Trump Is Fucked

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  • Nickdfresh

    • Oct 2004
    • 49394

    Originally posted by Seshmeister
    Also fuck Tucker Carlson giving a platform for Putin. Absolute low life cunt.

    It's the Pole's fault that Hitler started WW2? Just really really fuck right off.


    • Rikk
      • Jan 2004
      • 16518

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      Fair point, one of my friends at university was Armenian and mentioned it at least once a week because understandably it was fundamental to what the kids now call identity.
      Oh, I can read this and KNOW that you definitely knew some Armenians. Boy, did that hit close to home when you mentioned this.

      The Genocide is (sadly) the defining factor in Armenian heritage. Armenians barely can carry on a single family dinner without mentioning it. My buddy Steve & I wrote an ongoing sketch about Armenians in which they managed to turn every single conversation into something about the Genocide and/or Turks. We had bits in which our Armenian characters were talking about the best way to prepare cabbage rolls and even these conversations would inevitably turn into some rant about the Turks.

      My wife, Colleen, was kind of taken aback the first time she had a big dinner with my Armenian relatives.

      "The food was great," she said to me on the drive back, "but HOW OFTEN do you guys talk about the Genocide?"

      "Get used to it, honey," I said to her. "Armenian culture is rich and Armenian people are hard-working. But they cannot function without thinking of the Genocide in every situation."

      That said, it's pretty unnatural to have almost every family you meet in your culture be able to name 5-10 people who were brutally murdered. To the day my grandmother died, she only had a faint memory of how her mother looked. She and her family were being marched through the mountains when my grandmother was four. My great-grandmother was VERY pregnant and could no longer walk through the the soldiers ordered her family to leave her there and her husband and kids could not even stop to say goodbye to her. For all we know, her skeleton is still up there on that snowy mountain. They were in the middle of the "deportation" stage, they were not allowed to pack and my grandmother never had a picture of her mom for the rest of her life.

      My grandmother died at the age of 93 on my birthday in 2011. I was very close to her. After Colleen & I lost our son in 2013, we had a daughter in 2014 (which really saved us). We ended up naming my daughter after my that was pretty awesome. The whole thing felt like a big "fuck you" to the Turks who tried to end our family.

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      Both of these are forgotten in most media as is a bunch of other stuff like the other 40+ million Stalin killed.
      I've actually heard a small handful of modern Republicans actually downplay the tyranny and incredible evil of Stalin...and I cannot understand for the life of me why it would be to their own benefit to tow the Putin line when it comes to the simple, undeniable truth of Stalin being the most destructive person in humanity's history (the devastation Hitler caused is maybe the only thing comparable to the horrors Stalin left in his wake). Before Putin, Russians mostly condemned Stalin's place in their history. But once Putin started pushing his own "fake news" agenda, Russians started agreeing with his sick propaganda. A 2019 poll showed that Stalin now has a 70% approvable rating in Russia. THAT is sick.

      Originally posted by Seshmeister
      Also for balance that cunt Tucker Carlson has said at various times how much he hates Trump but he only does that privately because he is a coward.
      The idiots defending Tucker's interview try and claim that he is just providing "fair and balanced journalism." What kind of "journalist" lies about his own feelings or hides the facts he knows about his subject in order to keep a position of power? The tweets are there, the private conversations have been revealed...Tucker thinks Trump is a complete moron, he thinks the people that sincerely believe Trump's lies are "pathetic" and "stupid"...but he continues to put forth a narrative he knows is completely untrue because that is what his audience wants.

      AT LEAST there is some karma in knowing that this sad, disgusting, little man has a sliver of the audience he once had. The loser thought he was bigger than Fox news...but now he's bantha fodder.
      Roth Army Militia

      Originally posted by WARF
      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


      • Seshmeister

        • Oct 2003
        • 35577

        The more I think about it, he was only in one of my classes so I only saw him about once a week.


        • Rikk
          • Jan 2004
          • 16518

          Originally posted by Seshmeister
          The more I think about it, he was only in one of my classes so I only saw him about once a week.
          That's awesome. And true. Armenians are proud people. They make great food (similar to Lebanese cuisine). Some people say their women are really pretty (though I'm not really in this camp...I never thought Kim Kardashian was very pretty and...I can't believe I'm saying this publicly & I hope my Dad doesn't read this...their women sometimes have moustaches).

          BUT they NEED to talk about the Genocide. (Hell, even I did one post ago.)
          Roth Army Militia

          Originally posted by WARF
          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


          • Catfish
            • Jan 2004
            • 898

            I love how all the libs treat rednecks like they're shit on their shoes until they find one they agree with! Then it's suddenly Stephen Hawking with a rodeo accent!


            • Catfish
              • Jan 2004
              • 898

              Originally posted by Seshmeister
              You are against 5% of the US defense budget going towards fighting a dictator invading a democratic country, an ally of the US and bombing the fuck out of women and children

              The winnable objective is to stop Putin rolling across Europe and also encouraging other powers like say China invading Taiwan and grabbing 90% of the best computer chips.

              For someone obsessed with money this is a very cheap way of the US continuing her soft power with no loss of American lives.
              Why do the libs pick and choose when it's OK to defend women and children? None of them care when it's in the Middle East and they're getting kidnapped, murdered, and raped. That's OK, but when it happens elsewhere the U.S. is supposed to don a cape? Makes no sense! It sucks to see people not enjoying how the U.S. is protecting the world for them.


              • Catfish
                • Jan 2004
                • 898

                Originally posted by Rikk
                That's awesome. And true. Armenians are proud people. They make great food (similar to Lebanese cuisine). Some people say their women are really pretty (though I'm not really in this camp...I never thought Kim Kardashian was very pretty and...I can't believe I'm saying this publicly & I hope my Dad doesn't read this...their women sometimes have moustaches).

                BUT they NEED to talk about the Genocide. (Hell, even I did one post ago.)
                Armenian women--wow. I believe those chicks are smokin' but that's a tough nut to crack unless you're firmly in that camp.

                If you bang an Armenian, take a photo and mount that shit, that's bucket list stuff!


                • Rikk
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 16518

                  Originally posted by Catfish
                  I love how all the libs treat rednecks like they're shit on their shoes until they find one they agree with! Then it's suddenly Stephen Hawking with a rodeo accent!
                  It's not about the rednecks being rednecks. It's about what SOME rednecks say.

                  I've had some redneck MAGAs explain to me...
                  ...different things that JFK did as President during WW2 (and no, they were not referring to PT 109).
                  ...that Russia was our biggest ally during the Cold War.
                  ...that black people left Africa voluntarily during the slave trade because slavery would still be better than living in Africa.
                  ...that we were just following "Canada's lead" by getting involved in Vietnam.
                  ...that the Sandy Hook kids never existed, but IF they did, the parents killed their children themselves to hurt the NRA.
                  ...that not only did the Holocaust never happen but that the ashes under the grass at sites like Auschwitz is Germans killed by Jews to help perpetuate the conspiracy.
                  ...that JFK Jr. and Trump are close friends and still talk time to time.

                  I personally find the whole "Liberal Redneck" persona hilarious.
                  Roth Army Militia

                  Originally posted by WARF
                  Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                  • Rikk
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 16518

                    Originally posted by Catfish
                    Armenian women--wow. I believe those chicks are smokin' but that's a tough nut to crack unless you're firmly in that camp.

                    If you bang an Armenian, take a photo and mount that shit, that's bucket list stuff!

                    Yeah, it just never worked for me. I don't know why.

                    I told my friends that someday I'm going to marry an Irish girl with blue or green eyes.

                    And that's just what I did.

                    But YES...Armenian women can be hot.
                    Roth Army Militia

                    Originally posted by WARF
                    Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                    • Catfish
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 898

                      Originally posted by Rikk
                      It's not about the rednecks being rednecks. It's about what SOME rednecks say.

                      I've had some redneck MAGAs explain to me...
                      ...different things that JFK did as President during WW2 (and no, they were not referring to PT 109).
                      ...that Russia was our biggest ally during the Cold War.
                      ...that black people left Africa voluntarily during the slave trade because slavery would still be better than living in Africa.
                      ...that we were just following "Canada's lead" by getting involved in Vietnam.
                      ...that the Sandy Hook kids never existed, but IF they did, the parents killed their children themselves to hurt the NRA.
                      ...that not only did the Holocaust never happen but that the ashes under the grass at sites like Auschwitz is Germans killed by Jews to help perpetuate the conspiracy.
                      ...that JFK Jr. and Trump are close friends and still talk time to time.

                      I personally find the whole "Liberal Redneck" persona hilarious.
                      LOL gawd dam!!!


                      • Catfish
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 898

                        Originally posted by Rikk

                        Yeah, it just never worked for me. I don't know why.

                        I told my friends that someday I'm going to marry an Irish girl with blue or green eyes.

                        And that's just what I did.

                        But YES...Armenian women can be hot.
                        Congrats on achieving your goal!

                        There are certain women who are very difficult to fuck if you're outside their group, especially if you're a white guy. Indians (both dots and feathers) and Middle Eastern chicks lead the pack. Do you remember that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm when Larry David gets to nail Gina Gershon but he has to wear a sheet over his entire body and cut a hole in it to put his pecker through? That may be accurate! It's like getting dicked down by a ghost!


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          Originally posted by Catfish
                          Congrats on achieving your goal!

                          There are certain women who are very difficult to fuck if you're outside their group, especially if you're a white guy. Indians (both dots and feathers) and Middle Eastern chicks lead the pack. Do you remember that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm when Larry David gets to nail Gina Gershon but he has to wear a sheet over his entire body and cut a hole in it to put his pecker through? That may be accurate! It's like getting dicked down by a ghost!
                          I still can't believe that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode in which Michael J. Fox thinks Larry David (while trying to scratch his own back) is making fun of his Parkinson's. That is some crazy, hilarious shit.
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • Seshmeister
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Oct 2003
                            • 35577

                            This has gone a bit off topic but Larry's expression when his car gets Suzie off...


                            • twonabomber
                              formerly F A T
                              ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                              • Jan 2004
                              • 11289

                              Originally posted by Catfish
                              It's like getting dicked down by a ghost!
                              You've been dicked down by a ghost?

                              "Dear Penthouse..."

                              Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                              • Nickdfresh
                                SUPER MODERATOR

                                • Oct 2004
                                • 49394

                                Originally posted by Catfish
                                Why do the libs pick and choose when it's OK to defend women and children? None of them care when it's in the Middle East and they're getting kidnapped, murdered, and raped. That's OK, but when it happens elsewhere the U.S. is supposed to don a cape? Makes no sense! It sucks to see people not enjoying how the U.S. is protecting the world for them.
                                What HAMass dud was horrifying and despicable and one of the stupidest thing any group fighting a more powerful enemy could have done. But it seems that over 12.400 Palestinian children have been butchered in the Israeli assault on Gaza. I mean, fuck...

                                And BTW, the Israeli gov't under Netanyahu SUPPORTED HAMAS and gave them aid, so....

