Who ever heard of an insurrection without firearms and lot’s of killing? That was nothing more than agitators like Ray Epps stirring trouble. If you think that was an insurrection you live in La La Land.
Trump Is Fucked
If you are scared of MAGA you really are a wimp.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
What the fuck are you talking about?
How is not wanting a pretty stupid crook put in charge of thousands of nuclear missiles? 6 minutes! That's how long your president gets to decide whether to end the world. 6 minutes while he is maybe getting grabbed by a bunch of secret service guys in the middle of the night and being rushed to an underground room. You want someone like Trump to be making the decision about whether to launch ICBM's at North Korea which will have to overfly Russia in 6 minutes?
Also how does it make you a wimp not wanting an authoritarian government?
How does it make you a wimp not wanting the US of fucking A being run by a shitty family like a 3rd rate South American dictatorship?
Clear your fucking cookies...Comment
Yeah, so January 6 was pure bullshit and the biggest crime that's come out of it is that the people who engaged in it weren't punished even more. "Be strong, go fight, I'm right behind you"...and those fucking fools fell for it. Trump can NEVER again be allowed anywhere near the White House under ANY circumstances. This is the hard line we draw as a country and these fucking MAGA cultists need their religious ferver around their Cheeto Messiah drowned in piss.
I may have some feelings about this.Twistin' by the pool.Comment
They did have firearms. And several Federal Police officers died, asshole. And 174 were injured...Comment
If that had been BLM or "Antifa" (whatever that really is) you'd be raging about the horrors, retard....Comment
And they never did tell us what the dead terrorist Ashley Babbling-Idiot had in that backpack she was trying to push through that broken window when she got shot. But I'm guessing it wasn't a picnic lunch.Eat Us And Smile
Cenk For America 2024!!
Justice Democrats
"If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992Comment
Eat Us And Smile
Cenk For America 2024!!
Justice Democrats
"If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992Comment
And the other pretty stupid crook was in charge of the nuclear missiles the previous 4 years. Did he hit the button? No. You know why? Because he had a better relationship with our allies and our enemies than this current regime does. By far. The enemies knew not to fuck with him because he just might hit that button. Bidet thinks if he pushes the button it will play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for him.Comment
We’ve had a pretty stupid brain dead crook in charge of thousands of nuclear missiles for the last 4 years. Oh, wait. That demented brain dead old coot isn’t in charge of anything. Well, anything other than watching Nickdlibtard suck his old shriveled balls.
And the other pretty stupid crook was in charge of the nuclear missiles the previous 4 years. Did he hit the button? No. You know why? Because he had a better relationship with our allies and our enemies than this current regime does. By far. The enemies knew not to fuck with him because he just might hit that button. Bidet thinks if he pushes the button it will play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for him.
Biden's a "crook?" Okay then you Republican'ts must really suck hard because they can never seem to come up with anything on him not sourced from Russian intelligence...Comment
I frequently wonder how the hell did we get to this place in our history with these two old fucks as our presumptive candidates for president..?
It just seems bizarre... but then I'm reminded of times in my youth when we had LBJ and Nixon as leaders... maybe the present isn't so bizarre after all...
Shit... we could do better though."If you want to be a monk... you gotta cook a lot of rice...”Comment