Maybe Spammy isn't waiting breathlessly by the phone waiting for EVH to call...but I really doubt he'd say "no" if Ed said "let's do it again."
Sam Quote For The Week: "It Was A Complete LOVEFEST"
Forgot all about that Diamond Dave album, mainly because I have yet to meet a soul on the planet that has ever heard it, let alone seen a copy. So based upon the argument that if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it...
As for Crazy From The Heat, it was mind-fuckingly cool, with attention and insight applied to each track. Hagar on the other hand (for example), misinterprets (or is far too moronic to notice) the irony of the Beastie's "Fight For Your Right" tune and turns it into Limp Bizkit-styled date rape rock. I wouldn't trust this halfwit with a pancake flipper, let alone somebody else's work.
And I think that is one reason why when you hear Dave sing cover tunes, it is still always his character that comes though.
And that, in my view, is why no one can cover DLR-era VH tunes. Not 'cos they don't have Dave's 'technical' abilities, but 'cos everything he sings - whether he wrote it or not - becomes a vehicle for expressing the essential Daveness that lies within many and varied tunes and not only his own compositions.
That's why I always laugh when that ass clown Hagar says "Dave can't sing my songs 'cos he doesn't have the range". That's like saying Bob Dylan can't sing 'em, or Muddy Waters, or Van Morrison, or Leonard Cohen, or Keith Richards singing 'Happy' - I'm sure none of them could, but then that's because they have their own distinctive voices that are intimately revealing of who they are.
They ain't mere screamers who think voice and singing has something to do with hitting fucking high notes. It's about character, personality, etc.
Hence Spamalot has to resort to singing "can't you see I've got my ASS against the record machine" in a sad attempt to stamp his (non) character on someone else's song.
That's why Dave is really the essence if VH - he really is the one element that cannot really be copied. More than Edward, and I am a huge believer that Ed has remained distinct from the players that followed in his wake.
Cheers Dave.Last edited by VHscraps; 08-14-2013, 12:33 PM.THINK LIKE THE WAVESComment
"We tried. I gave it every shot I had on that tour."
Really Sammy? Do you call turning up overweight, being criticised by journalists for being sluggish on stage at numerous shows, putting in minimal rehearsal time before the tour and further trashing the band's legacy by writing some of the most embarrassing lyrics we've ever it "every shot"?
"And I could care less. I mean, I'm totally over the guy."
Of course... that's why Sammy talks about Van Halen and David Lee Roth in every interview, coming across as bitter, angry and delusional in every one of them, rather than simply telling the journalist, 'no Van Halen questions - unless you want to talk about my time in the band'. Standard practice in music interviews, which I'm sure the PR savvy Hagar is well aware of.
I think the point that really gets to him is that other than a few people at the Links, everyone is "totally over" Sammy Hagar and his mediocre music.Last edited by Halen High; 08-14-2013, 07:18 PM.Comment
Well, it wouldn't be surprising to find out that in many of those interviews Hagar was asked questions about Van Halen by the interviewer, as opposed to Hagar bringing up Van Halen first. After all, Hagar's in a band with Van Halen's old bass player. Hagar and Anthony are going to be asked questions about Van Halen virtually every time they give an interview. I suppose they could just say they would rather not comment, but whatever. I mean, these are men who are either approaching or are already in their 60s. You know, how long do they need to carry these decades-old grudges around? Who really gives a shit anymore, besides us? I'd be hard-pressed to imagine the various former and present Van Halen members spend a ton of time thinking about other members they aren't currently in a band with.
As to some of the other stuff Hagar said, from my viewpoint Hagar still just either doesn't get it or doesn't want to admit what is clearly obvious to most rock fans: far more people prefer Van Halen with Roth than they do Hagar. I don't think Hagar doesn't understand that - while he may not want to admit it in an interview, deep down I think he knows it. And even if he doesn't, and has deluded himself into thinking otherwise, so what?
It is kind of funny reading about Hagar being pissed that the current Van Halen lineup aren't playing material recorded from when Sam was in the band. Who would want to hear Roth sing a Hagar tune? Putting the whole "Dave doesn't sing my material because he's not as good a singer than I am and is afraid to even try" blather to one side, it's puzzling as to why Hagar would assume anyone would even WANT to hear Van Hagar material with Roth now back in the band. Honestly, if I went to a Van Halen show with Roth fronting and they started playing Van Hagar tunes I'd start hucking rocks at the stage. I'll go to a Chickenfoot show if I wanna hear that music.
Dumb, fat fuck.Scramby eggs and bacon.Comment
Here's another lovefest! :D
Seems like I've seen pieces of this but not this video...but when Sam is involved I usually ignore it...some one made a comment that this is better than the actual documentary, so it may be different...
Same ole song and dance...Comment
Haggar was plugging his novelty record all weekend on Pandora's Van Halen channel. Still riding the Van Halen coattails.
That's the only time I've heard his voice on that channel, as every Van Haggar song has already been 'thumbs downed' by me.My karma just ran over your dogma.Comment