Kristy's Top Stoner Chill Albums For Summer 2014

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  • Kristy
    • Aug 2004
    • 16404

    Kristy's Top Stoner Chill Albums For Summer 2014

    Summer is here and the time is right for getting stoned on your back patio..."

    `Mick Jagger & Keith Richards

    That's right, you fucking (unemployed) cretins, summer is here. And what does summer mean to you? Parties, pussy, your shitty 2 week vacation to some even shittier tourist destination shithole? For me it's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! Loadsa and loadsa of weed. Seems the both need a soundtrack to me so here is some suggestions. Granted this isn't another 1985 homoerotic post about some washed up, balding singer who once wore spandex on stage but music to rather enjoy life by. Or anything that has to do with gay metal. Now if you smoke quality weed and waste it on listening to gay metal you should up and fucking kill yourself now.

    Thievery Corporation - Radio Retaliation

    Never much cared for these fuckbutts, but this is some smooth shit.

    Moondeluxe - Afternoon Cocktail

    No album art but you can fuck to this.

    Massive Attack - Lounge Hotel

    Eh, they are fuckbutts, too. Here is 3 god damn CD's of summer fun by the most under appreciated sample stealers ever.

    Sinner's Lounge - Pure Pleasure

    Get this for that JEM/Solar Moon tune alone.

    Fashion Vibes - Deep Grooves 1

    Some eclectic shit for serious stoners. Better than the second offering

    Lounge Deluxe 2

    Eh, hit and miss with this one. Has that "bitchin'" Nightmares On Wax tune on it.

    Jazz For Summer

    Has JoJo Effect. Fucking cool or what!?

    Deborah Jordan - The Light

    Did not like this at first but with more weed, the better it becomes.

    New York Smooth

    Sounds pretentious because it is. But anything on here certainty beats 'Jump' or 'Panama" for weed sunsets and summer fun.

    Well there you have it. Don't like it? Good. That means you are old, stale and stupid. But try to have a safe summer anyway.
    Last edited by Kristy; 05-20-2014, 02:47 PM.
    • Mar 2004
    • 13373

    Well, you can't have a thread like this without this song!

    American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


    • Kristy
      • Aug 2004
      • 16404

      Dude, glad you're here. Guess what!? I just took one massive shit. You should have seen the size of this motherfucker as it left my bloated asshole with the force of a nuclear bomb. I was rather proud of myself as it looked back at me all Jerry Maguire "show me the money" fashion. But then something miraculous happened. That shit reminded me of every DONNIE post to date. Lucky for you. I've had other shits that reminded me more of Smellvis' post. So keep trying.

      Here's a Donnie Most so that no one gets confused:
      Last edited by Kristy; 05-20-2014, 02:44 PM.


      • DONNIEP
        • Mar 2004
        • 13373

        In other words, you often think of me while you're in the bathroom. Well, that's a start.
        American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


        • Kristy
          • Aug 2004
          • 16404

          No, the aftermath.


          • DONNIEP
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Mar 2004
            • 13373

            Here, this might come in handy when you drop the next load...

            American by birth. Southern by the grace of God.


            • binnie
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • May 2006
              • 19145

              I've never been much of a fan of 'chill-out' music, but that's a thoughtful list, so thanks.
              The Power Of The Riff Compels Me


              • PETE'S BROTHER
                DIAMOND STATUS
                • Feb 2007
                • 12678

                pete agreed with the massive attack album
                Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!


                • VAiN
                  Use my hand, I won't look

                  • Nov 2006
                  • 5056

                  That's one ghey list. Well done, stoney.
                  Originally posted by wiseguy
                  That shit will welcome you in the morning and pour the milk in your count chocula for ya.


                  • ELVIS
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 44120

                    I'd shoot myself if that's all I had to listen to...


                    • hambon4lif
                      Crazy Ass Mofo
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2810

                      Originally posted by Kristy
                      Sinner's Lounge - Pure Pleasure
                      What a fuckin' trip! I have a porn that has that exact picture on the cover. It's called "Return To Milf Island", which is totally misleading because there was never a "Milf Island" to make a sequel to. (believe me, I've looked)

                      The plot's kinda cool....two broke dipshits are driving through the suburbs in the middle of the day and run out of gas. To get the gas money they need to get out of there, they have to go door to door and drum up a few bucks. Because it's the middle of the day, the husbands and children are at work and school, so every door they knock on is answered by a completely fuckable milf ready to get pounded like a frozen steak.

                      As you can probably guess, they get the gas money, and the movie ends with them driving through other neighborhoods they actually plan on getting stranded in the next you just know there's going to be a "Milf Island III".

                      What the fuck was this thread about anyway?


                      • Kristy
                        DIAMOND STATUS
                        • Aug 2004
                        • 16404

                        Originally posted by VAiN
                        That's one ghey list. Well done, stoney.
                        Thanks, Mr. Middle-Aged.


                        • Kristy
                          DIAMOND STATUS
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 16404

                          Originally posted by ELVIS
                          I'd shoot myself if that's all I had to listen to...
                          In that case, do you need a gun? I have one you can use.


                          • sonrisa salvaje
                            • Jun 2005
                            • 2098

                            Speaking of ghey this list would make two queers say lets just be friends.
                            RIDE TO LIVE, LIVE TO RIDE
                            LET `EM ROLL ONE MORE TIME


                            • Kristy
                              DIAMOND STATUS
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 16404

                              Dude, keep your personal issues out of my thread.

