Don't paint any cross hairs on any one in here!
What the hell may as well have one and lets open up the curretly popular Glock 9mm

Wiki link to see some cool stuff about the round :
About the brand:
My from memory stuff about the Glock and the 9mm round:
The pistol 9Glock)fist came on the market sometime in the 80's Thought at the time to be crap becasue it was plastic it quickly became very popular and now has some damn huge market share as far as pistols go. (It's not plastic). Very popular for law enforcement because thay are light, durable and hold alot of rounds. I have shot one before and they are very nice guns. The 9mm itself has been around for ever and really became popular thanks to Mel Gibson and his famous Berretta 9mm. Very popular because it holds 15 rounds. I have also shot one of these and they are the shit! Very nice gun. If I were to own a 9 it would be the Berretta hands down.
As far as the round goes I wouldn't own one. They are popular because you can get them in smaller size weapons that are nice for concealed carry and they typically have a large magazine capacity. More is better is the general rule. I don't subscibe to that.
The round it self is only suitable for close range self defence and at that one shot in most cases won't get ur done. Even with exotic hollow point ammo they have just don't have enough one shot stopping power for me. If I have to shoot somebody I want them down and out even if I fuck up and hit um in the leg. But many people do carry them and really like them. In fact many law enforcement's have gone from the 9mm to the better and more powerful .40 S&W. The dabate on the effectiveness of the round has gone on for ages. Please search the net if you are intersted in the debate.
I don't think we have a huge gun following here but hey if you have any others you are curious about please ask. I am no expert but have been intersted in guns since I was 10. I know alot them. It's just a hobby not some sceery thing at all.
What the hell may as well have one and lets open up the curretly popular Glock 9mm

Wiki link to see some cool stuff about the round :
About the brand:
My from memory stuff about the Glock and the 9mm round:
The pistol 9Glock)fist came on the market sometime in the 80's Thought at the time to be crap becasue it was plastic it quickly became very popular and now has some damn huge market share as far as pistols go. (It's not plastic). Very popular for law enforcement because thay are light, durable and hold alot of rounds. I have shot one before and they are very nice guns. The 9mm itself has been around for ever and really became popular thanks to Mel Gibson and his famous Berretta 9mm. Very popular because it holds 15 rounds. I have also shot one of these and they are the shit! Very nice gun. If I were to own a 9 it would be the Berretta hands down.
As far as the round goes I wouldn't own one. They are popular because you can get them in smaller size weapons that are nice for concealed carry and they typically have a large magazine capacity. More is better is the general rule. I don't subscibe to that.
The round it self is only suitable for close range self defence and at that one shot in most cases won't get ur done. Even with exotic hollow point ammo they have just don't have enough one shot stopping power for me. If I have to shoot somebody I want them down and out even if I fuck up and hit um in the leg. But many people do carry them and really like them. In fact many law enforcement's have gone from the 9mm to the better and more powerful .40 S&W. The dabate on the effectiveness of the round has gone on for ages. Please search the net if you are intersted in the debate.
I don't think we have a huge gun following here but hey if you have any others you are curious about please ask. I am no expert but have been intersted in guns since I was 10. I know alot them. It's just a hobby not some sceery thing at all.