Trump Is Fucked
The DOJ Went Easy on Trump for Political Reasons
In January of last year, Trump returned 197 classified documents to the federal government.
Despite his willfully retaining those documents for months, the federal indictment released
last week does not charge Trump in connection with any of them — which is to say, the DOJ
gave Trump a pass on 197 potential counts of willful retention of national defense information.
Instead, it charged him with only 31 counts, each corresponding with a highly classified document
that Trump knowingly withheld from the government in January 2022 and the FBI later obtained.
Full story at:
Originally posted by sadaistI don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.Comment
No wonder the rest of NY hates Buffalo and the shithole that it is. You motherfuckers are DUMB.
Run inflation up 10 times higher than it was, then cut it 50% and the retarded sheep derelicts will be happy and bragging about it, like your dumbass is. "Oh boy, they cut inflation by 50%. YIPPEE! Meanwhile, it's still 50% higher than it was. Nickdmoron.
So, since it is coincidence when things are good under a President, then it is coincidence when things are bad under a President. Because the President has nothing to do with anything. According to Nickdgenius. So I guess what you mean is, all the people President Trump had in place were doing a much better job than the people Bidet has in place. Since they must be the ones that affect everything.
"Gas prices are lower".Lower than what? Lower than they were at this time last year, but still SIGNIFICANTLY higher than when Trump was President? You are one dumb motherfucker. Nickdbraindead.
Go back to your shitty apartment in that shitty neighborhood in that shitty city, and wait for your welfare check to arrive, Nickdelusional.Last edited by Nickdfresh; 06-14-2023, 12:28 PM.Comment
The indictment was a nothing burger. It's all about trying to tarnish a candidate. It's how low the politics has become in this country. The Dems won't run Biden in 2024. They will run someone else and it's not going to be Robert Kennedy Jr. He too anti-Corporate. I'm sure Michelle Obama is getting calls big time right now. They need a rock star.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
The candidate that is the best puppet gets the nomination. It doesn't matter if you can pull huge crowds, if you are too independent you won't be getting the nomination. If you are a big party donor and many donate to both parties you get what you want from the puppets in office. The saying we have the best government money can buy is very true.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Republicans are more honest when they say they are the big business party. They are big time liars when they say they are for America. They are for multinational corporations and global consolidation. The Democrats are big time liars when they say they are for the minority class and working Americans. They love the big multi-nationals just like the Republicans and they get their money from the same sources. Both parties are sell outs. Arguing which one is the best is a joke.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Trump is old. Joe Biden is old. The whole indictment game has gotten old. One thing for sure, those who donate big time to political parties are doing great right now. Nothing has changed for them. Keep the little people distracted and arguing with each other.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Donald Trump was a very driven guy from Queens New York and he wanted to be part of the Manhattan elite. The old money. They never accepted him and he always had a dislike for them because of it. The old money has controlled US politics for decades. They probably control it now more than they ever did because they have bought up more stuff and people over the years. These people hate individual countries and they especially hate the US because it gives too much power to the little people. What these people want is unelected people running unions that have the real power and then kangaroo legislatures in each country to fool the little people they actually have representation. They have been successful in Europe to a certain degree. They wanted a big manufacturing slave colony and they took over China for this purpose but the Chinese view themselves as superior and they don't want to be second dog to a bunch of westerners. So there's been a bit of a break there. Trump knows all these games. He personally went to Davos and said America is going to be America and we aren't becoming part of their globalist conglomerate. They hate him more than ever and he hates them. This is a pissing match. Trump is pissed they never accepted him as an equal and he scares the shit out of them because if he can get into office with a loyal staff he can go after them and they have played dirty pool in the government for a long time. It's all about revenge and fear and it's at a level the average person has no relation to. Trump is using the people who feel they have been screwed as his base. People who run independent businesses or are not making a living off of big government spending. Lot's of those type of people in the US and if you can organize them, there's a lot of power there. It scares the hell out of people.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Joseph Kennedy was similar to Trump. A nobody with ambition and who achieved some success. Even though Kennedy married into the old money he was never accepted because they were snobby. But once you make money you want more and Joe wanted to be president. For the prestige and for revenge. Roosevelt saw Joe Kennedy as a threat and made him ambassador of Great Britain. A genius move because no way could an Irishman turn that down and it kept Joe out of Washington DC and kept him busy overseas. Joe blew his chances of being president because he said Nazi Germany could not be beaten. So he wanted his oldest son to be president gut he died in a US bombing mission. Then that fell to John F Kennedy who the establishment didn't like either. He got assassinated and the dislike was so prevalent in the government they were able to cover it all up.
Insiders vs outsiders. If you threaten the power structure they go after you. Old money colludes. Especially when banking is concerned. Most countries don't even have their own central bank. They have a privately owned bank and nobody knows who the share holders are and they always make the bank look like it's part of the government. So these banks create money from nothing and loan it to governments at interest which the taxpayers have to pay. It's a Ponzi scheme and by the time it fails the insiders hope to have bought enough things up with the funny money they own everything. It takes decades to do this but they have done it. Where did Blackrock and Vanguard get the money to own all the shares they own and why didn't the government stop them? Ha! Ha! People are worried about Donald Trump. Ha! Ha!No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
The Government doesn't own the central bank. It has to pay them interest for every dollar issued. So who has the real power? Not the government unless it can be organized to put the money back under the control of the Treasury Department but for decades this has not happened. The only president that challenge the Federal Reserve with an executive order was John F Kennedy. He was killed two weeks after he signed the executive order and that executive order was reversed first thing when LBJ became president. That's how powerful the Federal Reserve is. The Federal Reserve is only one of many banks that are part of the Bank for International Settlements conglomerate in Basil Switzerland. Interesting that all the world's despots are tied to Switzerland. All roads lead there when money is concerned and it's all about money and the power it wields. Most people don't even understand basic banking so it's easy to screw the masses. Get them arguing about all the silly social and political shit. Distract them with drama. Anyways the civilian governments have been huge failures. They have been bought up by the Bank for International Settlements. They all have to pay that bank its interest and it can keep loaning money because it's made from nothing. Great racket if you can make it happen. Someone did. We all spend our lives trying to beat inflation and that's if you have the luxury of having any savings. Most Americans own nothing. The bank owns most their home (if they have one) and most their car. Every month is making payments to the banks for loans. Most graduates are saddled with student loan debt. But people love it. They love being slaves to the bank because they can do things and get stuff but they own nothing.Last edited by Nitro Express; 06-14-2023, 02:31 PM.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Joe Biden had it figured out a long time ago. If you wanted to get rich and live a great life just be a sellout. You don't even have to do well in school. You just have to be a likable bullshitter which he's really good at and sell out to the rich. I think he went to Washington DC in 72 and lived the life. That's Joe Biden. The money is better than ever. AOC is worth tens of millions and she hasn't been in office that long. She just jumped on the Social Democrat bandwagon and Cha Ching! You don't have to be bright but you have to be a good actor and bullshitter. Well paid puppets.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
The indictment was a nothing burger. It's all about trying to tarnish a candidate. It's how low the politics has become in this country. The Dems won't run Biden in 2024. They will run someone else and it's not going to be Robert Kennedy Jr. He too anti-Corporate. I'm sure Michelle Obama is getting calls big time right now. They need a rock star.
As for Bobby Kennedy Jr, I doubt he would have ever been a serious candidate even without his antivax issues. The guy's speaking voice is just cringeworthy. It's the result of some health issue in his younger years, so it's not really his fault, but all the same, being able to speak to a crowd is a big part of being a Presidential candidate. His dad & uncle were very good at it. RFK Jr was even hard to listen to back when he was doing "Ring Of Fire" radio on the weekends.Eat Us And Smile
Cenk For America 2024!!
Justice Democrats
"If the American people had ever known the truth about what we (the BCE) have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - Poppy Bush, 1992Comment