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Pete Rose: career Hits Leader Prolific Gambler Has Died
Pete Rose, baseball’s banned hits leader, has died at age 83
...Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-30-2024, 11:13 PM. -
I think the NC GOP is really pissed now because Dems feared this creep would quit. Instead he's doubled... -
Hates gay and transgender people, loves tranny porn! No red stater cliche there!
But he...Leave a comment:
Republicans assess potential fallout for Trump from North Carolina bombshell
TAL AXELROD...Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-19-2024, 10:53 PM.Leave a comment:
By all accounts Harris destroyed Trump. I think context is everything here. Did Harris spin some stuff...Leave a comment:
The Laura Luner vs Marjory Taylor feud over Trump escalates......Last edited by Nickdfresh; 09-15-2024, 09:13 PM.Leave a comment:
Farrell was pissed about the music drowning out his vocals. But that's not the guitarist, that's a...👍 1Leave a comment:
I think they were pretty big, I recall them being "the guys" here for a while in the rock...👍 1Leave a comment:
The latest polls show a masterdebate bounce for Harris and that she is upwards of 5 points up. But...Leave a comment:
Donald Trump won the debate so bigly he's refusing to ever debate her again (cough &%%$#** pussy...Leave a comment:
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