Now that we have HOP back, not only is he welcomed to a standing ovation, he has been inducted in our 2009 Hall of Fame.
I thought I would beat everyone else to the punch, to nominate HOP to Mod in Nickdfresh's stead.
- less idle chatter, more maturity
- greater depth of understanding the Van Hagar sheep mentality
- he has a vocabulary
- and I believe he was once an EUAS moderator before, so he's gone beyond the operator's permit for the Batcave controls.
Can I get an AMEN on this, from the peanut gallery here?
I thought I would beat everyone else to the punch, to nominate HOP to Mod in Nickdfresh's stead.
- less idle chatter, more maturity
- greater depth of understanding the Van Hagar sheep mentality
- he has a vocabulary
- and I believe he was once an EUAS moderator before, so he's gone beyond the operator's permit for the Batcave controls.
Can I get an AMEN on this, from the peanut gallery here?