View Full Version : Obama weighs executive action to bring 800,000 foreign workers into USA

08-21-2014, 07:50 PM
Breitbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/08/21/Obama-Considering-Unilaterally-Granting-800K-Guest-Worker-Visas-as-90-Believe-American-Workers-Should-Be-Favored)

After meeting with a "bevy" of big-business groups, President Barack Obama is reportedly considering granting them up to 800,000 additional guest-worker visas via executive actions.


According to the Associated Press, "one of the more popular requests among business and family groups is a change in the way green cards are counted," which would "essentially free up some 800,000 additional visas the first year." In addition, "other requests have included removing the requirement that some spouses of U.S. citizens return to their native country for at least three years before they can apply for U.S. residency, as well as extending work permits to the spouses of all temporary H1-B skilled workers." The Obama administration is also considering granting work permits for low-skilled industries as well.

The Obama administration "has already increased the number of guest-worker permits by possibly 100,000 when it allowed the spouses of high-tech guest-workers who are applying for permanent residency to obtain permits."

Numerous companies – like Microsoft and Cisco – have massively laid off American workers while pushing the Obama administration for more guest-worker visas at a time when scholars and studies from organizations on the left, right, and center have debunked the notion that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. The Obama administration reportedly wants to appease big-business interests so they give him air cover for his potential executive amnesty, which may enable millions of illegal immigrants to get work permits in addition to temporary amnesty.

All of these actions would make it tougher for Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder to get jobs, as U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow has repeatedly emphasized. And as Breitbart News has reported, Americans are increasingly demanding a "pause" in the number of guest-workers who are admitted. A Reuters poll "found that 70% of Americans feel illegal immigrants threaten U.S. beliefs and customs, 63% believe more immigration at this time threatens the country's economy, and 45% want fewer immigrants. A recent poll from The Polling Company found that 90% of likely voters feel that "U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs." Strong majorities of those who favor a pathway to legalization and citizenship for illegal immigrants even believe that "jobs now held by illegal immigrants should go to American workers."

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) accused the Obama administration of "actively working against the interests of the American worker."

"We have communities throughout America that are barely scraping by. Tens of millions of Americans are on welfare, unemployment, and public assistance," Sessions said in a statement this week. "Yet the White House and their Senate Majority seem more concerned about the economic demands of large corporations, or the citizens of other countries, than about getting our own citizens back to work into stable jobs that can support a family and uplift a community.”

08-22-2014, 06:58 PM
No takers ??

Not even you IT guys ??

08-22-2014, 07:06 PM
My position on this one is well established. I'm on record as saying that the H1B visa crowd is doing a HELL of a lot more damage than the produce-pickers.

08-22-2014, 07:12 PM
He's working against the intrests of the poor. As if it isn't hard enough for people to find work already... adding close to a million to the "work" force aka "welfare" seems counterintuitive at the very least

08-22-2014, 08:18 PM
A lot of unemployed people in Canada can tell you all about temp foreign workers....

08-22-2014, 09:35 PM
Breitbart (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/08/21/Obama-Considering-Unilaterally-Granting-800K-Guest-Worker-Visas-as-90-Believe-American-Workers-Should-Be-Favored)

Numerous companies – like Microsoft and Cisco – have massively laid off American workers while pushing the Obama administration for more guest-worker visas at a time when scholars and studies from organizations on the left, right, and center have debunked the notion that there is a shortage of American high-tech workers. The Obama administration reportedly wants to appease big-business interests so they give him air cover for his potential executive amnesty, which may enable millions of illegal immigrants to get work permits in addition to temporary amnesty.

I don't know what the truth is but according to his biography Steve Jobs repeatedly campaigned for foreign engineers to be allowed visas because there simply weren't enough US ones to supervise the manufacture of iPhones, iPads etc so he had to send the work to China.

Steve Jobs was a cunt though plus you would think in the intervening years since his death if there was a skills gap in the US the colleges would have stepped up to fill the gap?

08-22-2014, 09:37 PM
And that's why Steve Jobs is now desigining iPhone 6.66 in Hell. But I'm sure Andy Breitbart will buy one.

08-22-2014, 09:44 PM
I obviously don't believe in hell but using iTunes on a PC regularly is like a guided tour of the worst bits.

Nitro Express
08-23-2014, 06:49 AM
I don't know what the truth is but according to his biography Steve Jobs repeatedly campaigned for foreign engineers to be allowed visas because there simply weren't enough US ones to supervise the manufacture of iPhones, iPads etc so he had to send the work to China.

Steve Jobs was a cunt though plus you would think in the intervening years since his death if there was a skills gap in the US the colleges would have stepped up to fill the gap?

If Apple did bring it's manufacturing back to the US it would be automated and not create that many jobs. If your cost of production is more than your competitors you can't compete. China and other low cost labor Asian countries is where everyone is having their stuff made. We are in a real dilemma with multinational corporations. They have become more powerful than nations. They put their corporate headquarters in the countries with the lowest corporate tax rates and put the manufacturing in areas with the cheaper labor. Then they take their money and bribe the politicians and buy the governments. In fact, the anti-trust legislation we did have has been repealed by bought off politicians so right now we are back at the robber baron stage of things. This seems to be a 100 year cycle. The pendulum swings the other way once the public gets fed up.

08-23-2014, 08:15 AM
If Apple did bring it's manufacturing back to the US it would be automated and not create that many jobs. If your cost of production is more than your competitors you can't compete.

Over the last few years Apple have beat that rule. People have paid a large premium for their products because they like them.

It's amazing how the biggest corporation which makes the most money with the biggest mark ups, gives little in tax or to charities somehow still manages to market itself as the outsider quirky good guys.

08-23-2014, 01:23 PM
I don't get the Apple fanboyism either. The iPod is probably their single best invention of the last few years, and it's basically just a Walkman, updated to 21st century media formats, and most of the newer versions have wifi.

iPhones and iPads might have more bells and whistles than their Android counterparts, but only for those who want to pay for them. Functionally, there's not a Hell of a lot of difference.

Apple computer hardware is irrelevant now, as they use Intel processors like everyone else. And while the OS is obviously more secure than Windows, the reason that is the case is that OSX (and all of it's derivatives) are built on top of Darwin BSD, which is a fork of Unix, just as Linux is. So if you built your own Intel tower and installed Linux Mint on it, (or bought any premade Windows PC, and wiped the piece of shit Windows 8 off of it, and then installed Linux Mint) you could have a machine just as secure as a Mac, running a similar operating system, and if you really want it to LOOK like Apple, there are ways to do that too....


08-24-2014, 12:10 PM
No such thing as a secure computer...

08-24-2014, 01:30 PM
No such thing as a secure computer...

Of course not. But everybody knows that Microsoft has more holes in their products than a 500 pound wheel of swiss cheese. Just by nature of the operating system alone, the unix based operating systems are more secure. On top of that, there's also the fact that most of the idiots writing malware were doing so for Windows because it had the biggest market share, and could hit the most targets. Microsoft has most of the government and corporate contracts, though hopefully bv now most of their IT departments have enough brains to use more secure servers, even if they are going to continue to use only Windows desktops.

Android is probably the second less secure, but that's because it's a Google invention, and Google is a branch office of the NSA. And if you think I'm exaggerating about that.... go set up a Google Voice account right now, and when it calls your phone to verify, pay attention to the area code. Here's a hint..... you will probably recognize it. And it's not anywhere near Silicon Valley CA. Not by about 3000 miles or so. :headlights:

08-24-2014, 02:09 PM
go set up a Google Voice account right now, and when it calls your phone to verify, pay attention to the area code. Here's a hint..... you will probably recognize it. And it's not anywhere near Silicon Valley CA. Not by about 3000 miles or so. :headlights:

703 or 571?

08-24-2014, 10:57 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10605993_333575886817354_3661629364611632865_n.jpg ?oh=47b90f2fe7f667120a96a17c01e42427&oe=547D3599&__gda__=1415678277_8b0461610a4db8bf7a7b0a3694ec2e9 c

08-25-2014, 12:04 PM
Science is even taller than apple...

08-25-2014, 01:53 PM
A lot of unemployed people in Canada can tell you all about temp foreign workers....

A lot of employers ran with it.

Once it hit the news and the government said it appeared the program was being abused you could see the changes here.

The Tim Hortons we always stop at on the way to work went from about %75 foreign staff to only a few left.

The Northern Mines in BC, Ont, Quebec play this game too claiming they can not get people to move North.

08-25-2014, 04:29 PM
703 or 571?

Nope. 202. Washington DC, the seat of Satan's power itself, to put it biblically (before ELVIS does)

08-25-2014, 04:53 PM
Nope. 202. Washington DC, the seat of Satan's power itself, to put it biblically (before ELVIS does)

Surprised. Their big complex is in Northern VA, built around 1993.

08-25-2014, 05:01 PM
Could they still be using the 202 area code, since it's the federal government?

Of course it's always possible that Google is "spoofing" the number, since they are known for their elaborate practical jokes (i.e. the infamous "Google TISP (https://www.google.com/tisp/)" toilet broadband page, which is still live, despite being an April Fools joke from several years ago)

08-25-2014, 05:15 PM

I like that look. He should come out tomorrow and give a press conference dressed exactly like that, smoking a Marlboro Menthol and swiggin' a Colt .45 tall can.

08-25-2014, 06:36 PM
Notice how fuckwits like "Elvis" never acknowledge that Obama has deported far more illegals than any of his predecessors? That would go against his racist narrative though!

08-25-2014, 06:37 PM
I like that look. He should come out tomorrow and give a press conference dressed exactly like that, smoking a Marlboro Menthol and swiggin' a Colt .45 tall can.

He'd have my fucking vote for a third term then!

08-25-2014, 07:02 PM
He'd have my fucking vote for a third term then!

Hell, he might even get my vote if he turned pimp!

08-25-2014, 07:33 PM
Now this motherfucker I would vote for!


08-26-2014, 08:06 AM
Science is even taller than apple...


08-26-2014, 08:39 AM
He'd have my fucking vote for a third term then!

Further illustrating your ignorance...

08-26-2014, 09:33 AM
I don't understand why people fear foreign workers. Bring on the competiton!

08-26-2014, 09:57 AM
Could they still be using the 202 area code, since it's the federal government?

Probably. They definitely do their surveillance support out of the building that was built in the 90's. I used to work about 3/4 a mile away.

08-26-2014, 11:01 AM
I don't understand why people fear foreign workers. Bring on the competiton!

Here the problem is that the incentives to employers include a subsidized wage…in some cases a lower wage.

The criteria is that you have a lack of people to fill those jobs…so it is a win win.

It was getting abused…in one case I heard of a long time waitress at a small town hotel lost her job…but somehow the temp foreign workers stayed.

Once it hit the news…you could see the change in staff at a lot of the coffee/fast food outlets here.

In BC a mine wanted to bring in Chinese workers stating they had experience.
Canada has a lot of miners and know how…the effect of bringing in temp workers instead of building on the Northern communities can be devastating.
Northern Ont and Quebec are going through that now.

08-26-2014, 12:52 PM
The temp foreign workers have also been abused by employers. In some cases, they have been pretty much enslaved...

08-26-2014, 01:56 PM
The temp foreign workers have also been abused by employers. In some cases, they have been pretty much enslaved...

Yeah that's right.

Some of the living conditions on farms are ridiculous.

This type of thing is where the Conservatives fail (not to give the Liberals a pass but I don't recall this when they were in power)....They believe that if you put a program in place that people will just do the right thing and not abuse it.
So...they won't police it...won't put people in place to check on it.
They wait for the complaints to come in then deal with it according to the criminal code...the idea has merit but in the mean time people will abuse it...it just a given.

on a positive note though...

It is a huge benefit to come to Canada for some work though.

Talked to a merchant in La Crucecita in Huatulco that had come to Canada during the summer to pick crops.

It took many summers but that is how he had built his house.

It is unfortunate something that can be beneficial can be taken advantage of...especially when it comes down to how you treat people.

08-26-2014, 04:56 PM
Further illustrating your ignorance...

Read your last quote, fuckhead...

But good thing you're so uppity now after voting for Bush twice, dummy!

08-26-2014, 04:58 PM
I don't understand why people fear foreign workers. Bring on the competiton!

Elvis could always go back to school and become an engineer. But then where would he have time to bitch about everything on the internet?


08-26-2014, 05:18 PM

This never gets old.