Originally posted by Diamondjimi
This is where we'll put it all together. We have the concept, now it's finally time to make it happen.
There's a lot of talented members here and it's time we had some fun with this. Once the grooves,keys and delegation of parts are agreed on, we'll need some basic rules.

1. Once a basic drum track has been laid down and passed around, it's entire length cannot be altered. Reason: to keep the count in preserved and it will make it easier to sync to when loading and aligning the track/s into each of our recording stations to play along (As we all tend to use different DAW's). Same goes for any other instruments or vocals...

2. All tracks to be recorded @ 24 bit/ 44.100 sample rate.

3. All tracks should be recorded dry. VST's should only be added @ the mixing stage> of course myself and Jay will be adding cabinets in post tracking via Recabinet. ( The Recabinet option will be available to anyone who opts to go direct with their guitar or bass tracking).

Well that's a start. I'm sure we'll add rules as along the way...

As for "producer/mixer/mastering guy", I will throw my hat in the ring . I have my own studio running Nuendo 2 (upgrading to N4 very soon) and I have the time to put in to dedicate to the cause... (Jus' sayin')
