Considering the fact Donald Trump won the popular vote in approximately 30 of the 50 states (straight answers to questions like this are hard to find nowadays) will all the extreme anti Trump actions by the Democratic party and Democrats in general have a negative or a positive result for that party? I was just reading how Elizabeth Warren cherishes her role as Trump's foil.In the past no matter who won the other party would claim they would work with the new president to get things done to benefit all Americans but this time the Democrats have adopted a let's fuck with Trump every chance we get attitude. Whatever Trump says oppose it. If Trump nominated Mother Teresa for some cabinet position they'd call her a whore. It's hard to say how much the Republican party will tolerate because they didn't want Trump to win either but considering they control both houses and Trump is a member of their party together they can do almost anything they feel like doing. If their constituents start pushing them to fight back and fuck with the Democrats every chance they get I don't think that will bode well for Democrats.
Will The Democrats Extreme Anti Trump Position Come Back And Bite Them On The Ass?
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Calling Mother Theresa a whore is an appalling thing to say about prostitutes.
2/3rds of Americas don't approve of Benito Cheeto already and the Republicans have just spent 8 years blocking everything black Jesus attempted. -
I think the thread should be titled "Holy Fuck! Why Did I Vote For This Jerkoff! Please Forgive Me My CHILDRENNN!!!! "
It appears we definitely can so we at least have some sort of deterrent.Comment
You think Islamic extremist who have already murdered thousand of Americans and who knows how many other middle easterners are harmless but you're scared to death Donald Trump is gonna start WWIII. If he wants to be pals with Putin who do you think he's going to nuke? North Korea? Iran? Mexico?Beware of DogComment
You think Islamic extremist who have already murdered thousand of Americans and who knows how many other middle easterners are harmless but you're scared to death Donald Trump is gonna start WWIII. If he wants to be pals with Putin who do you think he's going to nuke? North Korea? Iran? Mexico?
There are 2 scenarios.
One is Russia continues to influence Trump to break up NATO and then continues further West from the Ukraine back into Eastern Europe and beyond. That's why I was wondering about whether we need the US to have a nuclear deterrent v Russia.
The second scenario is Trump and Putin fall out with each other and then travel down a path to WWIII which given their personalities is possible. Trump has mental health issues and isn't getting any younger. Putin has been in power for a long time and people get worse on power like they get worse on coke.
I'm not over worried about ongoing Islamic terrorism because that kills hundreds not millions. You remain frightened of them because they have terrorised you.Last edited by Seshmeister; 01-17-2017, 02:16 PM.Comment