Just like the title says, What Van Halen song has the most personal meaning to you. Mine would be Me Wise Magic because believe it or not, MWM was the first Van Halen song I EVER heard. I was about 3-4 years old when my dad first bought the Best Of Vol.1 CD and I could remember it was a cloudy, shitty day and I was playing outside, either in my kiddie pool or in my sandbox and my dad was playing Van Halen Best Of Vol.1 (the one with the unintentional "remix" of Running With the Devil) on his old ghetto blaster in fact, I believe he still has that old boom box somewhere in my house. My point is was that because he liked the two new songs so much, he skipped ahead to Track 17, which was Me Wise Magic. And as a little 3 year old kid at the time, I was absolutley fucking FLOORED. It was the best thing I have ever heard. And I remember just how atmospheric the "DO YOU BELIEVE.....don't you trust me? Me Wise Magic" part was. In fact, whenever it's really cloudy and shitty out, I always think of that chorus.
Believe me, I was floored when I first listened to Unchained and Panama, but nothing did it the same way as Me Wise Magic did to me when I was 3.
Believe me, I was floored when I first listened to Unchained and Panama, but nothing did it the same way as Me Wise Magic did to me when I was 3.