QUOTE=fourthcoming;1641859]I know I'm running the risk of sounding dicky, but God willing, there will be a second leg of the tour. And if there is a second leg....Van Halen....can we please lose Pretty woman, I'll Wait, China Town, Trouble With Never, and Tattoo? I have no problem with any of these tunes.....and absolutely love the new stuff also....but....Can we mix it up a little more on the second leg hopefully? Bullethead, Stay Frosty, As Is, Sinners Swing, D.O.A., In A Simple Rhyme, anything really cuz the whole catalog is brilliant......just please mix it up a little bit more. I'll shut up now.[/QUOTE]
Whoa... what`s in your coffee this morning?
Whoa... what`s in your coffee this morning?