enough to find in south Florida.
And why the fuck are you talking about my father, you psycho?
Didn't your dad die of Parkinsons disease? That was your socialist answer to Che's socialist quote. Your dad was Mick Jagger?
If not, which relative died of Parkinsons disease? If it wasn't your dead Parkinsons disease dad, then who was it? The last thing i want to be is "inaccurate" about any dead relative of yours that died from Parkinsons disease.
So, TARD, you claimed to have a dead relative that died from Parkinsons disease. If that's wrong I'm sure to correct the issue of your dead relative from Parkinsons disease, we can get a parade started in Portland. Mick Jagger can be the the guy passing out needles for exchanging.
Fuck your dad too. Fuck you more though. Kind of equal. But fuck you more.A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. SnyderComment
What's that got to do with it, I don't see anyone saying they are fixing the problem or not contributing to it?
We're just saying there is a problem, pretending there isn't or being misled by the 100s of millions of dollars of propoganda by fossil fuel companies because it feels better doesn't change that.
I've done the absolute worst thing you can for climate change which is to have a few kids while living in the West.
That's like running a fleet of 20 SUV's in carbon footprint which is one of the reasons I would never preach at anyone about their lifestyle.
I'm only preachy about the fact that there is a problem.
The elements that shape weather on this planet are not fully understood. Hell we can't even predict accurately when it will rain on any given week. There are factors beyond our own sun and planetary system within the the Milky Way galaxy that has a constant effect on what's happening down here.
Is our existence and activity influencing climate by how much... 10%, 20%, 50% or possibly only .01%. Our ego and ignorance leads us to think we're big players in all this. Our stupidity leads us to think we can control a complex system that we don't fully understand. Our arrogance leads us to think we can tell others what to do and it will have an effect on this complex system...
A burst of energy from a star that occurred 10 million years ago could pass through our solar system next week and alter the energy output of the sun enough to plunge us into an ice age or 5 degree increase in global temps. A simple volcanic eruption anywhere on Earth could pump enough carbon, hydrogen or any other elements into the atmosphere to wipe out the last 5000 years of human output...
My point is... we're just along for the cosmic ride. It's utterly foolish to think we can control the complex systems that enabled our existence. Should we be good stewards of what we have.. ? Sure. Why not. But let's keep learning and not get too big headed in thinking we know enough in this realm to manage it."If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”Comment
ahhhh, professor buffalo imparts more "science" into the the discussion of aging leftist political hippys.
math for the discussion of geriatric political hacks; remember the science tific consensus: CO2 historic threshold !!!!!!!!!!!!!
so follow professor nikki math:
Four hundred One millionths. for the assholes that went to public school with pot smoking cool instructors like nikki:
400/1,000,000. see that's 400 with one millionths underneath.
is that the final answer? well yes to make the number sound huuuuuuuuuge.
the answer actually or "science" comes to......Jethro Bodine ....ought to the nought...
.04%...... not a whole percent but the damn cow farts throwing the whole baseline off.
can't be that sweet oxygen is 21% of the atmosphere and danged old nitrogen is 78%.
thank goodness there are aging political hippys to protect us from the weather. and that settled science from that consensus of climate change global warming scientists..........
Nice shot of the Hanson triplets but I'm finding it hard to follow your drunken gibberish. Are you trying to impart that fronts for the oil and gas industry are somehow "imparting" a science or something?Comment
[QUOTE=jacksmar;1920371]Have a Homo Christmas Jerksmear, you psychotic meth addled bastard.....
finally some respect for THE jerksmear....
some leftist respect back to you and the other socialists cocksuckers of the RA....
“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
Che Guevara
Can't you just get a rancid hooker?Comment
i think i understand your whatever addled question, professor buffalo.
remove your head first, and then pull whatever carbon number out of your ass. do you have one from '77?
inconvenient truth......A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. SnyderComment