Remember reading that Ed said it was Dave who pushed him - so to speak. He wanted some kind of reggae vibe, and once it goes through the mincer you have something totally not like reggae, but also quite a bit different. And yay, the solo is a masterclass in feel.
Push Comes To shove Is Fuckin Awesome
The rhythm parts to that song always blow me away... So much with so little. Just amazing and beautiful. I'd love to hear isolated tracks and just pick it apart. A masterpiece, IMO.Originally posted by wiseguyThat shit will welcome you in the morning and pour the milk in your count chocula for ya.Comment
Is there anything left in that bottle? Over here.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment
Some people live apart
They break your heart so damn easy
An' then one night in stunning victory
She decides and you agree: she's leavin'
I get the message, guess I knew it all along
Says you're a stranger here in paradise, you fool
It seems like forty days and forty nights
Since someone used my first name, including you
Straight up blues....channelling Al Jolson "Ah! It's a small change" and "Fool in the Rain" through the drool of a David Lee Roth/Janis Joplin growl that makes you wish you never met her.No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!Comment