This Fuckin' Kid

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  • Nitro Express
    • Aug 2004
    • 32865

    Originally posted by DLR Bridge
    Totally true. All of these guys who sprung up on YouTube, no matter what the age, though they’re mostly young, are as boring as fuck to watch sitting in their bedroom home studios. Then they look like they’re about to shit their pants when they play live.

    When I see those recently cleaned up videos of Ed from ‘78 going into these crazy body movements and shim shams while banging out his solos, both my eyes and ears are mesmerized! This new kid from Italy, whose name forever escapes me, is frightfully boring to watch. He makes me not care that he’s sitting on a unique right hand three finger picking technique.
    I know a guy who organizes big parties and he has had bands actually cancel because they are scared to perform live. You will never learn the craft of entertaining sitting in your basement playing through your audio interface. That’s like learning about sex by masturbating to internet porn.
    No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


    • Nitro Express
      • Aug 2004
      • 32865

      Wolfgang never earned his entertainer merit badge. He’s a basement wanker but he has his dad’s studio to wank in but it’s the same thing.
      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


      • Nickdfresh

        • Oct 2004
        • 49327

        Originally posted by DLR Bridge
        She referred to the trolls that upset her no less than three times in four minutes. Someone else has that same problem but I just can’t remember who it was.


        • Nitro Express
          • Aug 2004
          • 32865

          Ed was not a natural entertainer. He admitted himself he would just stand there and play and Alex would throw drumsticks at him telling him to get his ass moving. Getting Roth in the band helped in that element but Eddie put the effort in and became one of the coolest stage stormers ever. Mike said Van Halen hired a choreographer to help them with their stage presentation and they would film the shows to see how they could improve. This is called being in the game and being a pro. Now you fuckin kid, time to get serious if you want to stay in the game.
          No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


          • Rikk
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Jan 2004
            • 16518

            Originally posted by Von Halen
            She is a nutjob. And she goes on about "trolls"...I guess she and her 500 lb. son follow the same attitude of viewing anybody who dares disagree them online as "trolls."
            Roth Army Militia

            Originally posted by WARF
            Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


            • Rikk
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Jan 2004
              • 16518

              Originally posted by Von Halen
              She has a sort of speech in the middle of her eating (a lot), telling people to vote. And that's true. I don't disagree. BUT...where the fuck did that come from? (My mom always told me not to talk with my mouth full...but I guess that's just not possible for Valerie or Wolfcunt...if they followed that, they would never talk.)

              And what happened exactly...? They're talking about it "already bitching backstage."
              Roth Army Militia

              Originally posted by WARF
              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


              • Rikk
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Jan 2004
                • 16518

                The Howdy-Doody Fat Gang

                Originally posted by Von Halen
       Val or her son really think the world needs a book telling us that they "indulge"?

                Does anyone else think it's really inappropriate to have her preach to us that people need to "indulge" more?

                MeatWolf must be approaching 500 POUNDS!!! And this crazy cow is preaching about "the body needs nutrition" and "there's nothing wrong with indulging"!!!

                Jesus Christ, the fat son is just a few years past 30...and there's no way he doesn't already have early heart disease!!

                I was just watching some Van Halen live footage from 2012...and MeatWolf wasn't exactly Karen Carpenter...but he looked...okay. Comparing his weight from where he was a decade ago to where he is now...
                It is literally difficult to actually look at Wolfgang!! He just looks so gross, so huge... I know I sound mean, but it's fucking disgusting!!!
                Last edited by Rikk; 04-03-2024, 05:13 AM.
                Roth Army Militia

                Originally posted by WARF
                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                • Nitro Express
                  DIAMOND STATUS
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 32865

                  Originally posted by Rikk
                  She is a nutjob. And she goes on about "trolls"...I guess she and her 500 lb. son follow the same attitude of viewing anybody who dares disagree them online as "trolls."
                  I think she’s more nutty than Ed was. Ed once he cleaned up and got off the ethanol and chemicals seemed fine.
                  No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                  • Rikk
                    DIAMOND STATUS
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 16518

                    Originally posted by Nitro Express
                    Ed was not a natural entertainer. He admitted himself he would just stand there and play and Alex would throw drumsticks at him telling him to get his ass moving. Getting Roth in the band helped in that element but Eddie put the effort in and became one of the coolest stage stormers ever. Mike said Van Halen hired a choreographer to help them with their stage presentation and they would film the shows to see how they could improve. This is called being in the game and being a pro. Now you fuckin kid, time to get serious if you want to stay in the game.
                    I hear ya...but WolfGangbang probably just sees this as another thing to resent about being in show business.

                    He probably thinks his complete lack of a stage persona is some sort of badge of honor.

                    I was watching some footage of WolfGangbang performing live...and he just sort of stood a big lump of poop on the stage. One of the only times he moved was to lift his big, fat leg onto a guitar pedal to switch on an effect.

                    He has the charisma of a large black sweat rag.

                    Another thing WolfGangbang doesn't get is:
                    He doesn't have great songs. If you're going to be in the business and don't put the real work into writing great songs, you need something else dynamic about your stage presentation.

                    He's so entitled (his shit doesn't stink), he probably thinks every generic rock track he writes in 5150, recording instrument-by-instrument, is as great as any song on FAIR WARNING or ELECTRIC LADYLAND...or even OK COMPUTER or SUPERUNKNOWN.

                    SO...because he's already convinced that he's as talented and creative as his father (he might even think he's more talented because his dad didn't write the vocals), he doesn't need to do anything about his stage persona or his image.

                    I wonder what WolfGangbang thinks about his 2nd album only reaching #29. Does it bother him? Who is he going to blame for this? Whose fault is it? (I bet, in his mind, it's somehow Dave's fault...or somehow Alex's fault...he's probably one of those guys who takes all the credit when something good happens...but when it doesn't go well, he finds someone to blame.)
                    Roth Army Militia

                    Originally posted by WARF
                    Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                    • Nitro Express
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 32865

                      Originally posted by Rikk
                      She has a sort of speech in the middle of her eating (a lot), telling people to vote. And that's true. I don't disagree. BUT...where the fuck did that come from? (My mom always told me not to talk with my mouth full...but I guess that's just not possible for Valerie or Wolfcunt...if they followed that, they would never talk.)

                      And what happened exactly...? They're talking about it "already bitching backstage."
                      I think we are seeing the reason Ed crawled into the bottle so much. Can you imagine being married to her? Ed should have divorced her before she got pregnant with Wolfie.
                      No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                      • Nitro Express
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 32865

                        No pro is going to get on social media and insult and fight with fans. You go on social media to promote your band and thank the fans for supporting you. But like mother like son. Only a fool spills their soul on social media.
                        No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                        • Rikk
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 16518

                          Originally posted by Nitro Express
                          I think she’s more nutty than Ed was. Ed once he cleaned up and got off the ethanol and chemicals seemed fine.
                          Yes. And Ed had a sweetness about him when he wasn't drunk...and when he wasn't bitter.

                          If you read Ed's 2015 interview about Van Halen's "hopefully long" future, there was a sweetness in his words. He talked about Dave being "incredibly funny" and how they could sometimes just finish each other's sentences because they'd known each other for so long. He was truly excited about there finally being a live album with Dave (yes, some of you don't like TOKYO DOME...but I fucking really enjoy it...listened to it again yesterday while I was making dinner). He was excited about finally releasing some unreleased music from the band's archives...and excitedly talking about tons of footage (even 8mm film footage of Alex & Eddie playing music with their dad more than 50 years before). In 2015, Van Halen was an ongoing project/endeavor for Eddie...he still had a "sky's the limit" attitude, excitedly talking about "the next album" with Dave (and MeatWolf).

                          You listen to Val talk...she just talks quickly and rambles on and on about herself...and her need to "indulge"...just me, me, me, me, me.

                          When Eddie was sober and not in a bitter state, he could be very likeable...and he would actually talk nicely about fans and the other band members (not just himself). Eddie was SO talented...but he really wasn't constantly full of himself in 2015 (unlike 1996-1999).

                          Wolfgang certainly seems to have learned what kind of a person he wants to be from his mom...NOT his dad.
                          Roth Army Militia

                          Originally posted by WARF
                          Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                          • Nitro Express
                            DIAMOND STATUS
                            • Aug 2004
                            • 32865

                            Ed was dealing with several health problems. The problems and the medications can affect a person in a bad way. Liver problems can chemically change a person where they develop some personality disorders. But yeah the people who knew Ed said he was a great guy.
                            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


                            • Rikk
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 16518

                              Originally posted by Nitro Express
                              I think we are seeing the reason Ed crawled into the bottle so much. Can you imagine being married to her? Ed should have divorced her before she got pregnant with Wolfie.
                              Absolutely. People like to say that the alcoholic has "no one to blame but themselves," and maybe there is some truth in that. But people who are happy and/or feel good about themselves don't seek solace in a bottle.

                              To answer your question: FUCK NO, I cannot imagine being married to a woman like that. I dated a lot of different girls before I met my wife and decided (pretty quickly) that I wanted to marry her (though I still took my time with courtship because people should always take their time and be sure). Eddie was blinded by the fact that a Hollywood T.V. star was into him. He jumped in, headfirst, married her super-quickly. (Dave was apparently watching from the sidelines, confused...Dave apparently did NOT understand why Eddie was so starstruck.)

                              And then, Eddie was in a relationship with a totally self-absorbed Hollywood girl who was used to everyone paying attention to her. I bet she railroaded Eddie in that marriage.

                              VH fans never really consider why it was so important for Eddie to build that studio in his own backyard. YES, he wanted "musical control"...a place in which he could immediately work on his ideas, like a laboratory. BUT...he also wanted a place to go hide. (He said once that he feels like the house is Valerie's...she makes all the decisions about what they put in the house. But the studio was Ed's...and he was always escaping there...recording all night...even sleeping there.)
                              Roth Army Militia

                              Originally posted by WARF
                              Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.


                              • Rikk
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 16518

                                People in bad marriages often drink to escape the pain.

                                My oldest friend did that. His wife was a fucking cunt...always bossing him around...constantly being narcissistic...trying to keep him from his own parents and making them spend so much time with her family (sound familiar?). My buddy became a serious alcoholic. It got bad. He's my oldest friend...I love this guy. And I was so fucking worried.

                                Guess when he quit drinking? (It's not a hard answer to guess.)
                                Roth Army Militia

                                Originally posted by WARF
                                Rikk - The new school of the Roth Army... this dude leads the pack... three words... The Sheep Pen... this dude opened alot of doors for people during this new era... he's the best of the new school.

