June 10, 2011...MAX: A True And Dear Friend, Has Passed Away

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  • WARF
    • Jan 2004
    • 15347

    All I gotta say is I wish the message board could see what is going on in front of my computer monitor...

    Sorry dg...sorry...


    • Matt White
      • Jun 2004
      • 20569

      We hear you WARF......

      News of Jer's passing devastated all of us............

      It is always good to see you here man...you've been missed.................


        Foot Soldier
        • Jan 2004
        • 639

        Wow, this is sad. I have not been on most of the boards in a long time - just a few posts now and then. I didn't realize I had some ancient pm's here and one was from MAX. It was dated 2004! This just puts everything in to perspective how quickly time goes by and to enjoy every moment! I had a friend who passed away from the same illness and it's just terrible. Cherrish every second you have with those close and I am always reminded of that quote from Ferris Bueller's day off-" Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"
        -Ferris Bueller

        My heart goes out to MAX and his family and friends.

        R.I.P. MAX


        • src
          Full On Cocktard
          • Dec 2008
          • 33

          It is alway sad when people so full of life have to leave this world, i am sorry for both the losses,stay strong.


          • Hecubus
            Foot Soldier
            • Jan 2004
            • 575

            Incredibly sad. One of THE coolest people on the =VH= boards bar none. As spotty as my presence has been here @ the Army (& elsewhere) as of late, he ALWAYS took a moment to say "Hey Hec, how are the kids?" when I popped on to check out the scene.

            Truly a gargantuan loss for the =VH= online community. Such a stellar dude.

            I sincerely regret that my condolences to his family & friends are not more timely, and to all of his close friends here, my deepest sympathies. I'm glad to have known him, albeit via message boards, & am saddened to hear that he won't be able to hear the new tuneage from the band.

            ROCK IN PEACE, MAX. You were truly one of the good ones. They broke the mold when they made you, bro.
            "Honey, my shirt got itself torn up. My shirt tore itself on that stripper's hand, and I need it to be sewed up for the show."
            "No problem, Dave, no problem. Say hello to Fluffy."
            "Fuck you, Fluffy."
            "No, no, you're going to upset Fluffy."
            "I ain't saying hello to no stuffed bear."
            "You know, now that I think about it, it's going to take a little longer to sew up that shirt than I was thinking."
            "Hi Fluffy, how you been?"
            "Now that I'm thinking of it even more, it's going to take half the time, Double D, Diamond Dave! Would you hold Fluffy?"
            "N--- yeah."


            • Roth & Roll
              Foot Soldier
              • Feb 2004
              • 727

              This is extremely sad - my heart goes out to his friends and family.

              MAX was good people. The irony of what I'm about to say is eerie:

              We started out as bitter enemies back in the days of the old Roth Army site. There was a time when MAX, Rikk and I were in a daily pissing match. Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock had nothing on us in those days. LOL

              One day it just stopped cold with a gesture that I'll never forget as long as I live. I had my own bout with cancer back in 2004. I was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma and somehow, MAX found out through a mutual friend we had on this site. It was not something that I cared to share publicly, and I was beyond shocked when I logged in here during that time to find a private message from MAX with the kindest words, full of inspiration and support. It was gesture that he certainly didn't have to make, and it meant more to me than he'll ever know.

              I'm glad to say that from that point on, I had the deepest respect for him and the bullshit stopped cold in its tracks. MAX became a friend during a very dark period in my life. I battled through, and eventually my cancer went into remission in 2005. I was declared cured in October, 2009 and that experience taught me to cherish every day on this earth and to live life to the fullest.

              Unfortunately, MAX and I lost touch with each other during the course of the last couple of years. I rarely visited this site due to circumstances of life - we get older and things change - a wife, children, and a hectic career consumed most of my time. I feel disgusted by the fact that I could have never returned the favor, and never even had a clue that he was ill. It's just not right.

              MAX, buddy - God bless you man. RIP, and even though I still think your Red Sox suck monkey balls, I will never forget you.

              In the words of Billy Joel: "Only the good die young"


              • Loons The Great

                Damn Good Times

                I don't believe Max is dead. Because when Max dies, the streets will shake. And since the streets didn't shake on June 10, 2011, Maximus mus' still be alive!

                God said let there be a classic Van Halen fan...and there was Max.


                • diamondsgirl
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7563

                  Originally posted by Loons The Great
                  I don't believe Max is dead. Because when Max dies, the streets will shake. And since the streets didn't shake on June 10, 2011, Maximus mus' still be alive!

                  God said let there be a classic Van Halen fan...and there was Max.

                  he loved ya loons!!
                  “Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding” ― Betty White


                  • chefcraig
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 12172

                    For those that have not had the opportunity, you can visit and sign Jeremy's guest book for the next 4 days until it is taken off-line at this link: The Guest Book for JEREMY WILLIAMS

                    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
                    ― Stephen Hawking


                    • Rikk
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 16518

                      Goodbye MAX...this was a while ago, but I had to say something...

                      I haven't posted in ages, and I'm sure there was a thread for this, but I can't find it.

                      It's been a few months, but I just wanted to say goodbye to my friend, Jer. I still can't believe he's gone. I actually feel a deep, meaningless guilt. POJO told me he was sick some time back. I tried calling him and eventually Susan got back to me and told me to try him again. I thought, no problem. He'll be okay. I'll give him some time and then have a good conversation. And I put it off. And I put it off. Then I heard he was gone.

                      I don't post a lot here anymore, but this was worth saying something.

                      MAX (Jer) was my first real friend at this place. He helped me start the Pen back in the day, we took out "online enemies" together, spent countless evenings on the phone talking about the Pen, plotting to take out FAB, discussing Van Halen. And through all that, after the 30th phone call or so, we realized we were true friends. This guy told me all about his depressions, his ups, his favorite albums (I still beg to differ that UPLIFT MOFO PARTY PLAN was the best Chili Peppers' album, Jer)...and we sure were on opposite sides of the political fence. I still remember the night before the 2004 Presidential Election, we wished each other good luck concerning our opposing desires for the following day's Presidential outcomes. I also still remember pouring out our hearts about our women problems. I remember actually having a half-hour conversation on whether or not it is feasible to fall asleep if your bladder is telling you that it's time to urinate. (My stance: you must get up and finish the job; Jer said, fuck it, I'm too tired.)

                      The friendship was real. It's been a while since we spoke. I think we spoke on the phone only once since I moved to Chicago. There was even a falling out (albeit brief, remember the fucking footsteps?) a few years back. But it didn't matter.

                      I'm kicking myself. Months later. Why didn't I just pick up the phone and try him once more? I hope he got my phone message and I hope he could tell from my voice that I really cared. I hope he was happy at least in some form those last days.

                      I hope he got to crank his beloved UPLIFT MOFO PARTY PLAN or FAIR WARNING during those last days.

                      I hope he remembered that he had a friend right here. I always kind of wished that some day down the line, we'd actually hang in person and share a beer or ten. I'm not a religious man, but maybe that'll happen some day in a bar in the Great Gig in the Sky...

                      Peace, Jer. I'm sure you need it.

                      Your friend,
                      Roth Army Militia

                      Originally posted by WARF
                      Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                      • academic punk
                        Full Member Status

                        • Dec 2004
                        • 4437

                        Well, allow me to be the latest to learn of this, and to post my sadness. (and thanks those of you who PM'd me to let me know).

                        MAX was one of the great bursts of LIFE for me here at the Army. We had a terrific rapport and a similar sense of humor. It's been years and years, but, some of our gags and stunts - both within the forum and outside it - man, I have many, many memories.

                        Big, big heart. When I had the chickenpox he PM"d me constantly to ask how I was doing and to keep my chin up. We pulled some great pranks as a team on others, and we managed to prank each other to infuriating and hilarious effect many, many times.

                        The life of the party...gone. A shame. What RIKK was just saying - some people, even though you never meet - you feel such a tight connection with, it never even dawns on you that not only don't you need to expand the relationship, it's already pretty fuckin' perfect, but that you're...I dunno...INEVITABLY finally going to meet up when you have the time, maybe decades down the road.

                        But I love and will always remember what I was able to get.

                        Cheers, my good friend.


                        • Zing!
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 2363

                          While I didn't know him personally, it's always sad to lose a member of the Army. For those who those who knew him well...

                          Hats off to MAX.
                          My karma just ran over your dogma.


                          • BITEYOASS
                            ROTH ARMY ELITE
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 6530

                            Fuckin' eh! We'll toss one back for you buddy! RIP!

                            I would toss a Guiness, but my wife won't let me. {Insert pussy-whipped joke here.}


                            • Little Texan
                              Full Member Status

                              • Jan 2004
                              • 4579

                              I wish Max, Blondgirl, ALinchainz, and Flash Bastard all could have lived long enough to experience hearing the new Van Halen this week.


                              • chefcraig
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 12172

                                Originally posted by Little Texan
                                I wish Max, Blondgirl, ALinchainz, and Flash Bastard all could have lived long enough to experience hearing the new Van Halen this week.
                                More truth has never been spoken or offered here.

                                Take hope that they will hear it as well, friend. The fuckers will probably have a better system beyond crummy MP3 deviced downloads to hear the shit upon, anyway. Besides, the bastards won't be freezing their asses off at Walmart in a few weeks, waiting for the store to open so we can get the fucking $20 package that gives us a shirt we can not even get over our shoulders.

                                I still like the idea of these folks looking at us, and laughing like hell. The concept of one of these geezers seeing how rude I might be toward some old bitty getting in my way at the check-out lane as we debate the importance of me getting the $20 version of the album (Yeah, I will get that shirt!) over her choice of cat food and who got there first...

                                For some fucking reason, I know that bastard MAX will be on the old bitches' side. He simply did that shit, ya know?
                                Last edited by chefcraig; 01-13-2012, 12:53 AM.

                                “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
                                ― Stephen Hawking

