No longer vital, RIP DLR.

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  • spmusicplyr
    Foot Soldier
    • May 2004
    • 738

    no i didnt say the site was shit....

    i told everyone to stop arguing and taking personal shots at eachother... i love this thread...people are actually discussing the topic.
    in fact, i think the title of the thread was'stop arguing'

    i aint gonna say fuck you, cause i dont really have a reason to hate you

    a few minutes said, "The point is, the real sheep are the ones that love to attack someone because his viewpoint comes off as slightly off-center from the usual Army rhetoric."

    i like when people have different opinions...and i hate when people get attacked like flies on shit just because they dont think the same way as others...

    THAT was the point of the thread a couple months ago
    Got beef with my comments? Blow me!


    • rucalobe
      • Jan 2004
      • 117

      "Dave, these motherfuckers are out of line!!!"


      • spmusicplyr
        Foot Soldier
        • May 2004
        • 738

        see what i mean

        thats the old thread
        Got beef with my comments? Blow me!


        • POJO_Risin
          Roth Army Caesar
          • Mar 2003
          • 40648

          Words to live by...

          by POJO Risin

          This dude walked up to me and some fucking broad. We were standing outside, shooting the know, $5 for the alley shot...or $100 and I get to watch her gargle.

          So this dude walks up...says, "You know, that fucking hat you have on is the same hat that I had growing up. Nice fucking pom-pom on the top. I wouldn't fucking wear that goddamned hat now for anything. But you know got some fucking balls wearing it..."

          "Gee," I said, "This fine looking woman is going to be checking on those balls in a moment..."

          He walked away with a wink...

          Funny thing is, I didn't have a hat on...

          Don't spread mayonaise on your chest and lay face first in the sand...

          I highly recommend not snapping a clipboard clip on a hard-on...unless it's not which case you are a fucking home...and should be castrated anyways...

          And every third Sunday of every month, goto the mall, stand outside Victoria's Secrets...and goose a tall brunette.

          Goose Sunday, Ohhhh...Yeah...
          "Van Halen was one of the most hallelujah, tailgate, backyard, BBQ, arrive four hours early to the gig just for the parking lot bands. And still to this day is. It's an attitude. I think it's a spirit more than anything else is."


          • Matt White
            • Jun 2004
            • 20569

            I still stand by what I said then......

            A sense of humor is a valuable asset.........

            And by the way...I didn't notice DAVE using the "Go! Go!" vocal mannerism in SARNIA. It might be gone.


            • nobodysfool80
              Roth Army Recruit
              • Jul 2005
              • 5

              all new stuff sucks

              Interesting post. My buddy said to me 2 years ago, "your tapes are all from the 80's, why don't you expand your horizon" I said, "I listen to the radio, and everything sucks:" I hate U2 ,Mathews band, RAP FUCKIN SHIT, and all the new MTV bands I see are horrible. Dave is a millionare. He does not need the cash. He plays because he loves it. I would gladly pay 55.00 bucks to be in the front row, like last night. He rocked, and sounded great. I have no interest in seeing a band called "Simple Plan" or "Green Day".


              • POJO_Risin
                Roth Army Caesar
                • Mar 2003
                • 40648

                And there's not a fucking thing wrong with that...
                "Van Halen was one of the most hallelujah, tailgate, backyard, BBQ, arrive four hours early to the gig just for the parking lot bands. And still to this day is. It's an attitude. I think it's a spirit more than anything else is."


                • Mikey likes it
                  Roth Army Recruit
                  • Mar 2005
                  • 4

                  I think the reason why everyone is so touchy about this post is the fact that Van Hagar has absolutely humiliated themselves over the past year + and I Don't feel that Dave has at all. I went to see his concert last summer when he played in Vancouver and it was awesome. Much better than his 94 show. Everyone wants Dave back in VH. Well, at least they did until we found out more about how fucked up Eddie is.


                  • rustoffa
                    ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 8963

                    Originally posted by spmusicplyr
                    i aint gonna say fuck you, cause i dont really have a reason to hate you

                    .......the usual Army rhetoric."

                    i like when people have different opinions...and i hate when people get attacked like flies on shit just because they dont think the same way as others...
                    Welp, alot has changed since I went to get BANNED from the dangerous pronforum.

                    1st off, that's signature worthy stuff. The only thing that's fucked up is I say "fuck you" to folks I don't hate all the time. You know, "can I borrow your truck tomorrow?"

                    FUCK YOU.

                    The usual ARMY rhetoric? LMFAO....that's ridiculous....I challenge anyone to nail down the usual Army rhetoric. It's like trying to figure out what the fuck attacks flies on shit.

                    If you're trying to compare this site to microbial food chain rhetoric, I've got two words for ya:

                    FUCK YOU.

                    Hold on..... two more:

                    ARRIBA DEARCHAY!


                    • Cathedral
                      ROTH ARMY ELITE
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 6621

                      I really don't give a shit what Dave does and i have no opinion as long as he does what he wants to do.
                      His life is his ship to cruise. if he wants to play the same show year after year, or go in the studio and blast out something fresh and new, more power to the man.

                      It's my choice if i want to see him LIVE, or buy his albums.
                      But if i don't like something, I say i don't like it, period.

                      The part about being "vital" is kind of dumb though. If Dave feels good after a show, then he is vital to himself and that is what's important because in the grand scheme of things, what we think isn't important to Dave unless he wants it to be.
                      We're the one's who aren't vital if the truth be told.

                      Dave knows his peak is behind him, and I know it too.
                      But seeing Dave do the old stuff, to add the element of the VH sound that you don't get from Van Hagar wake is a treat, nothing more and nothing less.
                      He does it for the fans, which is more than you can say about a lot of performers through rock history.
                      And i tell you what, it sits better seeing him perform the old stuff than it does to watch a clone band pretend to be them.
                      But it's a show, and people like it, so more power to them all.

                      I've only seen Dave twice since the EEAS tour, so i haven't allowed myself to burn out on the dude.
                      But if he wants to tour I support him in that. I'm not going to sit around and bitch because he doesn't do what I think he should do.
                      He's a performer and he does it well, maybe not as youthful as he once was, but who of us that have been there since VH I is?

                      Should i stop playing because i'm 20 years past my prime? Hell No, and nobody else should either.
                      That fact is, people DO still buy his tickets, so i say Good For him.

                      That's life, and you can't deny it.....


                      • Julius
                        Foot Soldier
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 720

                        Re: No longer vital, RIP DLR.

                        Originally posted by JimGardner
                        I love David Lee Roth. His music takes me back to a time when all I had to worry about was getting drunk, being with my friends and making sure the skins where kept dry. But that was almost 15 years ago, and even then the music we were just discovering was old school to our older brothers and friends.

                        I'd give anything for those days to come back, but sadly all the bitching about Sammy Hager, regardless of the fact he deserves it, isn't going to rewind the world to a time when Dave's music charted and made money on the road.

                        The people he's playing with now are irrelevant and boring. I can't help but hope that Dave knows this, that in the back of his mind he's all too aware of how NOT some of these shdrules are, and I hope, more than I hope he gets back to a place where his music is actually exciting again, that he at least recognises this is one of the reasons no one buys his records anymore. Not because we, the silent majority of his fans, don't love him as much as ever, but because Shoop Bop, or whatever it's called, just isn't Knucklebones, or Elephant gun. It isn't even Women and Children first or Take your Whiskey home. It's tired and fun-less - NOT what DLR is all about at all.

                        The guy's a legend, but he's just not vital anymore, and I think the forum members who, like me, are dead center with Eat em and smile / 1984 / VH 1 & 2 / Skyscraper Dave will agree, if they're honest about it.

                        All he's doing now, by marching on with the same thing he was doing when he was still young enough to get away with it, is trampling on our memory of what his music used to be all about - and worse than that he's become what he least wanted to be.

                        It's time not just Dave but all the hair rock idols of the past, Steve Vai in particular, just fessed up to the fact the only reason they keep churning product out is because it makes them more money than just hanging up their spandex and growing old gracefully. Unfortunately for as long as the kind of people who'll no doubt flame me for saying it carry on buying into it and being strung along in the belief it's all still real and happening, they'll be there to re-jig the same old formula and trade in our nostalgia.

                        Frankly, it's all just sad - and if I was as clear about it as I am except my name was Eddie Van Halen, I'd have a drink problem too.

                        In short, the party is well and truly over. Clean up after yourself when you leave and tommorow, when you've calmed down, go out and buy some new records. I recommend Billy Sheehan's new album - there's actually something new and exciting on it - which I suspect will make a change to some of the people who post their poorly informed opinion all too frequently in here on why people like me are wrong.
                        Wayne L., is that you?


                        • Cathedral
                          ROTH ARMY ELITE
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 6621

                          If it was Wayne L. it would have all bled together without spaces or punctuation.
                          And it would have ended with some shit about long legs and sexy feet.


                          • Julius
                            Foot Soldier
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 720

                            It was a case of wishful thinking, Cat.


                            • Cathedral
                              ROTH ARMY ELITE
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 6621

                              But why?

                              He hangs out at the Beatles board so i hear, and they don't much care for him either.

                              But he cant help it we arent real fans of the legendary wayne because we are mental cases that have no taste in people with strange fetishes and still a virgin at 40 while he writes his 400 song lyrics that are really just terribly bad poems that no melody will ever fit and when he gets really mad he threatens to have sites taken down because people rip him apart when he makes posts that only an Advil employee can appreciate.

                              Damn, I needed oxygen just reading his shit, not to mention the fucking migrains.


                              • 6onthehalfshell
                                Roth Army Recruit
                                • Jun 2005
                                • 1


                                Its 3 6 9 time!

                                Dave or not the grave baby. I love what you said in that first post because it is sooooooooooooooooooooooo true!! Roth is not relevant anymore sooooooooooooooooooooooooo get over all the old 1980's BS.

