Roger Waters two new songs via internet

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  • lucky wilbury

    Roger Waters two new songs via internet

    his offical site doesn't even list this stuff

    Roger Waters two new songs via internet *update
    ____ We have had many emails asking various questions in relation to the news that Roger Waters is releasing two new tracks via the internet. The songs titled 'To Kill the Child and 'Leaving Beirut, are high quality work in progress recordings. The lyrics will be published, possibly only on the official Roger Waters Sony site. The songs will carry the normal credits. I hope that answers the large bulk of questions we are being asked. Many thanks to Roger's manager Mark Fenwick for keeping us up-to-date.

    Two new Roger Waters tracks coming soon
    ____ Roger Waters is releasing two new tracks called, 'To Kill the Child and Leaving Beirut, via the internet. The tracks will be available via Roger’s own Sony website, iTunes, Sony Connect and any other legal digital download sites. As you can imagine this is very exciting news as has caused a buzz of excitement here at RWO. The tracks are due to go up within the next 2 weeks and we will of course update you as the time approaches
  • frenchie
    Foot Soldier
    • Jul 2004
    • 527

    good good news

