kids will stay awake tryin' to play this on their lil' tykes xylophone!
Dave's sister to make a Van Halen Lullabye album
Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!! -
There is a Van Halen Lullaby album!
Now your fucking babies can rock!!!!!!!!
Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.Comment
I bought this for a friend who recently had a baby... I have a copy of it and it's pretty damn good. If anyone wants a copy, let me know.Originally posted by wiseguyThat shit will welcome you in the morning and pour the milk in your count chocula for ya.Comment