Sam Just Won't Stop

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  • Nitro Express
    • Aug 2004
    • 32933

    Originally posted by Vinnie Velvet
    Oh for sure.

    And what about Jason Bonham?

    He played his Dad's drum parts adequately. It was passable the last time Zep played (2007). But him playing Al's parts? Would probably sound worse.
    I say leave it alone. You honor Van Halen by enjoying the music they made. There was only one Babe Ruth. There was only one pair of Van Halen brothers. Nobody is going to come close. Sammy is Dr. Frankenstein trying to recreate it and like the book and movie, he’s going to end up with a monster we only can pray the villagers will burn.
    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32933

      Originally posted by Vinnie Velvet
      You just know they're gonna throw up that gay Van Hagar hand sign not to mention bring back the gay ass 5150 walk.
      If I see it shit will blow from my ass. I need to be careful and shield myself from this psychological weapon the evil Dr. Sam has created.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nitro Express
        • Aug 2004
        • 32933

        Oh God. What a nightmare. Maybe the world is ending. If we tolerate Sammy Hagar and his witchcraft we deserve the same fate the dinosaurs got.
        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


        • Vinnie Velvet
          Full Member Status

          • Feb 2004
          • 4649

          Originally posted by Nitro Express
          Oh God. What a nightmare. Maybe the world is ending. If we tolerate Sammy Hagar and his witchcraft we deserve the same fate the dinosaurs got.

          Agreed. This is the end of times.
          =V V=
          ole No.1 The finest
          EAT US AND SMILE


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394

            Originally posted by twonabomber
            This just came up on the UCR article on FB: "If you're gonna go deep into the Van Halen catalog, you need Joe Satriani," Hagar told Howard Stern.

            So Sammy finally admits his "brother," Vic Johnson, isn't up to the task. He jettisons David Lauser, then gets rid of Mona for Michael Anthony, and dumps Vic a second time for Satch.
            If Vai couldn't capture the essence of Eddie, Joe ain't either. I prefer Satriani between the two because Vai's tone is a bit annoying to me after a while. But Terry nailed it. Satriani isn't that great in a band and isn't adept at using the guitar for a song as opposed to writing music to feature a long guitar virtuoso riff. Ed did both...


            • Von Halen

              • Dec 2003
              • 7557

              I'm hoping Clichegar croaks before the tour starts.


              • Nitro Express
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Aug 2004
                • 32933

                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                If Vai couldn't capture the essence of Eddie, Joe ain't either. I prefer Satriani between the two because Vai's tone is a bit annoying to me after a while. But Terry nailed it. Satriani isn't that great in a band and isn't adept at using the guitar for a song as opposed to writing music to feature a long guitar virtuoso riff. Ed did both...
                I saw a G3 show with Vai, Satch and Malmsteen. Yngwie had the best tone and was the best on stage. None are great song writers. It got old.
                No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                • Seshmeister
                  ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                  • Oct 2003
                  • 35577

                  Fucking hell this is a whole new fucking low.

                  That mediocre cunt trying to cash in on Ed and Roth's songs when both of them hate(ed) the mediocre cunt.

                  Also I don't want to sound like Van Halen Comic Book Guy but it's been so long since Michael Anthony played Mean Street he thinks it's called Mean Streets?

                  Also Satriani can't play it so maybe best not to put him on the spot.

                  What a fucking car crash...


                  • Seshmeister
                    ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                    • Oct 2003
                    • 35577

                    Originally posted by Nitro Express
                    I saw a G3 show with Vai, Satch and Malmsteen. Yngwie had the best tone and was the best on stage. None are great song writers. It got old.
                    On the plus point a good place to meet girls? :D


                    • ThatArtGuy
                      Foot Soldier
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 672

                      Originally posted by Nitro Express
                      “Sam was all about the money.” -Eddie Van Halen-

                      Wolfgang is going to shit on it by ignoring it. That will drive Sam more nuts than if he said anything. There’s no bigger diss that acting like someone doesn’t even exist. Al gets that concept.
                      100% that ignoring Sammy is the worst thing that you could do to him. Death by obscurity.
                      I brought my pencil!!!


                      • Silexxx
                        Head Fluffer
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 321

                        Ed & Sam - A Love Story. Then the evil manager poisoned Eddie. Always funny these people in the comments that say "Sammy is a class act". Yeah right.


                        • twonabomber
                          formerly F A T
                          ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 11289

                          Originally posted by Nitro Express
                          I saw a G3 show with Vai, Satch and Malmsteen. Yngwie had the best tone and was the best on stage. None are great song writers. It got old.
                          I saw the first G3 tour, Vai, Satch, and Eric Johnson. Decent show.

                          Vai and Satch are touring in the spring, they're playing the MGM casino here. Might go to that, easy parking and don't have to go downtown.

                          I have no interest in this "tribute." There is a very short list of acts I would see at Blossom and Hagar is not on it. And with Loverboy opening? Sheesh.
                          Last edited by twonabomber; 11-16-2023, 04:57 AM.
                          Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                          • twonabomber
                            formerly F A T
                            ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                            • Jan 2004
                            • 11289

                            Originally posted by Silexxx

                            Ed & Sam - A Love Story. Then the evil manager poisoned Eddie. Always funny these people in the comments that say "Sammy is a class act". Yeah right.
                            I'm surprised Sam didn't mention Ray Danniels was Al's brother in law.

                            I heard bits and pieces of the Stern show. Sam says he tries to contact Al once a month and gets no response. Fucking get the hint!
                            Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


                            • Nitro Express
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 32933

                              Originally posted by MasonL
                              What the fuck?! Just reading through the whole thing. Spam says they would Facetime and told Ed "I'm gonna make a pot of spaghetti for you." This guy is freakin unbelievable how he weaves lie after lie. Say what you will about Dave but he's let the music do the talking since 2007, outside of one or two times when he was prompted to discuss Hagar.

                              Honestly, who even knows if Spam talked to Ed before he passed. He could easily be making the whole thing up to make himself look better for the press. Has anyone even confirmed that? Don't think so.
                              I think it’s all going to blow up in Sam’s face. The guy is a highly motivated snake oil salesman. He’s a piece of work and he’s nuts. He has to be The Big Guy. He’s setting it up where when nobody in the Van Halen camp shows up he can say see they don’t care about the legacy or fans. I’m the guy who cared! What a lame fucker he is.

                              Roth got the last tour where Eddie played great and that drives Sam nuts. Sam got the meth head Eddie tour. He wants to out do that. It’s doomed to fail. Sorry Sam. Joe Satriani isn’t going to pull anyone in besides your same old lame fan base. It’s a Circle Jerk tour full of masturbators.
                              Last edited by Nitro Express; 11-16-2023, 07:46 PM.
                              No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                              • Terry
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 12105

                                Originally posted by Nitro Express
                                I think it’s all going to blow up in Sam’s face. The guy is a highly motivated snake oil salesman. He’s a piece of work and he’s nuts. He has to be The Big Guy. He’s setting it up where when nobody in the Van Halen camp shows up he can say see they don’t care about the legacy or fans. I’m the guy who cared! What a lame fucker he is.

                                Roth got the last tour where Eddie played great and that drives Sam nuts. Sam got the meth head Eddie tour. He wants to out do that. It’s doomed to fail. Sorry Sam. Joe Satriani isn’t going to pull anyone in besides your same old lame fan base. It’s a Circle Jerk tour full of masturbators.
                                From what I've read, it's basically the same old Circle Tour with the difference of a few more Van Hagar tunes thrown in this time around than were included with previous Circle tours. One media outlet reported yesterday that Hagar has extended an invite to both Roth and Alex if they want to be involved, which goes to your point of if (presumably when) Roth and/or Alex don't show up, Hagar can claim to be the all-inclusive 'good guy' who - as you say - cares about the legacy and the fans.

                                I just recall the countless amount of interviews Hagar gave during the 2007-2015 years where he was bagging on Dave's performance while simultaneously professing that [Hagar] hadn't closed the door on another Van Hagar reunion despite the difficulties the 2004 one ran into. It just seemed like such a lame, cheeseball way of Hagar getting the word out to the Van Halens as a reminder that he'd still be up for another go-around should the relationship with Roth once again turn, in all probability after Hagar put his 2008 book out neither of the Van Halens wanted anything to do with Hagar and it wouldn't be hard to imagine that neither Eddie nor Alex had any type of personal contact with Hagar from 2005-2015, so Hagar was reduced to publicly letting it be known he would still rejoin the band. He was saying this stuff even after Eddie trashed Mike Anthony's contributions to the band in 2013 or 2015 (or whichever year it was) and Hagar posted that video "fuck you Eddie, you're wrong about Mike" response. I'd be willing to bet if the Van Halens had approached Hagar and said we'll play with you but Wolfie is still playing bass and Mike's not welcome, Hagar would have went along with it, rather than take a principled stand and say "it's either me and Mike or neither of us" (a stand I wish Roth had had the gumption to take in 2006, truth be told).

                                And, yep, 100% Roth got the last tour of the band with Eddie. Eddie was playing consistently well on the last two Van Halen tours with Roth. Sam got the tour where Ed was arguably playing his worst live (even the Van Halen III tour still had Eddie playing well live), though there were some rough patches re: Eddie's playing on the 2007-2008 tour as well. But far as the career went, Eddie ended it playing well with Dave fronting the group. THAT absolutely drives Sam nuts.

                                Whatever Alex does or doesn't do next year, my expectation - or at least hope - is that Roth doesn't associate himself with this Circle Van Halen Tribute tour. I'd wager with about 90% certainty that [Roth] won't, but frankly Wacky Uncle Dave in his dotage has been up to some weird stuff, so I can't say it'd be 100% outside the realm of possibility that Dave won't end up onstage with those two ex-Van Hagar members if the money is right and his daily mixture of meds isn't. *
                                Scramby eggs and bacon.

