Can I be a Webmaster

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  • GAR
    • Jan 2004
    • 10881

    It would be so unfortunate to lose a Mod during my requested No-Ban Month of February..

    This site is about friendship! It is about love for your fellow maniac, to care and share and celebrate the victory of all that is music, as well as the month to be very very close to our lady friends because of Valentines' Day.

    Unfortunately, you're becoming a little too frisky, a little too close to me for an internet stranger who is also a male and I find it quite uncomfortable. If you got demodded in February don't take it that you are completely dislikable, just that it feels like you're the leg-humpin' rodent I keep shaking off and wiping the rabid drool off my spats from and that was the least forceful workaround, you silly lil guy you!

    Love ya! Now give the batcave keys back..


    • GAR
      • Jan 2004
      • 10881

      (this guys' been Imming me all morning..)


      • DLR7884

        • Jan 2004
        • 5895

        Originally posted by GAR
        It would be so unfortunate to lose a Mod during my requested No-Ban Month of February..

        This site is about friendship! It is about love for your fellow maniac, to care and share and celebrate the victory of all that is music, as well as the month to be very very close to our lady friends because of Valentines' Day.

        Unfortunately, you're becoming a little too frisky, a little too close to me for an internet stranger who is also a male and I find it quite uncomfortable. If you got demodded in February don't take it that you are completely dislikable, just that it feels like you're the leg-humpin' rodent I keep shaking off and wiping the rabid drool off my spats from and that was the least forceful workaround, you silly lil guy you!

        Love ya! Now give the batcave keys back..

        Are you this delusional?

        You have gone completely crazy.
        Originally Posted by WARF:
        DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.


        • Nickdfresh

          • Oct 2004
          • 49394

          Originally posted by GAR
          It would be so unfortunate to lose a Mod during my requested No-Ban Month of February..

          This site is about friendship! It is about love for your fellow maniac, to care and share and celebrate the victory of all that is music, as well as the month to be very very close to our lady friends because of Valentines' Day.

          Unfortunately, you're becoming a little too frisky, a little too close to me for an internet stranger who is also a male and I find it quite uncomfortable. If you got demodded in February don't take it that you are completely dislikable, just that it feels like you're the leg-humpin' rodent I keep shaking off and wiping the rabid drool off my spats from and that was the least forceful workaround, you silly lil guy you!

          Love ya! Now give the batcave keys back..
          Are you sure it's not about you meeting guys like Ryan for hardcore anal?

          Because you seemed more in love with him more than anything else, hitch-clone...

          And for Valentines Day, you should have taken a butcher knife and cut your heart out. Now that would show dedication!



          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49394

            Originally posted by DLR7884

            Are you this delusional?

            You have gone completely crazy.
            Yup! GAR 'can't stand the heat,' but he still wants to insert the oven into his anus...


            • GAR
              • Jan 2004
              • 10881

              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
              Yup! GAR 'can't stand the heat,' but he still wants to insert the oven into his anus...
              It's not about how intolerable you are as a mod, but as an ordinary user I shouldn't have to waste my time viewing it.

              FullBug for mod! FUCK this guy..


              • Nickdfresh
                SUPER MODERATOR

                • Oct 2004
                • 49394

                Originally posted by GAR
                It's not about how intolerable you are as a mod, but as an ordinary user I shouldn't have to waste my time viewing it.

                FullBug for mod! FUCK this guy..
                You're right!!

                You can not log on and then not read my posts anytime, spermbank...

                The funny thing is that you seem to go out of your way to read whatever I write so you can clamor for the right not to read it.

                And no, you can't "fuck" me. I'd let your mother fuck me, but unfortunately she seems to prefer dark meat!


                • GAR
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 10881

                  You've got it backwards: you deliberately go out of your way to add high volumes of static on the site, and the only filter I'm provided with in the user CP is for non-mod users.

                  I'm at an impasse..


                  • GAR
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 10881

                    I already have 3 of your Pleasure Junkett members filtered out, you'll be the fourth if I can get a consensus to mod FullBug in your stead.


                    • Nickdfresh
                      SUPER MODERATOR

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 49394

                      Originally posted by GAR
                      You've got it backwards: you deliberately go out of your way to add high volumes of static on the site, and the only filter I'm provided with in the user CP is for non-mod users.

                      I'm at an impasse..

                      The only impasse is your intellectual constipation...

                      This site is ALL ABOUT static, dipshit...


                      • kwame k
                        TOASTMASTER GENERAL
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 11302

                        Originally posted by GAR
                        I already have 3 of your Pleasure Junkett members filtered out, you'll be the fourth if I can get a consensus to mod FullBug in your stead.

                        I'm sure all 2 of your friends here will give you a consensus! Let's see there's Steve and.............hmmm, this is more difficult than I thought........have to get back to you on the rest of si-gar's friends.

                        Could I have a mod ask si-gar, who are the rest of his friends? I am at a loss.....Oh BTW, can someone remind si-gar that, February is Black History Month!
                        Originally posted by vandeleur
                        E- Jesus . Playing both sides because he didnt understand the argument in the first place :D


                        • DLR7884

                          • Jan 2004
                          • 5895

                          Originally posted by DLR7884
                          Ignore buttons are for pussies.

                          Sarge should completely remove that option from the is the essence of what this site isn't.
                          I think my post from earlier sums it up best.

                 are a vagina.
                          Originally Posted by WARF:
                          DLR7884 - This guy is one bad ass sonafabitch... I've seen him destroy peoples posting careers in a single sentence.

