HAHA the chump!!!

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  • Nitro Express
    Why is Nikki Hailey still running when she’s having her ass handed to her? Because the political establishment figures they can make Trump quit with harassing him with lawfare. Trump quits and Nikki gets the Republican nomination and she loses to whoever the Democrats end up running. They will replace Mr. Magoo with someone else at the last minute and promote the shit out of them.

    Anyways that’s the game and it’s not about Trump. It’s about going after anyone not part of the insider’s club. As far as the Ukraine goes it’s been a great place to launder money through and charge on the big Federal Reserve credit card and stick the US taxpayer with the bill. Don’t think our government gives a fuck about anyone dying in the Ukraine. The people running things don’t give a fuck about anyone but lining their pockets and grabbing more power. It’s why there are so many multimillionaires in the US Congress and and Ukrainians are showing up in Monte Carlo with new yachts. Golden shoe boy is far from being the big problem.

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  • twonabomber

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  • Nitro Express
    Dude there was no plaintiff in the case. No financial institutions were complaining about getting ripped off. This was a judge making up a scenario and going after someone. It’s going to really hurt New York because nobody likes to invest where crazy shit happens in the courts and government.

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  • Seshmeister
    Originally posted by Nitro Express
    Who’s going to lose over this is New York. Who in their right mind would want to do business in a place where the legal system is that whacked.
    Who in their right mind would do business with Trump? The problem is that with none of the banks going near him he then went to the Russian crooks and a few years down the line Ukraine soldiers start running out of ammo...

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  • Catfish
    Originally posted by Nitro Express
    You people are easily amused. Some goofy judge decides he’s guilty when there is no plaintiff and pulls some outrageous figure out of his ass. Who’s going to lose over this is New York. Who in their right mind would want to do business in a place where the legal system is that whacked.
    Yes. Same shit is happening in California where leadership has the state so fucked everyone's leaving. You're nuts to start a business in California.

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  • Nitro Express
    You people are easily amused. Some goofy judge decides he’s guilty when there is no plaintiff and pulls some outrageous figure out of his ass. Who’s going to lose over this is New York. Who in their right mind would want to do business in a place where the legal system is that whacked.

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  • Seshmeister
    This kind of reminds me of Saddam Hussein where the lie fucks you unexpectedly. He lied about having WMD's to appear powerful and it that's what killed him in the end.

    In the same way Trump has been lying about his wealth forever which is causing these damages to be so high. I still really doubt that he will ever pay much to anyone or end up in jail, that's not how the system works for elites.

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  • Rikk
    Originally posted by Hardrock69
    I wonder what the odds are in Vegas right now that he will try to flee the country when it becomes apparent he is going into the slam.
    His fellow ass-licker, Putin, will probably be happy to take him in...provided he also pays his RUSSIAN DEBTS.

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  • Hardrock69
    started a topic HAHA the chump!!!

    HAHA the chump!!!

    Worthless fuck!

    Fuck that goddamnable worthless asslicker.

    Even if the 400 plus million dollar awards get reduced in the future, he will still be furious....because he is a LOSER.

    Watch him be found guilty on all of his criminal trials. Then he will have 5 or 6 different appeals headed to the SCOTUS.

    Every moment of every day, he is gonna be trippin' on how to avoid any time at the Federal Pen......thinking he can just keep shoveling money to his legal team.....so what if the money runs out?

    Right when he finally is ordered to report to prison?

    I wonder what the odds are in Vegas right now that he will try to flee the country when it becomes apparent he is going into the slam.