Wella I tried ...
I started 3 days before I saw the "how to stripe a strat" thread and didn't have the foggiest of what I was getting into ...
Now after reading that thread I easily missed 4-5 steps ... I mean the shit ain't that bad and not bad at all for a rookie who felt that taping the Wolf everytime I changed strings wasn't good enough ...
Didn't even bother with Ed's new stripes that go on the Wolf ... just kinda winged it and came up with it almost ... there's no way strat stripes from that Kramer that I fooking dig the most out of any of his guitars is going to fit on da Wolfy ...
I'll redo it someday because I obviousley missed most of the prep of the paint ... I dig it though ...

Yup going to have to sand that bitch down but kinda looks cool though the concept of just white with the black stripes going all the way around ...
I started 3 days before I saw the "how to stripe a strat" thread and didn't have the foggiest of what I was getting into ...
Now after reading that thread I easily missed 4-5 steps ... I mean the shit ain't that bad and not bad at all for a rookie who felt that taping the Wolf everytime I changed strings wasn't good enough ...
Didn't even bother with Ed's new stripes that go on the Wolf ... just kinda winged it and came up with it almost ... there's no way strat stripes from that Kramer that I fooking dig the most out of any of his guitars is going to fit on da Wolfy ...
I'll redo it someday because I obviousley missed most of the prep of the paint ... I dig it though ...

Yup going to have to sand that bitch down but kinda looks cool though the concept of just white with the black stripes going all the way around ...
