CIA Says Soviets Helped Trump Win Election

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49394

    CIA Says Soviets Helped Trump Win Election

    Secret CIA assessment says Russia intervened in election to help Trump win

    Obama has ordered intelligence officials to conduct a broad review on suspected election-season hacking by Russians. (Andrew Harnik / AP)
    Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima, Greg MillerThe Washington Post

    The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

    Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton's chances.

    "It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia's goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected," said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. "That's the consensus view."

    President Barack Obama's administration has been debating for months how to respond to the alleged Russian intrusions, with White House officials concerned about escalating tensions with Moscow and being accused of trying to boost Clinton's campaign.

    In September, during a secret briefing for congressional leaders, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) voiced doubts about the veracity of the intelligence, according to officials present.

    The Trump transition team dismissed the findings in a short statement issued Friday evening. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It's now time to move on and 'Make America Great Again,' " the statement read.

    Trump has consistently dismissed the intelligence community's findings about Russian hacking.

    "I don't believe they interfered" in the election, he told Time magazine this week. The hacking, he said, "could be Russia. And it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey."

    The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Agency briefers told the senators it was now "quite clear" that electing Trump was Russia's goal, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

    The CIA presentation to senators about Russia's intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency's assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.

    For example, intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin "directing" the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said. Those actors, according to the official, were "one step" removed from the Russian government, rather than government employees. Moscow has in the past used middlemen to participate in sensitive intelligence operations so it has plausible deniability.

    In this Oct. 4, 2016 file photo, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange participates via video link at a news conference marking the 10th anniversary of the secrecy-spilling group in Berlin, Germany. Assange denied Nov. 3, 2016, that the Russian government or any other "state parties" were his group's source for more than 50,000 hacked emails from the files of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta. (Markus Schreiber / AP)

    The White House and CIA officials declined to comment.

    On Friday, the White House said President Obama had ordered a "full review" of Russian hacking during the election campaign, as pressure from Congress has grown for greater public understanding of exactly what Moscow did to influence the electoral process.

    "We may have crossed into a new threshold, and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what has happened and to impart some lessons learned," Obama's counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, Lisa Monaco, told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

    Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said.

    During her remarks, Monaco didn't address the latest CIA assessment, which hasn't been previously disclosed.
    Lisa Monaco

    In this Feb. 13, 2015 file photo, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco speaks at the White House Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection in Stanford, Calif. Monaco says President Obama has ordered a review of the email hacking that rattled the presidential campaign and says intelligence and national security officials will report their findings to the president before leaves office on Jan. 20. (Jeff Chiu / AP)

    Seven Democratic senators last week asked Obama to declassify details about the intrusions and why officials believe that the Kremlin was behind the operation. Officials said Friday that the senators specifically were asking the White House to release portions of the CIA's presentation.

    This week, top Democratic lawmakers in the House also sent a letter to Obama, asking for briefings on Russian interference in the election.

    U.S. intelligence agencies have been cautious for months in characterizing Russia's motivations, reflecting the United States' long-standing struggle to collect reliable intelligence on President Vladimir Putin and those closest to him.

    In previous assessments, the CIA and other intelligence agencies told the White House and congressional leaders that they believed Moscow's aim was to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system. The assessments stopped short of saying the goal was to help elect Trump.

    On Oct. 7, the intelligence community officially accused Moscow of seeking to interfere in the election through the hacking of "political organizations." Though the statement never specified which party, it was clear that officials were referring to cyber-intrusions into the computers of the DNC and other Democratic groups and individuals.

    Some key Republican lawmakers have continued to question the quality of evidence supporting Russian involvement.
    Putin Trump mural

    A couple kisses in front of graffiti depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, on the walls of a bar in the old town in Vilnius, Lithuania, on May 14, 2016. (Mindaugas Kulbis / AP)

    "I'll be the first one to come out and point at Russia if there's clear evidence, but there is no clear evidence - even now," said Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. "There's a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that's it."

    Though Russia has long conducted cyberspying on U.S. agencies, companies and organizations, this presidential campaign marks the first time Moscow has attempted through cyber-means to interfere in, if not actively influence, the outcome of an election, the officials said.

    The reluctance of the Obama White House to respond to the alleged Russian intrusions before Election Day upset Democrats on the Hill as well as members of the Clinton campaign.

    Within the administration, top officials from different agencies sparred over whether and how to respond. White House officials were concerned that covert retaliatory measures might risk an escalation in which Russia, with sophisticated cyber-capabilities, might have less to lose than the United States, with its vast and vulnerable digital infrastructure.

    The White House's reluctance to take that risk left Washington weighing more limited measures, including the "naming and shaming" approach of publicly blaming Moscow.

    By mid-September, White House officials had decided it was time to take that step, but they worried that doing so unilaterally and without bipartisan congressional backing just weeks before the election would make Obama vulnerable to charges that he was using intelligence for political purposes.

    Instead, officials devised a plan to seek bipartisan support from top lawmakers and set up a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 - a group that includes House and Senate leaders, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of both chambers' committees on intelligence and homeland security.

    Obama dispatched Monaco, FBI Director James Comey and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to make the pitch for a "show of solidarity and bipartisan unity" against Russian interference in the election, according to a senior administration official.

    Specifically, the White House wanted congressional leaders to sign off on a bipartisan statement urging state and local officials to take federal help in protecting their voting-registration and balloting machines from Russian cyber-intrusions.

    Though U.S. intelligence agencies were skeptical that hackers would be able to manipulate the election results in a systematic way, the White House feared that Russia would attempt to do so, sowing doubt about the fundamental mechanisms of democracy and potentially forcing a more dangerous confrontation between Washington and Moscow.

    In a secure room in the Capitol used for briefings involving classified information, administration officials broadly laid out the evidence U.S. spy agencies had collected, showing Russia's role in cyber-intrusions in at least two states and in hacking the emails of the Democratic organizations and individuals.

    And they made a case for a united, bipartisan front in response to what one official described as "the threat posed by unprecedented meddling by a foreign power in our election process."

    The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.

    According to several officials, McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.

    Some of the Republicans in the briefing also seemed opposed to the idea of going public with such explosive allegations in the final stages of an election, a move that they argued would only rattle public confidence and play into Moscow's hands.

    McConnell's office did not respond to a request for comment. After the election, Trump chose McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, as his nominee for transportation secretary.

    Some Clinton supporters saw the White House's reluctance to act without bipartisan support as further evidence of an excessive caution in facing adversaries.

    "The lack of an administration response on the Russian hacking cannot be attributed to Congress," said Rep. Adam Schiff (California), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who was at the September meeting. "The administration has all the tools it needs to respond. They have the ability to impose sanctions. They have the ability to take clandestine means. The administration has decided not to utilize them in a way that would deter the Russians, and I think that's a problem."

    The Washington Post's Philip Rucker contributed to this report.
    Copyright © 2016, Chicago Tribune
  • Seshmeister

    • Oct 2003
    • 35573

    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
    The Trump transition team dismissed the findings in a short statement issued Friday evening. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It's now time to move on and 'Make America Great Again,' " the statement read.
    Wait a minute, they said what!!??


    • vandeleur
      • Sep 2009
      • 9865

      I know it plays into tin foil hat territory but something is rotten in the state of Denmark .
      And if you did vote for trump that's from a book and Denmark is somewhere between ... am struggling you only know Mexico and the elsewhereistan :D
      fuck your fucking framing


      • vandeleur
        • Sep 2009
        • 9865

        Eventually you won't be able to trust anything , because some 12 year old twat can hack it to impress his mates.
        It won't be two countries fighting that will fuck things up it will be a spotty oik trying to impress his girlfriend with the access codes for something we don't even want to know we have have
        fuck your fucking framing


        • DONNIEP
          • Mar 2004
          • 13373

          Originally posted by vandeleur
          Eventually you won't be able to trust anything , because some 12 year old twat can hack it to impress his mates.
          It won't be two countries fighting that will fuck things up it will be a spotty oik trying to impress his girlfriend with the access codes for something we don't even want to know we have have
          In this case, I think the content of the hacked emails was more important than who actually committed this little bit of espionage. And it doesn't take a super genius to hack someone's email or whatever online account. Is Russia actually spying on the US (yes, duh) and did Putin himself want to put a virtual knife in Hill Dawg's campaign? Maybe. But all this crying about these emails "influencing the election" would be oddly absent if Bernie had been able to capitalize on them and had won the election.

          The issue here is what was in the emails. Some of it was absolutely conspiratorial and there were smoking guns all over the place showing how Hill Dawg's campaign actively worked to disrupt both Bernie's and Trump's campaigns. And yet there's a couple million idiots out there crying in the streets because one of the single most dishonest woman hating cunts on the planet who would sell out every gay in this country by flooding the joint with people who despise them didn't win.

          And lest anyone think the Russians are the ultimate bad guys for hacking these emails, every country in the West that has the capability is doing the same thing right now. And why haven't these idiots whose emails have been hacked learned years ago that if you're going to plot against someone you never write anything down.
          American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


          • vandeleur
            • Sep 2009
            • 9865

            So youre saying bad people do bad things
            fuck your fucking framing


            • FORD

              • Jan 2004
              • 59355

              The US corporate media is desperately trying to kill off any non-corporate media sources. When they succeeded in killing Al Jazeera America, they smelled the blood in the water. Now they are going after RT, which easily has more US viewers than AJM ever did, because they have made it accessible. RT is actually on basic cable and the lower priced tiers of satellite packages, as well as free & reliable streams from their own website, recently added live streams on You Tube and on apps for mobile devices, and on Kodi, the favorite platform of confirmed cord-cutters everywhere.

              And being a cord cutter, I'm able to get news from sources all over the world. Pretty much any country which has an English language news channel is out there if you know where to look. RT, Al Jazeera, BBC, France 24, NHK (Japan), DW (Germany). There was even a Turkish network out there for a while, but I haven't seen them since the attempted coup a few months back. There's an Israeli channel, I24, which seems to air more bullshit fashion reports than actual news, and there's always Iran's Press TV, which I usually avoid, not because it's biased programming, but because it's shitty production. And if you really want to be bored to tears, there's even an English version of the Chinese state news network, CCTV.

              Point is, they probably all have a little bit of bias when it comes to coverage of their own countries, but why not watch them all, and get some various sides of the news stories. Instead of relying on Comcast, AOLTimeCIAWarnerCNN, or Les "Trump is bad for America, but he's great for CBS" Moonves to tell you what to think. (BTW, fuck you Les, for killing the CBSN Kodi app)
              Eat Us And Smile

              Cenk For America 2024!!

              Justice Democrats

              "If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992


              • DONNIEP
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Mar 2004
                • 13373

                Originally posted by vandeleur
                So youre saying bad people do bad things
                Shocking, isn't it? What's more shocking to me is how all these Hillary voters are so wacked out that she lost even though they know she and her camp were doing everything they could to destroy the campaigns of the only other two candidates who stood a chance to beat her. This ain't professional wrasslin where you cheer for the bad guy because you know after the show they're all gonna hit the local steak joint then run the bars together all nite. Nah, these are people who can look at all the evidence of her trying to rig an election and somehow say "well none of that matters", kinda like the whole fake Hands Up Don't Shoot mentality you see played out every time a cop shoots some black dude.

                Ya know, it's too bad Ol' Bernie wasn't able to use the leaked emails to his advantage. I would have much preferred to see a fair "fight" between him and Trump. And if Bernie had won then so be it.
                American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


                • vandeleur
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 9865

                  That's to many words .... is yurp the appropriate response without reading it ?
                  fuck your fucking framing


                  • DONNIEP
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 13373

                    Originally posted by vandeleur
                    That's to many words .... is yurp the appropriate response without reading it ?
                    Here, let me condense it for you: Hillary is Devilly and her devout followers who are still protesting and crying like little children are stupid idiots who wouldn't have benefited from her Presidency anyways.

                    Now, go fetch me a 12 pack of Natural Ice. The sun is about to go down and this is my cheat day
                    American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


                    • vandeleur
                      ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 9865

                      Originally posted by DONNIEP
                      Here, let me condense it for you: Hillary is Devilly and her devout followers who are still protesting and crying like little children are stupid idiots who wouldn't have benefited from her Presidency anyways.

                      Now, go fetch me a 12 pack of Natural Ice. The sun is about to go down and this is my cheat day
                      Natural ice or tramp juice as it's known
                      fuck your fucking framing


                      • cadaverdog
                        ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                        • Aug 2007
                        • 8955

                        Originally posted by vandeleur
                        That's to many words .... is yurp the appropriate response without reading it ?
                        Depends on your definition of yurp.
                        Beware of Dog


                        • cadaverdog
                          ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                          • Aug 2007
                          • 8955

                          Originally posted by vandeleur
                          Natural ice or tramp juice as it's known
                          Natural Ice is one of those beers you buy when pals that never bring beer with them are going to drop by to play poker or watch a football game. That way you know you'll get your fair share and then some while your pals are trying to figure out how to dump their's out while nobody's looking.
                          Beware of Dog


                          • DONNIEP
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Mar 2004
                            • 13373

                            Originally posted by vandeleur
                            Natural ice or tramp juice as it's known
                            Why don't you go drink some of that fairy beer with Ford? Better enjoy it now before your Moozlim Overlords take it all away
                            American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


                            • DONNIEP
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Mar 2004
                              • 13373

                              Originally posted by cadaverdog
                              Depends on your definition of yurp.
                              I thought it depends on your definition of is.
                              American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.

