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  • davidrth101


    hey everyone hows things in daves world. Iam one of the biggest fans that walk planet earth. except no subsitutes.
  • Sarge's Little Helper
    • Mar 2003
    • 1322

    Hello davidrth101, welcome aboard and welcome to The Diamond David Lee Roth Army! Thanks for joining our lubricated leper colony for a sloppy dose of music, entertainment and pop culture madness Roth style. Enjoy your stay!
    "I decided to name my new band DLR because when you say David Lee Roth people think of an individual, but when you say DLR you think of a band. Its just like when you say Edward Van Halen, people think of an individual, but when you say Van Halen, you think of…David Lee Roth, baby!"!


    • Candy Girl

      Originally posted by davidrth101
      hey everyone hows things in daves world. Iam one of the biggest fans that walk planet earth. except no subsitutes.
      Live in Louisiana? How interesting.


      • vaijuju
        • Jan 2008
        • 830

        Hi from France, Louisiane ,Nouvelle Orleans all french names!
        http://vhfrance.activebb.net/ (1 er Site Francophone sur Van Halen)

        http://www.youtube.com/user/VHFranceVideos (Our new Channel)


        • ThrillsNSpills
          • Jan 2004
          • 6627

          For the benefit of anyone joining us late

          You impersonate DLR on Facebook as "David Roth."
          You caught another obsessive fan DLRisCOOL and now you're dragging the madness over here.
          You are from Louisiana.

          even if you didn't change your location in your profile, the mods can track you so just know that your credibility is nil at this point.
          Unlike whoever you caught we know Dave isn't sitting around on the net.

          other than that welcome.


          • DLRisCool1969
            Roth Army Recruit
            • Sep 2009
            • 18

            You guys won't believe this one.....

            Hi all,

            I just thought that you might find this one hillarious...this so-called David Lee Roth sent this private message to me. Decide for yourself:

            your right you psycho bitch david lee roth belongs to me now we see each other every other weekend. Iam so sorry psycho kristy you lost out on that. so now you have to run on here with your bullshit. david new I opend that email address for him he does not give a shit what I do. an as for contacting him you have to go through his manager. you worthless piece of shit. you fell for it hook line an sinker. you fucking lesbian. david would love this. P.S. my name is not really julie gilmer used a friends name from highschool whom I hated. also I do not live in louisiana. so u loose this one bitch.

            BTW, I am not as dumb as "Julie" would like to think I am. I had some emails that I thought were from DLR and I did a trace on the IP and I found that she IS located in Louisana. She even told me she lived there. She is some piece of work. If this get's me banned from the site I understand I just wanted everyone to know what a psycho SHE is!


            • chefcraig
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Apr 2004
              • 12172

              What is more astounding is your belief that anyone at this site even gives a crap about this psycho-drama nonsense.

              “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
              ― Stephen Hawking


              • twonabomber
                formerly F A T
                ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                • Jan 2004
                • 11288

                Originally posted by DLRisCool1969
                BTW, I am not as dumb as "Julie" would like to think I am. I had some emails that I thought were from DLR
                you're 40 years old and believed that DLR would email you?

                i think you're dumb, too.
                Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                • kwame k
                  TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 11302

                  Here, this might help!

                  Originally posted by vandeleur
                  E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :D


                  • Guitar Shark
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 7579

                    Originally posted by DLRisCool1969
                    I had some emails that I thought were from DLR and I did a trace on the IP and I found that she IS located in Louisana.
                    Just out of curiosity, how did you run an IP trace on emails you received from her?
                    ROTH ARMY MILITIA

                    Originally posted by EAT MY ASSHOLE
                    Sharky sometimes needs things spelled out for him in explicit, specific detail. I used to think it was a lawyer thing, but over time it became more and more evident that he's merely someone's idiot twin.


                    • Va Beach VH Fan
                      ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                      • Dec 2003
                      • 17913

                      Originally posted by chefcraig
                      What is more astounding is your belief that anyone at this site even gives a crap about this psycho-drama nonsense.
                      No one does, which is why I'm closing this thread....

                      Both of them have been warned, and frankly don't appreciate the story getting regurgitated again by the one above who doesn't think they're DLR...
                      Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                      "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                      "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth

