Dee Snider Campaigning to "Claim Back" the Horns

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  • Shaun Ponsonby
    • Oct 2004
    • 6409

    Dee Snider Campaigning to "Claim Back" the Horns

    Dee Snider Wants To Take Back The Horns
    Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider has gone to war against those who – and we quote – “misuse the horns”.

    The iconic frontman is fed up with people who have no idea about metal using the horn signs in the most inappropriate situations, and he wants this to stop.

    “You know, I have seen it happen all over the place,” he tells Classic Rock. “Even the AOL organisation are using it in a new advertising campaign. So I decided to start a website,

    “The aim is to raise awareness at what’s going on, and get people talking about it. There is a part of this that’s serious, but it’s also got a tongue in cheek element to it. But I’ve been surprised at how much reaction there’s been from so many headbangers around the world!

    “I don’t want non-metallers taking the piss out of the music we all love. They should use the peace sign or the middle finger. But when an office worker with nothing better to do with his hands throws the horns…that’s wrong!

    “This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are chic shops selling Slayer and Motorhead T-shirts. How crazy is it when you see a designer-style Slayer shirt on sale for $300. Some people think it’s cool to do the horns – ‘Hey, look at me. I’m a headbanger’ – while others are doing it as a mockery.”

    Snider also hopes to unify the entire metal community.

    “Solidarity, my friend, that’s an aim here. There are too many factions in metal these days, all having a go at one another. If my website can unite us all against a common enemy…then I’ll have achieved something.”
    Fast & Bulbous, Got Me?
  • Anonymous
    • May 2004
    • 12749

    Originally posted by Shaun Ponsonby
    “The aim is to raise awareness at what’s going on, and get people talking about it. There is a part of this that’s serious, but it’s also got a tongue in cheek element to it.
    I think this pretty much sums it up. That, and the $300 designer Slayer t-shirts.

    Dee Snyder RAWKS!


    • Anonymous
      • May 2004
      • 12749


      Friday, June 19, 2009 14:27
      Written by Dee Snider

      There is only one, true, proven originator of the heavy metal horns, and that is Ronnie James Dio of Rainbow, Black Sabbath and Dio. Any and all other claimants to this creation are either liars or delusional. Case in point Gene Simmons.

      Gene--a legend in his own right, who can (and does) lay claim to much, but not this--has said that it is in fact he who invented the Metal Horns, siting photos of himself over the years throwing upside down, thumb extended, palms facing out hand gestures. While less informed, metal fans might be fooled and intimidated by Gene’s forceful claims and “photo evidence,” any early fan of Kiss will know that prior to the Metal Horns popularity, Gene always sited comic books, particularly “Spiderman” as the inspiration for much of his onstage body language and unique hand gestures. As a Spiderman and Kiss fan I can tell you, this is in fact where Gene got his “demon hands.” One need only watch any of the Spiderman movies to see the same hand gestures being made each time “Spidey” shoots his webs. And no...Spiderman is not imitating Gene Simmons.

      Now a few years back, there was one other claimant to the creation of the heavy metal horns and for a short time it was looking like Ronnie James Dio might have lied about his personal inspiration (more on that later).

      Herman “Fingers” Feinstein was the lead singer in a late 60’s, early metal band, a la’ Blue Cheer, out of Ohio called “Roher 714” (named after the then popular Quaalude). While the band never actually put out a record, or even had much of a following for that matter (word is the band sucked), there have been a number of photos produced, predating Dio, showing “Fingers” throwing the heavy metal horns. Thankfully, due to new digital photographic technologies and some investigation into Herman Feinstein’s history, it has been discovered that Herman was actually missing the thumb, middle and ring fingers on his right hand! Having been blown off by a high powered firework he held in his hand too long, one fateful fourth of July in the mid-60’s. After surgery, Herman Feinstein was left with permanent metal horns on his right hand. It turns out his nickname “Fingers” was actually an inside joke. So what Feinstein claims to be him originating the metal horns, and what photographs and audiences mistook for the gesture was in fact, Herman simply waving at the crowd...with missing fingers. Case closed.

      Whether it was genuine inspiration, or Ronnie James Dio’s attempt to come up with his own, signature hand gesture to compete with his rival Ozzy Osbourne’s “peace sign,” it can not be denied that Dio was the first to “throw the horns.”

      Ronnie himself has often explained that he took the gesture from his Italian grandmother. “The Horns” as they’re known in Italian culture, are a sign of good luck and used to ward off evil; essentially one in the same. If someone has something positive going for them (a coming child or maybe a new job), family and friends hearing of this good fortune will wave “the horns” at the recipient in an effort to keep away evil, thus bringing good luck. Dio saw the gesture used by his grandma as an empowering one and brought it to the stage in the early 70’s. Fans immediately picked up on the horn gesture and “threw the horns” back at Ronnie. Every night Dio performed, thousands of metal fans left the arenas with not only the memory of a great show, put a new symbol of heavy metal solidarity. But it wouldn’t be until the Rainbow/Sabbath/Dio fans who grew up, started bands and became rock stars themselves that the real spreading of the metal horns would take effect. Like a geometric equation from hell, the one (Ronnie) beget dozens, the dozens beget hundreds and the defining symbol of heavy metal went viral.

      Thank you Ronnie James Dio for giving us a gift even greater than your music or your powerful voice. I’m sure you never expected this to be your greatest legacy.

      When exactly the metal horns jumped the rails (or the shark if you like) and spilled over into the mainstream and other music forms, it is difficult to be certain. I do have my own theory; I blame Bon Jovi (See the mission statement section of this website for more details.), but I can’t prove it irrefutably.

      Origin of the Horn, if you'll pardon the pun.

      DEE is TEH man!


      Cheers! :bottle:
      Last edited by Anonymous; 12-02-2009, 04:32 PM.


      • Kristy
        • Aug 2004
        • 16346

        Originally posted by Shaun Ponsonby

        “I don’t want non-metallers taking the piss out of the music we all love. They should use the peace sign or the middle finger. But when an office worker with nothing better to do with his hands throws the horns…that’s wrong!
        When did Snider start talking like he was English?

        As for his latest adventure into shameless attention-seeking, what's the matter, Dee? VH-1 not calling for your cliche opinions anymore? You know, where you take some metal one-hit wonder from the 80's and ass kiss it to death hoping the folks at VH-1 will give you a signed check?

        And though I can't speak for metal heads (since I'm not one myself) you being their figurehead for a solidarity campaign that no one cares about is probably the most comical shit you pulled since dressing up like a rejected New York Studio 54 drag queen. As for the t-shirts, get fucked, Dee. I've yet to see some "chic" Slayer shirt going for $300 but have seen go for as high as $65 at a Metallica concert. Maybe your lipstick and fishnets will strike fear into the heart of Lars Incorporated to change their prices..?

        Best of luck in your one-man war. Today, chic designers, tomorrow the entire football alumni of Texas A&M.


        • Anonymous
          • May 2004
          • 12749

          Originally posted by chan_bkny
          What does Satan have to say about this?
          Well, if Dio is who I think he is, I believe Satan will approve.

          I WANNA RAWK!

          Cheers! :bottle:


          • Anonymous
            • May 2004
            • 12749

            Originally posted by Kristy
            When did Snider start talking like he was English?

            As for his latest adventure into shameless attention-seeking, what's the matter, Dee? VH-1 not calling for your cliche opinions anymore? You know, where you take some metal one-hit wonder from the 80's and ass kiss it to death hoping the folks at VH-1 will give you a signed check?

            And though I can't speak for metal heads (since I'm not one myself) you being their figurehead for a solidarity campaign that no one cares about is probably the most comical shit you pulled since dressing up like a rejected New York Studio 54 drag queen. As for the t-shirts, get fucked, Dee. I've yet to see some "chic" Slayer shirt going for $300 but have seen go for as high as $65 at a Metallica concert. Maybe your lipstick and fishnets will strike fear into the heart of Lars Incorporated to change their prices..?

            Best of luck in your one-man war. Today, chic designers, tomorrow the entire football alumni of Texas A&M.
            Your misguided & unjustified hatred for the Britainers is clouding your judgment on this, woman.

            This is the best thing Dee did since he decided to stop releasing any more Twisted Sister albums.


            Cheers! :bottle:


            • Kristy
              DIAMOND STATUS
              • Aug 2004
              • 16346

              Originally posted by Imapus_Sylicker
              This is the best thing Dee did since he decided to stop releasing any more Twisted Sister albums.

              Yeah right, what little I know of metal I can't envision Mr. Snider organizing anything other than his pantie drawer. Bur hey, like I said, best of luck to him in trying to keep himself relevant.


              • Anonymous
                • May 2004
                • 12749

                Originally posted by chan_bkny
                Dio?...but I thought Danzig I'm confused.
                Danzig is a pansie next to Dio.

                Danzig is AT BEST, an imp.

                Dio is an Archdaemon.

                If not THE.

                But I'll shut up now. I don't want anybody to find out just how much I know, or exactly how insane I am.

                Cheers! :bottle:


                • Anonymous
                  • May 2004
                  • 12749

                  Originally posted by Kristy
                  Yeah right, what little I know of metal I can't envision Mr. Snider organizing anything other than his pantie drawer. Bur hey, like I said, best of luck to him in trying to keep himself relevant.
                  You often make a lot of sense, but even more often you need to take it easy just a bit.

                  Read the blog, it's quite worth it. He may be a crappy singer, and Twisted Sister maybe just a wee bit above Warrant, if that, but the guy IS pretty funny.

                  Plenty of chuckles to be had at that blog. And somehow, he's right. The horns have been misused for too long.

                  We need to reclaim what is rightfully OURS!

                  Cheers! :bottle:


                  • Anonymous
                    • May 2004
                    • 12749

                    Originally posted by chan_bkny
                    Oh, you'd better had taken that back about Danzig.
                    No, I stand by it. I mean, we ARE comparing him to DIO!

                    The only other guy who could stand toe to toe, face to crotch with Dio would be the late Joey Ramone, and that's just because Joey wouldn't give a shit if he was facing the Devil himself.

                    Which he could be, if the above ever happened.

                    Danzig would only throw himself at His Majesty's feet. And that means he'd probably have to lie flat on his belly to do that, seeing as His Majesty isn't particularly tall.

                    Nah, he couldn't take on Dio.

                    Cheers! :bottle:
                    Last edited by Anonymous; 12-02-2009, 05:00 PM.


                    • Kristy
                      DIAMOND STATUS
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 16346

                      Originally posted by Imapus_Sylicker
                      Twisted Sister maybe just a wee bit above Warrant
                      Un-huh, how about at the bottom of the barrel barely beating out Winger.


                      • Anonymous
                        • May 2004
                        • 12749

                        I just registered. I'm all for this hilarious movement.

                        Dee absofuckinlutely RAWKS!

                        Cheers! :bottle:


                        • Anonymous
                          • May 2004
                          • 12749

                          Originally posted by Kristy
                          Un-huh, how about at the bottom of the barrel barely beating out Winger.
                          Woman, that is cruel.

                          Are you saying I Wanna Rock is below Cherry Pie, tastes so good makes a grown man cry?

                          That's a horrible thing to say.

                          Cheers! :bottle:


                          • Coyote
                            ROTH ARMY SUPREME
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 8185

                            It's bad enough celebutards are "throwing the horns", but when politicians are doing that...

                            Kinda makes you wonder, don't it?
                            Why settle for something you have, if it's not as good as something you're out to get?

                            Originally posted by Seshmeister
                            It's like putting up a YouTube of Bach and playing Chopstix on your Bontempi...


                            • Anonymous
                              • May 2004
                              • 12749

                              Originally posted by chan_bkny
                              OK, then you stand over there with Dio. We'll stand over here.

                              Is that you & Danzig? I always thought you were a bit more asian-looking, not that I'm disappointed or anything.

                              But from the stories you tell, I kinda pictured you as a semi-asian, or asian-american, or caucasian.

                              Oh, that was a good one.

                              Cheers! :bottle:

