What Van Halen song has the most meaning to you?

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  • fraroc
    • Jun 2012
    • 1172

    What Van Halen song has the most meaning to you?

    Just like the title says, What Van Halen song has the most personal meaning to you. Mine would be Me Wise Magic because believe it or not, MWM was the first Van Halen song I EVER heard. I was about 3-4 years old when my dad first bought the Best Of Vol.1 CD and I could remember it was a cloudy, shitty day and I was playing outside, either in my kiddie pool or in my sandbox and my dad was playing Van Halen Best Of Vol.1 (the one with the unintentional "remix" of Running With the Devil) on his old ghetto blaster in fact, I believe he still has that old boom box somewhere in my house. My point is was that because he liked the two new songs so much, he skipped ahead to Track 17, which was Me Wise Magic. And as a little 3 year old kid at the time, I was absolutley fucking FLOORED. It was the best thing I have ever heard. And I remember just how atmospheric the "DO YOU BELIEVE.....don't you trust me? Me Wise Magic" part was. In fact, whenever it's really cloudy and shitty out, I always think of that chorus.

    Believe me, I was floored when I first listened to Unchained and Panama, but nothing did it the same way as Me Wise Magic did to me when I was 3.
    How do you spell pretentious? S-A-M-M-Y H-A-G-A-R
  • DLR Bridge

    • Mar 2011
    • 5479

    There have been similar threads, but it's a topic that never gets old. I'll play along.

    Being 11 when MTV first aired, I was subjected to a lot of the same videos over and over and over again due to the fact that it was such a new outlet in America, that hardly any American acts were ready for it. There were lots of videos from budding English new wave bands, but American acts such as Van Halen, first got their feet wet with the video genre by posting their live performances. I vividly remember watching the 3 live clips of VH not really knowing what to make of it. I had grown up on Kiss and the Beatles and wasn't quite in the market for something else real to latch on to yet. Then, it hit me. The Pretty Woman video knocked me off of the couch and I was hooked. That crazy intro with the hunchback enraged at what he was witnessing. The four oddball characters coming to the rescue, but not before improperly hanging the phone up, and who could forget the surprise ending? This marvelous visual was accompanied by such a sweet crunching guitar sound, one Dave would later describe as "chick friendly" and an awesomely harmonized vocal that just struck me. These guys must be the shit. Sure enough, they were, are.

    While the song doesn't quite do it for me anymore and should probably be yanked from the live shows in lieu of something better, that original sounding cover tune from Diver Down has to be the song I'd cuntsider most meaningful due to it's impact it had on me and the life long impression it has made on me.


    • hambon4lif
      Crazy Ass Mofo
      • Jun 2004
      • 2810

      Anything from the 6-pack holds a special place, that's a given. For most of us, it's the soundtrack to our adolescence, and we've heard them so many millions of times that they're embedded in our bones. They're a part of who we are.

      As strange as it may sound to some, over the years it's actually been Dave's solo tunes that stick with me even more.

      "Big Trouble" is one song that holds a special meaning. The chorus in particular...
      "How many times have you said to yourself
      'pack up and go!'
      I've been here too long?
      I'll bet if you asked 'em, our heroes would say
      'Hey! we're already gone

      ...The whole "fuck this! I'm moving on" message has always had a special meaning for me. Who the hell doesn't go through that a few times in their life?

      "Damn Good" holds a special meaning, especially when you're hanging out with old friends.
      It explains itself, and it's one of the greatest songs Dave has ever written....it's one of the greatest songs ever written, period!

      This one has been playing over and over in my head. (Especially over this last weekend, though I can't for the life of me figure out exactly why)...

      As much as I love the Van Halen stuff, Dave has done some songs that have seriously struck a chord, and hold a special meaning..to me.


      • Coyote
        • Jan 2004
        • 8185

        Originally posted by hambon4lif
        "Big Trouble" is one song that holds a special meaning. The chorus in particular...
        "How many times have you said to yourself
        'pack up and go!'
        I've been here too long?
        I'll bet if you asked 'em, our heroes would say
        'Hey! we're already gone

        ...The whole "fuck this! I'm moving on" message has always had a special meaning for me. Who the hell doesn't go through that a few times in their life?

        "In A Simple Rhyme". The lyrics hit home a couple of times...

        "Push Comes To Shove". On repeat a few years ago, because of a woman.

        "Unchained" & "Jump". The ultimate motivational combo.
        Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

        Originally posted by Seshmeister
        It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


        • hambon4lif
          Crazy Ass Mofo
          • Jun 2004
          • 2810

          Originally posted by Coyote
          "Push Comes To Shove". On repeat a few years ago, because of a woman.
          Absolutely! Great tune, and for the exact same reason...


          Most of mine are named 'Hina', or something similar......


          • Coyote
            • Jan 2004
            • 8185

            Man, the line "will you ever be the same/is this the one that got away" hit hard at one point...
            Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

            Originally posted by Seshmeister
            It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


            • DLR Bridge

              • Mar 2011
              • 5479

              Originally posted by Coyote
              "In A Simple Rhyme". The lyrics hit home a couple of times...
              I always liked "...I'm always a sucker for a real good time. Woke up in life to find I almost missed it..."


              • vandeleur
                ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                • Sep 2009
                • 9865

                "You go through life as someone's doormat
                While you don't get no sporting chance
                There ain't much distance between a pat on the back
                And a kick in the pants"

                Resonated a few times
                fuck your fucking framing


                • sadaist
                  TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 11625

                  Ain't Talkin 'Bout Love - was the opening riff I took to my guitar teacher on my 2nd lesson. 1st lesson was how to tune haha. He almost shat himself when I played it and said with joy "THIS! I WANNA LEARN THIS!"

                  Dance The Night Away - seeing Dave & Eddie for the 1st time ever in 2007, and at the break in the middle when the audience sang their part "Dance Dance Dance The night awayyyyyyy"...13,000 people filled with joy and singing together to Dave & Eddie was something special. Will never forget it as long as I live.
                  “Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings.”


                  • VetteLS5
                    • Mar 2012
                    • 1130

                    Originally posted by Coyote
                    "Push Comes To Shove". On repeat a few years ago, because of a woman.
                    Angriest solo ever.

                    ATBL was first, heard walking down school hallway when some upper classman was playing on their boombox back when the 1st record came out. But I think the one that really stuck with me was SGMD for some reason. It actually got pretty consistent airplay at night on a couple stations in the area, and I would blast it through my headphones.


                    • jhale667
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 20929

                      Originally posted by Coyote
                      Man, the line "will you ever be the same/is this the one that got away" hit hard at one point...
                      Still does every time I see a picture of a certain young lady...
                      Originally posted by conmee
                      If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

                      That is all.

                      Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
                      I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

                      Originally posted by Isaac R.
                      Then it's really true??

                      The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

                      OMFG...who in their right mind...???
                      Originally posted by eddie78
                      I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


                      • vaijuju
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 830

                        When I was 17 , I spent my holidays on hospital (tuberculose) .. It was in 1981 and i've just a VH K7 "fair warning" I listened, listened all days "Fair warning" songs like push comes to shove or dirty movies or Hear about it later !!!
                        http://vhfrance.activebb.net/ (1 er Site Francophone sur Van Halen)

                        http://www.youtube.com/user/VHFranceVideos (Our new Channel)


                        • SunisinuS
                          Crazy Ass Mofo
                          • May 2010
                          • 3301

                          Can't Control your Future. Can't Control your Friends. The women start to hike their skirts up. I didn't have a clue. That is when I kinda learned how to smile a lot. One Two Three Fouir fun ter thehr fuur.


                          • TwoFoolsAMinute
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 925

                            I guess the most memorable for me, and the one that really moves me is Feels So Good. Every time I hear it I start puking and shitting uncontrollably and sometimes end up in the hospital. I'll never forget that one. Memories.


                            • Terry
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 12105

                              A tough question to answer, in terms of singling out a particular song...

                              Sinner's Swing! never fails to get me motivated. That fucker just moves me. Like, to the point where if I had a heart attack and my life force was fading away, putting that tune on 10 next to my hospital bed would do more than an adrenaline shot or chest shocks.

                              Doctor: "Okay, we need 100dbs of FW, Side 1, Track 3...CLEAR!"
                              Scramby eggs and bacon.

