What's Going On With Van Halen

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  • Funkmonkey
    Originally posted by wiseguy
    Dolly Parton has great tits
    The best money can buy.

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  • wiseguy
    Dolly Parton has great tits

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  • twonabomber
    Originally posted by DONNIEP
    I’ve got one of those too. It’s a fairly large one but just doesn’t hold quite enough. I do like it though.
    I take it to work when we have team cookouts. It'll hold a pound of tater tots

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  • Nickdfresh
    Maybe I should buy one, that way I could make a pile of all the kitchen appliances I don't use...

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    Originally posted by twonabomber
    I haven't Instapot-ed yet, but I am deep in the air fryer. Wings at home in the wintertime!
    I’ve got one of those too. It’s a fairly large one but just doesn’t hold quite enough. I do like it though.

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  • FORD
    Originally posted by ZahZoo
    So Instantpot is now legal in the Carolinas..?

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  • twonabomber
    I haven't Instapot-ed yet, but I am deep in the air fryer. Wings at home in the wintertime!

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    And where is my chat box? I’m paying good money for a chat box!! I don’t care if I even have to chat with myself, which I will, but I want my chat box!! Whooooo!!’

    I think I did that right. Hell, just give me my box ��

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    But on the good side - my ex girlfriend is still hot. Cross eyed, a little. But who am I to say? Remember to tip your bartenders and content providers. They all have small but manageable drug issues..

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    Originally posted by ZahZoo
    So Instantpot is now legal in the Carolinas..?
    It probably will be when this freaking site catches up with technology. The time to load is ridiculous. FORD is probably lying on the side of the road asking for help while the site loads

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  • ZahZoo
    So Instantpot is now legal in the Carolinas..?

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    I got an Instantpot for Christmas and it’s everything anybody who’s ever talked to you about it said it was. Takes about 15 minutes to heat then just a few mins - under 25 - to cook just about anything. Buy one now, before the Democrats make them illegal. What were we talking about?

    Oh yeah, Van Halen is dead. D E A D. Have been for years. The last tour? I could have bought really cheap tickets the day of the show but didn’t. Why? Cause Dave sucks live. Everybody can say YouTube videos don’t actually convey how performers sound. That’s true. To a point. The bass and highs tend to drown out what’s going on onstage. But yes you can hear what the singer is singing. And...Dave sucked on the last tour and on every single corporate gig he did. Having said that...He did sound good on the Roth shows I listened to. Nowhere near as cringey as his radio show. Im probably gonna go to the Columbia SC show to see KISS one more time. That is, before they start their Vegas Residency, which they will and will justify it as “not being on the road”. Who cares, so long as Gene spits blood and fire and “Ace” shoots fireworks out his ass or guitar. What were we taking about again?

    Oh yeah, Van Halen. Who cares. I know I gave a positive review of VH Mach III but if Mikey ain’t back then I’ll pass. I’d rather see Dave doing solo stuff - and why he can’t do it with the original band is beyond me because he’s had YEARS to work out the scheduling and all those guys wanted to do it - so I will probably go see him opening for KISS, and getting absolutely killed if he makes it that long, which he won’t, but yeah. Go Dave.

    Oh yeah, Van Halen died in 1985. Just in case anybody missed it.
    Last edited by DONNIEP; 01-01-2020, 07:55 PM.

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  • ZahZoo
    Yep that was it... Clint Lowery. His solo album is due to be released January 31st. Closest you'll get to any new Van Halen music anytime soon...

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  • vaijuju
    Originally posted by ZahZoo
    . Although I read Wolf worked on some guys album... can't remember who...
    Perhaps this ? it was in last June !

    Sevendust guitarist Clint Lowery will enter the studio this weekend to begin recording his first solo album. Producing the album is Michael "Elvis" Baskette, who has previously worked with Sevendust, Alter Bridge and Slash, and various others. The album is expected to release sometime in late 2019 v

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  • cadaverdog
    Originally posted by ZahZoo
    Here's a really good article that sums up everything Van Halen for 2019...

    Van Halen members went unrecognized among rock fans and pop star said she’d never heard of them in 2019.

    Bottom line... Van Halen doesn't have much motivation to put out any form of music. Ed's apparently dealing with on-going cancer treatments which seems a reasonable cause for not wanting to work. Alex and Wolfgang, who knows... hanging close to the family circle. Although I read Wolf worked on some guys album... can't remember who...

    Diamond Dave... Vegas baby! Then some dates opening for Ki$$... Dave feels like working it appears. Whether it's worth attending any of his shows... let your heart and wallet guide you...
    Thanx Z. If I get a wild hair up my ass to see DLR live I'll look into catching one of his Vegas shows.

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