Trump got climate change almost entirely wrong in his Paris speech
now i have full respect for her position and believe along those same lines as most people do. but, i'm not duped by gore or ubama or the lying scientists.
at some point the name calling and sarcasm stops and and a solution is required. not the bullshit tax and spent crap and tax and spend and tax and spend cycle that accomplishes nothing. tax and spend makes governments wealthy.
so? solution?Comment
Based on the latest survey, perhaps the incoming Trump Administration can make these cities pest-free again.
At this point, it still has to be determined whether the fantastic gas release caused by the explosion 12,000 years ago could have resulted in the gas reaching the atmosphere, or whether there is a chance that these events could happen in the near future. But as the Washington Post wrote, citing a separate paper authored by Natural Resources Canada climate scientist Stephen Grasby, a future Arctic methane explosion of similar magnitude could result in a massive uptick in global warming, as well as a “climate feedback loop,” or a vicious cycle of sorts where even more methane is spewed out into the atmosphere.A NATION OF COWARDS - Jeffrey R. SnyderComment
No, dolt, it DOESN'T REQUIRE anything! There are no mechanisms of enforcement other than "shaming", and you have none so you're fine. It's nonbinding and not a treaty...Comment