Trump Is Fucked

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  • Rikk
    • Jan 2004
    • 16518

    Originally posted by Nickdfresh
    It's like you are describing most of your own posts. You seem to hate gov't meddling and some other libertarian bullshit but then reflex back to a "well run state" which is the ultimate goal of liberal democracy on most nations...
    Seriously. I've never seen someone make the same argument FOR something and then makes the exact same argument AGAINST something...because it fits a narrative that even he doesn't seem to fully understand.

    I've read a lot of stupid shit in political arguments. But the fact that we're now listening to someone make arguments about the "ideal" nature of dictatorships because it fits his narrative... I can't believe he types this shit and thinks he's making anything resembling a good point.

    Anyone who has spent ANY time reading history books (or even just becoming educated) would not be stupid enough to talk about all the positive qualities of dictatorships. He doesn't even understand them.

    If he's ever taken a university level course on economics or political science, I'd be very surprised. And if he has, he certainly didn't do the readings.
    Roth Army Militia

    Originally posted by WARF
    Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


    • Rikk
      • Jan 2004
      • 16518

      Originally posted by Catfish
      Von Halen and Semenmeister need to start a new cuntdown clock atop these forums to when Trump becomes president again. But instead of the old school =VH= logo getting its torch lit it should be a limp wrist from a soft male lib bursting out flames! Cum shot style!

      Do we have the capacity to create that here?
      I can imagine you're joking. (It's also an interesting suggestion from someone I've read claim repeatedly that he's NOT actually a Trump cultist.)

      But do you know one of the reasons that this is a stupid idea (beyond the obvious fact that it would drive away a lot of the people who still come here)? Because one thing I like about this place is I can read (or reply to) stuff in The Front Line and disagree with someone...but then go to the VH or general music forums and discuss completely different topics with the same people and be completely civil and have good conversation, leaving the politics in The Front Line.

      If Nick or someone thought we should have a countdown to Biden getting re-elected, I would totally disagree with the idea. This forum has a political section...but it has NEVER pushed itself as a political forum FIRST.
      Roth Army Militia

      Originally posted by WARF
      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


      • Catfish
        • Jan 2004
        • 898

        Originally posted by Rikk
        I can imagine you're joking. (It's also an interesting suggestion from someone I've read claim repeatedly that he's NOT actually a Trump cultist.)
        Just because I think he's going to win doesn't make me a fan. I think the 49ers will win the Super Bowl next year and I hate those fags! I don't like Trump much none either, but he's still gonna win (unless the mail-in harvested ballots have their way).

        Originally posted by Rikk
        But do you know one of the reasons that this is a stupid idea (beyond the obvious fact that it would drive away a lot of the people who still come here)?
        Who? The 11 of us?

        Originally posted by Rikk
        Because one thing I like about this place is I can read (or reply to) stuff in The Front Line and disagree with someone...but then go to the VH or general music forums and discuss completely different topics with the same people and be completely civil and have good conversation, leaving the politics in The Front Line.

        If Nick or someone thought we should have a countdown to Biden getting re-elected, I would totally disagree with the idea. This forum has a political section...but it has NEVER pushed itself as a political forum FIRST.
        It will be at this point when I point out that what I said was only in jest. For I do not think it is appropriate, either.


        • DLR Bridge

          • Mar 2011
          • 5479

          I’ve arrived at the George Carlin philosophy of, “It’s all one big club, and you ain’t invited” with my waning interest in politics. Both main choices are reprehensible for both similar and dissimilar reasons.

          I’m actually considering sitting out voting for the first time since my ‘92 eligibility. I don’t really want to help either of these clowns and I’m not particularly thrilled with the Independent choices, either. RFK is alright, but not on everything.

          I imagine I’m not entirely alone. I’m just fatigued from it all.


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394


            • Catfish
              • Jan 2004
              • 898

              Originally posted by DLR Bridge
              I’ve arrived at the George Carlin philosophy of, “It’s all one big club, and you ain’t invited” with my waning interest in politics. Both main choices are reprehensible for both similar and dissimilar reasons.

              I’m actually considering sitting out voting for the first time since my ‘92 eligibility. I don’t really want to help either of these clowns and I’m not particularly thrilled with the Independent choices, either. RFK is alright, but not on everything.

              I imagine I’m not entirely alone. I’m just fatigued from it all.
              Don't sit it out, at least vote for your local stuff. That's what really makes the difference. But it will be fun seeing libs lose their minds for the next 4 years spewing hate all over again. Waste of time if you ask me, but if you got energy to spare...


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49394

                Originally posted by Catfish
                Just because I think he's going to win doesn't make me a fan. I think the 49ers will win the Super Bowl next year and I hate those fags! I don't like Trump much none either, but he's still gonna win (unless the mail-in harvested ballots have their way).

                I love how you "don't like Trump much" but still forward his idiot loser excuses...


                • Nickdfresh
                  SUPER MODERATOR

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 49394

                  Sort of like my asshole MAGA friends I can barely tolerate at this point sending me Gallup Polls showing Trump ahead of Biden by a couple of points (but within the statistical error). But then they tell me how the election was "stolen" even though the very same polls predicted Biden winning in 2020 by an even bigger margin than he did. So now YOU BELIEVE IN POLLS you ignorant fucks!


                  • Mushroom
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 1181

                    Trumpettes and MAGAts continue to reinforce Trump’s bad behavior and even excuse his bad behavior. It’s acceptable and now the norm? “Oh a dictatorship is alright.” “Oh he’s draining the swamp” so he can fill it with his puss-corrupted minions, or he fires the upstanding appointees so he can replace with yes men.

                    What’s wrong with these Trump quotes?

                    'We won this election, and we won it by a landslide'

                    'We will stop the steal'

                    'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

                    ‘You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can't let that happen.’

                    'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

                    They are lies and Trumpettes slurp it up. And you fucking Trumpettes don’t want to hold him accountable?


                    • Rikk
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 16518

                      Originally posted by Catfish
                      Don't sit it out, at least vote for your local stuff. That's what really makes the difference. But it will be fun seeing libs lose their minds for the next 4 years spewing hate all over again. Waste of time if you ask me, but if you got energy to spare...

                      The fact that you're already calling it cracks me up.

                      I can remember 50-100 morons telling me that the "libs" (you guys don't realize how stupid you sound every time you call anyone a 'lib' because they don't support a disgusting scumbag narcissist with zero brains or class) didn't have a hope of winning in 2020. You guys were already planning your victory parties.

                      The fact that you desperate MAGAs actually still cry about "mail-in votes" you really think you're winning an argument or convincing anybody of anything other than the fact that you guys just CAN'T FATHOM that America has a lot more educated people than you realize who don't deify a crook, don't appreciate racism or homophobia, actually have an understanding of history and realize that Russia actually is a threat, dictatorships are not "efficient" and actually are really fucked up, rape is bad...and, most of all, actually care about our country and our families more than the needs of one scumbag who got into politics?

                      The race is close. You haven't won a fucking thing yet. I'm not going to declare anything...I know that there are plenty of MAGA idiots who already think he won...and if he doesn't, they will naturally just claim it's a conspiracy and attack the Capitol again, kill more cops...and then say THAT was a Democrat conspiracy too.

                      Two years ago, we heard about the "red wave." Republicans were already writing their victory speeches. Cultists were online, mocking Trump-haters...before the election woke them up. "Uh oh," they said. Very rare for a President to keep at least one of the houses during his mid-term...and almost keep the other.

                      Almost every major Trump-endorsed candidate lost two years ago (Walker, Lake, etc.). And I had people here telling me those elections were locked.

                      I'm not going to declare a fucking thing. But I will try and remember these posts of yours, already calling the 2024 election at the beginning of March.
                      Roth Army Militia

                      Originally posted by WARF
                      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                      • Rikk
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 16518

                        Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                        I love how you "don't like Trump much" but still forward his idiot loser excuses...
                        Seriously. He's always going on about how much he "doesn't like Trump much" before sucking Trump's (reportedly small) penis and already planning victory parties.
                        Roth Army Militia

                        Originally posted by WARF
                        Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                          Sort of like my asshole MAGA friends I can barely tolerate at this point sending me Gallup Polls showing Trump ahead of Biden by a couple of points (but within the statistical error). But then they tell me how the election was "stolen" even though the very same polls predicted Biden winning in 2020 by an even bigger margin than he did. So now YOU BELIEVE IN POLLS you ignorant fucks!
                          MAGAs believe in whatever is convenient for them in the moment.

                          It's how they're able to say that the Capitol Insurrectionists were "tourists" and "very fine people" in one sentence, but then claim it was actually a giant Democrat conspiracy in the next sentence, talk about the people arrested as freedom fighters in one sentence and then declare that the murdered cops were actually victims of Democrats.

                          It's the same formula as Republicans one second believing that Russia is part of the axis-of-evil...but then when Trump tells them some years later that Russia is actually an awesome place to live (much better than America, Tucker said, because they have fresh bread and moving shopping cart ramps) and suddenly declares that dictatorships that don't support true free market economies or freedom of speech, suddenly MAGAs believe that too.

                          These people are one OT level away from believing in Xenu...
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • Rikk
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 16518

                            Originally posted by Mushroom
                            They are lies and Trumpettes slurp it up. And you fucking Trumpettes don’t want to hold him accountable?
                            One of the biggest reasons I just can't take MAGAs seriously anymore is because every single MAGA I argue with will argue one thing to me one year, and the next year they will be defending an ideal completely the opposite of what they were arguing before. Literally...a complete 180.

                            Listening to the same idiots who defended the Iraq War now tell me about "warmonger" Democrats is so ludicrous, it's comedic.

                            How can anyone get so angry about people not supporting the police one second and then refuse to even throw respect towards police maimed or killed on January 6th?
                            Roth Army Militia

                            Originally posted by WARF
                            Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                            • Catfish
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 898

                              Say one positive thing about Trump and the libs (I'll call you guys dems instead, which is just as embarrassing, if you like), lose their minds. You're a MAGA!!! You're a Trump supporter! A cultist!!! RASISSTTTT!!!

                              You liberal male pussies crack me up! It's so much fun sitting here watching you all lose your shit! I cun't wait to watch you all age 20 years in the next 4 years


                              • Seshmeister
                                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                                • Oct 2003
                                • 35577

                                The funny thing about this huge argument that is going to go on in this thread for the next 8 months or more is that looking at where most of you guys live you will have about as much effect on the final result as me.

