Paterno Out At Penn State

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  • ODShowtime

    • Jun 2004
    • 5812

    Originally posted by jhale667
    Totally agree here, I was reading this last night like "WTF"? I was on the fence about killing the program entirely for whatever period of time, but OD's attitude convinced me it SHOULD be.

    THIS. OD you're usually cool, but this is just nuts and completely out of line, calling someone "faggot" for thinking there should be harsher sanctions imposed against the school (?)... a child's welfare is more important than any stupid fucking GAME. The entire Penn State organization (NOT the alumni - no one bashed YOU personally) thought the game took precedence over this - for YEARS. For that - the organization SHOULD be punished, and robbed of the very thing they chose over children's safety. Otherwise, they're merely embarrassed, and that is NOT sufficient. Suspend it for a year.
    Listen man, we've been reading each other's post for many years and you know I'm reasonable. The equation is not either football team or pedophilia. Why is it one or the other. Yes football is important to me. Just as important as it is to any other fan. The millions of football fans in this country. So because of a horrible tragedy and evil that really shouldn't be connected to my school, I should just walk away? Would you? Or would you stand up for what you think is right?

    This is not a football scandal regardless of how much that news that idea sells. You can think I'm crazy all you want and hell yes I am crazy as hell right now. I'm a wounded animal backed against a wall. This is the only place where I can unleash and swear and let all my hatred and anger out. It feels great.

    Most of the media concocted story is bullshit. You guys will keep coming at me with strawman arguments but bottom line is that this wave of hatred for PSU is bullshit. And people talking about a death penalty need to realize how cruel this is. Stop and think for a second.
    gnaw on it


    • ODShowtime

      • Jun 2004
      • 5812

      Originally posted by Guitar Shark
      Forgive me for saying so, but your anger seems to be misplaced.
      I've already said I wish Sandusky was dead. But he isn't in the media making millions off of how this scandal has been narrated.

      Follow the money shark. Come on. And you know that Sandusky wasn't convicted of raping anyone in PSU's shower right? You are aware that McQuery was more than a year off from his recollection to the grand jury, putting the event out of the statute of limitations right? You know that the alleged victim of the shower incident was never found I'm sure. But it's a PSU football scandal. It's not about the evil, manipulative pedophile and the charity that funneled in his victims. It's about the school with the billion dollar endowment.
      gnaw on it


      • jhale667
        • Aug 2004
        • 20929

        Originally posted by ODShowtime
        Listen man, we've been reading each other's post for many years and you know I'm reasonable.

        Which is exactly why I prefaced my post as I did. And I realize as an alum and (clearly rabid) fan, you're hurting -I feel for ya in a way.

        Having said that, I still don't at all like the idea that so many in the PSU organization will willing to turn a blind eye to it, for years. That's why I think there should be heavier repercussion. Not calling for the death penalty for anyone (though I imagine Sandusky will most likely die in prison, and not of natural causes), nor would I like to see the entire PSU athletic program sanctioned. I think having to go a year without their precious football game might serve as an example to other school's programs (and administrations), though. Either that or perhaps a better alternative, so as not to punish fans would be for all revenues generated from it this year should be put in a trust to be distributed to the victims.
        Originally posted by conmee
        If anyone even thinks about deleting the Muff Thread they are banned.... no questions asked.

        That is all.

        Originally posted by GO-SPURS-GO
        I've seen prominent hypocrite liberal on this site Jhale667

        Originally posted by Isaac R.
        Then it's really true??:eek:

        The Muff Thread is really just GONE ???

        OMFG...who in their right mind...???
        Originally posted by eddie78
        I was wrong about you, brother. You're good.


        • gbranton
          • Aug 2005
          • 1847

          Originally posted by chefcraig
          There's a statue in Gainesville of Steve Spurrier, the iconic ball coach who quit on the Gators in January of 2002 to chase a pile of NFL money. Spurrier's likeness is flanked by Danny Wuerffel and Tim Tebow, one of the most polarizing athletes of our generation.
          What a tool. That is a ridiculous article. Idolizing false gods?............................Really? People erect stautes of others for plenty of reasons, not necessarily because we have a desire to diefy them, MAYBE we merely appreciate their contributions to our alma mater. He neglects to mention that all three men won Heisman Trophies while at Florida.

          The author implies that Spurrier shit all over UF by leaving to go to the NFL, when in fact Florida fans have no ill will whatsoever toward the man who built Florida into a national power. I know this because as former vice-president and president-elect of the South Alabama Gator Club, I have traveled to games and functions all over the southeast and have never once heard a Gator fan badmouth him. As a matter of fact a significant number of Gator fans (myself included follow South Carolina football closely and wish him only the very best.) AND we would have him back as our coach in a heartbeat. Ask Lou Holtz what kind of man Steve Spurrier is, he helped Holtz's wife get life saving treatments for cancer while Holtz was at USC. The worst thing Spurrier ever did was call FSU Free Shoes University or tell Tennessee fans that "you can't spell Citrus without UT".

          As for Tebow being polarizing, I've never heard him say anything negative about anyone and while organized religion isn't my thing, I appreciate that he has started 28 hospitals for children overseas. Sandusky probably sent children to the hospital with bloody assholes, while Tebow BUILDS them. He puts his time and money where his mouth is. I'd say we could use more "polarizing" people like him in the world.

          As for Weurfel, he has dedicated his life to Desire Street Ministries, a non-profit faith-based organization focusing on spiritual and community development in one of the poorest areas of New Orleans. Another person the type of which the world could use more of.

          As proud as I am of these folks (NOT GODS) if they protected a child molester and allowed to him to roam the halls of that university with impunity for years, I would be the first one in line with a sledgehammer. Some shit is WAY more important than football.
          Last edited by gbranton; 07-20-2012, 01:34 AM.
          "Don't want 'em to get you goat, don't show 'em where it's hid." - David Lee Roth


          • Nitro Express
            DIAMOND STATUS
            • Aug 2004
            • 32798

            Originally posted by hambon4lif
            The part that really spooked me was that during the trial, he just had this oblivious look on his face like he felt he had done nothing wrong, like it was perfectly normal to permanently damage these kids views on sex, and life in general. It is, unquestionably, the darkest, most sinful crime you could possibly commit on the entire face of the Earth...and yet he maintained this bewildered look on his face like he didn't have the slightest clue that he had done anything wrong. He couldn't even answer Bob Costas' question without repeating it over and over. That was some scary shit.
            And THAT falls on strictly on the shoulders of the people that were covering it up. Who, by their silence, allowed that kind of sick shit to continue without saying a goddamn thing. They're just as fucking evil and fucked-up in the head as he is, and when they throw him a cage, they better keep that door open, because the people that knew about it and didn't speak out should be thrown in right in there with him.

            The way I see it, if he gets sentenced to triple-life, he's getting off easy. HE FUCKED KIDS!!!! HE FUCKED KIDS!!!! I had to re-iterate that for the Penn St. alumni that have chosen to gloss over that. And if JoePa had any knowledge of it whatsoever, that statue should not only be torn down, it should be pissed on and burnt to motherfuckin' ashes. He could complain about it all he wants his own cell.

            McCreary had knowledge of this too. He's the one that broke this story large, and now he wants to run and hide in the shadows? Bullshit, pal! Both of you motherfuckers should be passing out toothpicks at chow-time.

            The classic signs of a narcisist. They don't care if they hurt anyone and they are beyond feeling any remourse. It's all about them and in fact, sometimes they even like the negative attention they get.
            No! You can't have the keys to the wine cellar!


            • gbranton
              • Aug 2005
              • 1847

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              while us Nittany Lions feels even more shame and sadness and emptiness that we don't deserve.

              Some of you people are fucking crazy. Unbelievable. We'll all be punished so YOU feel better? FUCK YOU.

              No one else needs to be punished.
              So I'LL feel better? No. Not for me, nothing would EVER make me feel better, but what I feel is unimportant. You SHOULD feel shame and sadness, considering that we are talking about at LEAST 15 YEARS of child molestation on your school's campus DO YOU FUCKING THINK THAT YOU SHOULD EVER NOT FEEL SAD ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED? I will never get over feeling sad for the victims or ANY child that is abused by a monster like Sandusky and protected by monsters like Paterno, Curley, Schultz and Spanier.

              Fifteen years. For a minimum of fifteen years what each and every Penn State fan has lived has been a lie. And every one of you enjoyed every minute of that lie until it came crashing down. I would be furious too. Not furious at some random guy on the internet, but furious at the people who covered this all up and allowed it to happen. Do I feel sorry for Penn State fans? Hell yes, as long as the aren't dickhead narcissists who think sports shit is actually important in life.

              And by the way, it's "us Nittany Lions feel", not feels. Your degree must not be in English.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              You are aware that McQuery was more than a year off from his recollection to the grand jury, putting the event out of the statute of limitations right?
              That makes it all ok, huh? That it happened too long ago. That is a sick fucking statement right there.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              I'm really not sure I want to live in this world any more.
              REALLY? Over a fucking football team? You have issues.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              People on here are smart enough to see the real picture.
              .....and most of the people in here seem to agree that PSU needs a year off.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              First of all, I'm railing to the whole world, not just you. Put yourself in my shoes. I'm desperate. The whole world hates us.
              The whole world (outside of NAMBLA) hates what has happened at PENN STATE. I don't arbitrarily hate Penn States grads, I know a couple. What I hate is people who defend and protect child molesters.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              Those people have intellect. I hope you and your family die in a fire you fucking faggot. You're not even human.
              Intellect? So hoping someone's family (their fucking FAMILY FFS) dies in a fire and telling them they are sub-human qualifies as your idea of intellect? All I can say about that statement is it makes you look like a douchebag. If that is intellect, I don't want any.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              It is most certainly about me mother fucker. How about I try to get a new job right now. My diploma had to come down in my office. Can you imagine?

              I have to think about never seeing my team again. Do you have any idea how that feels? I'm an innocent human being man and fucking all 500,000 of us over even more doesn't help anyone.

              This is just an unbelievable cruel thing to say. Put yourself in our shoes and think about it. You're a human.
              Yes...... I am a human. A human who realizes that I am a lot more than a diploma on a wall. My school doesn't make me what I am, it doesn't represent who I am as an individual or what I believe in, it doesn't define what I have to offer to the world, to think that it does is sick. My school equipped me to go out into the world and represent THEM, NOT the other way around. If what team you root for defines you, then you aren't shit, you are Harvey Updyke.

              To say over and over again it about YOU is sickening.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              You realize the person who committed the crime is behind bars right? I wish the evil son of a bitch would kill himself and I mean that straight up. I shouldn't even have to say that. It should be obvious.
              The NCAA frequently punishes programs that have fired their coaches. I don't know what your degree was in, but it's not law. If a CEO makes the decision to do something wrong, the entire corporation has to pay, the defense of "That guy doesn't work here anymore" doesn't hold any water. Spanier, Curley, Schultz and Paterno were still employed when this all went to shit, so sorry but PSU AND THE FOOTBLL PROGRAM are ass deep in this.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              Or maybe because the actual crimes are so much worse than what the NCAA deals with that they're out of their league.

              And suck a dick for what you said about Paterno you fucking sheep.
              So the NCAA should do nothing? Or is this the time to set an example?

              And keep defending Paterno. Paterno had the power to get nearly ANYTHING done on the campus at State College and it has been commented on many times that he used it. The fact that Sandusky continued to walk the halls at Penn State with this cloud above his head all this time is because Paterno ALLOWED IT.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              will never be able to defend ourselves and our school. i understand the horror of the victims. It's not just about football. It's our lives.
              It's our lives? Really? Your life won't go the fuck on without fucking football? That is a pathetic statement.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              Some cocksucker was flying a plane around state college yesterday threatening us over the statue. That's disgusting.
              What's disgusting is that the motherfucker is still standing.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              When will it be time to acknowledge our victimization? There's 500,000 of us. There's like 20 victims... who will all soon be millionaires.
              At a time like this we should be concerned about Penn State fans, ESPECIALLY the ones that defend Paterno. That's like saying we shouldn't send criminals to jail because it would break their poor mothers' hearts. YOUR VICTIMIZATION? What fucking bullshit.

              But the money will make it all better, right? That will give them back what they lost? Another sickening statement.

              Originally posted by ODShowtime
              ......Or would you stand up for what you think is right?

              You can think I'm crazy all you want and hell yes I am crazy as hell right now. I'm a wounded animal backed against a wall.
              A wounded animal backed against the wall. WOW. More like you are a wounded, butthurt, narcissistic drama queen, but I DO think you are crazy.

              And by the way, I WOULD stand up and fight for what is right. If this was Gainesville I would WANT a year off, I would want to see it torn down and rebuilt, I would want to see all new faces, I would want to put it all away for a while, take a break and think about it all. Time to be solemn and reverential toward the victims. Time to let wounds heal. Mine and theirs.

              I would feel guilty about getting back into a football stadium to cheer them on too soon........if I ever again could.
              Last edited by gbranton; 07-20-2012, 03:13 AM.
              "Don't want 'em to get you goat, don't show 'em where it's hid." - David Lee Roth


              • fourthcoming

                Originally posted by ODShowtime
                Hmm. Maybe because it's completely out of their jurisdiction. Maybe because the people allegedly involved in not reporting are either in dead, in jail, or on trial. Or maybe because this is about evil and not about football. Or maybe because the actual crimes are so much worse than what the NCAA deals with that they're out of their league. Or maybe because the school didn't gain competitive advantage from this (I know some morons argued we did). Or maybe because all of the surrounding community would be economically devastated, and the big networks would lose millions, and the teams we play would be screwed.

                There's a few reasons, all of them better than the nonsense the media and the ignorant are spewing.

                And suck a dick for what you said about Paterno you fucking sheep.
                Dude, chill....I have had nothing but pleasant dealings with you before....damn dude we chatted about the Black Crowes and the Dead. Chill the fuck out and stop looking at the situation through Blue and White lenses. I happen to agree with you that many more innocent people will be affected if the NCAA gives Penn State the death penalty. That will amount to basically more victims because of that piece of shit Sandusky. All I'm saying does the NCAA not give them the death penalty for a year or two with all the pressure the NCAA is going to be under in the court of public opinion? As far as calling me a sheep for what I said about Paterno? That's rediculous bro..... Everyday I see pictures in the newspaper and see morons on tv holding vigils at Peterno's statue and still professing his innocence. If a person does plenty of good in his life and then behaves in a completely vile and callous manner, I'm sorry.....the bad outweighs the good. The guy was a fucking holier than though, lying sack of shit. I'm sorry if that offends you but get over it. I have rooted for Penn State since I was 9 years old when thy beat Herschel Walker and Georgia for the national title. It's too bad these scumbags were probably letting this monster get away with this shit since then or even before. Fuck Paterno.


                • TFM_Dale
                  ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 7943

                  Originally posted by ODShowtime
                  You don't have any decency. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I know I came at you hard, but I also gave you a chance. Now you can fuck off a die.
                  Fuck off pedophile lover. I am beginning to think Sandusky got to you and you liked it. You are a delusional, psychotic fuck up with fucked up morals if you even begin to think whatever pay out Ped State gives these victims will make things right. I am done discussing this topic with some fucked in the head moron that really thinks a university, football team, and pedophile protecting cock sucker of a coach in Paterno are more important then the children these pedophile protecting cock suckers scarred for life by protecting that sick pedophile prick. You are barely better then they are and you are the poster fuck up on why that fucked up school should get the death penalty. Spew whatever venom you want you sick prick, I am done with this. I just hope if anything like this ever happens to somebody in your family you will show more compassion to them.


                  • Va Beach VH Fan
                    ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 17913

                    Apparently the statue is coming down this weekend.....
                    Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                    "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                    "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth


                    • Von Halen
                      ROTH ARMY WEBMASTER

                      • Dec 2003
                      • 7501

                      Originally posted by Va Beach VH Fan
                      Apparently the statue is coming down this weekend.....

                      The football stadium should come down next.

                      They should be concentrating on education anyway.


                      • fourthcoming

                        Originally posted by Von Halen

                        The football stadium should come down next.

                        They should be concentrating on education anyway.
                        Unfortunately, that will never happen. It all starts in high school. High school Football is the end all be all for almost every high school in suburbia. Arts, sciences, music programs....these all take a hit and get cut from school curriculum's but the almighty precious football is never touched. I played for a year. I'm not going to say EVERY last program, but a majority are run by moron coaches and played by morons. I absolutely love the sport of football and love sports but it's not the end all be all. There are much more important things in life than football programs. I open the local newspaper today to see more pictures of these absolute mindless fools at Penn State holding vigils, leaving cards supporting paterno and taking pictures with his statue on campus. It's mind boggling how people can be in such denial. The Freeh report is very simple to obtain and read for yourself. I can guarantee any idiot who is still supporting Paterno and his family haven't read one page of it.


                        • Va Beach VH Fan
                          ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                          • Dec 2003
                          • 17913

                          Actually, PSU is now saying no decision has been made.....
                          Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                          "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                          "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth


                          • fourthcoming

                            wow....seems like such a simple decision.


                            • Nickdfresh
                              SUPER MODERATOR

                              • Oct 2004
                              • 49219

                              Originally posted by Va Beach VH Fan
                              Apparently the statue is coming down this weekend.....
                              The statue of Joe Pedoturnoh?


                              • PETE'S BROTHER
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 12678

                                Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                                The statue of Joe Pedoturnoh?
                                now now, joe hasn't proven to be a pedophile
                                Another one of those classic genius posts, sure to generate responses. You log on the next day to see what your witty gem has produced to find no one gets it and 2 knotheads want to stick their dicks in it... Well played, sir!!

