Originally posted by Blaze
Happy Birthday Eddie!

It is rumored that Eddie went on a bender in Miami!

Witnesses reported that he was seen with an entourage of beefy Cubans boarding a boat with a winch. Sometimes mumbling, sometimes ranting odd phrases like "He'll get the right depth of sound." Some witnesses were worried he was going to do something drastic; but that his entourage was so hot-looking the witnesses knew that his entourage would never let anything bad happen to anyone. The witnesses reported that he kept ranting about some "blonde-hair freak" and how he was "going to get that damn sound, just like that persnickety blonde Russian wanted." It was also reported that Eddie kept saying he wanted "his damn keys" that nothing was going to keep his keys from the Van Halen "sound"

A U.S. Coast Guard boat passes near a grand piano on a sandbar in Biscayne Bay, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2011 in Miami. The piano recently showed up on the sandbar, about 200 yards from condominiums on the shore. The piano, which weighs at least 650 pounds, was placed at the highest spot along the sandbar so it doesn't get underwater during high tide. While officials aren't sure how it got there, they know it won't be going anywhere unless it becomes a hazard to wildlife or boaters. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Happy B'day Eddie! Hope it was a dinger!