Trump Propagandist Blown to Smithereens
Von's buttboy ol' orange F A T T Y's buttboy Putin has been remarkably quiet about this. The first stage of RuZZike propaganda was this was an "inside" CIA job which makes one think if the CIA could pull this off why not go for a much bigger target? Yes, the old man is a prominent RuZZian propagandist figure but he's not in Putin's inner circle of government. My own conspiracy theory is the old man himself set this up. Why change cars at the last second after traveling together all night? This fucker is sociopathic and would he sacrifice his own daughter to gain the failing support of the RuZZian people who do not want this war? I say yes.
What's even more weird is an open casket for a person whose body parts would be sticking to street lights and guard rails from the looks of the explosion. Makes one also wonder if she is dead at all. If this was staged to bring on public support for the war then Putin has failed.